zimmerman news

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what are you on about? that's my fuckin point....... im argueing with these dipshits, cause one them stated he was on "lean" so me must of been deranged and violent. I stated codeine sedates you not make you rage.. he said coughsyrups got alcohol in it, I said yea 7% meaning you cant get drunk off the shit and you would OD before the alcohol could have any effect on you other than increase the effect of the codeine.. my god.

That isn't what you said, you might have meant that, but you said the 7% alcohol cough syrup would kill you.robitussin Dm doesn't have codeine in it.

It has Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide

You won't OD on a bottle of it.
Zimmerman testified he identified himself. The jury rejected your claim Martin was justified in his attemted murder with not guilty of manslaughter. The judge didn't press perjury charges. Therefore what we observe by means of the jury verdict make us reject your hypothesis. We must, instead accept the null hypothesis. "Martin was a thug who let his pride make him attack the wrong man with a gun." I suggest you read a book on statistics and logic so you don't make these kind of conjecture mistakes in the future.

I would have to say the null hypothesis is "one man shot another dead. We do not know enough about a) the actions and b) the motives of either participant to confidently say any more than that." Jmo. cn
CN, please, for the love of Dog, close this thread.

Agreed, this has going on long enough.

The man was found innocent and people are still talking what ifs. :dunce:

to hear IS to obey. cn
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