Payson Dispensary

Every club I've been in charged $300 per oz or less. They also obtained the stuff they were marking up from caregiver surplus.

What I can tell you is that dispensaries will resist us tooth and nail on legalization because they're into their little monopoly for $150K plus. We've effectively created another enemy we will have to destroy before it can be legal.

Thats absurd on all accounts.
Buying weed from a club for $300 is a bit absurd, could have gotten it for less on craigslist. Either way, it is apparently cheaper than a dispensary.

I'm sure that all the dispensaries are chomping at the bit to start collecting signatures to legalize marijuana. I'll bet they're sending emails to all their patients right now asking them to come in and sign.

Sorry, but you are so full of crap. There is no justification for the outrageous prices the dispensaries are charging. They are not our friends, they will oppose any reform.
Buying weed from a club for $300 is a bit absurd, could have gotten it for less on craigslist. Either way, it is apparently cheaper than a dispensary.

I'm sure that all the dispensaries are chomping at the bit to start collecting signatures to legalize marijuana. I'll bet they're sending emails to all their patients right now asking them to come in and sign.

Sorry, but you are so full of crap. There is no justification for the outrageous prices the dispensaries are charging. They are not our friends, they will oppose any reform.

Try $465 oz and yet no one is bashing these guys. Because they "aren't a dispensary? LOL

GTFO with that bullshit you hypocrites.

Seriously I don't even own a Dispensary and can honestly say you guys are for the most part, a bunch of dickbags that like to squak hot air on the net.

You want to be taken seriously? Start bashing ANYONE who is charging $400-500z. Not just going after the Dispensary people because they got lucky with their fucking lotto ball and happen to be fiscally responsible enough to start a business.

Fuckin buncha moms basement, keyboard warriors the lot of ya.

(old man rant off)
$465 is disgusting...
Top shelf quality or not, f on that all day long.
Must be gold dust on those buds...

Better yet, do people pay those prices?
I'm not going to bash collectives because I didn't loose my grow rights when they moved in and started selling. There was still a choice and one could still grow their own for $50 per Oz.

What you're supporting here is a system which renders patients totally naked and subject to being fucked in the ass by a big black monopoly dick.

Might be a basement warrior but at least I'm not a dispensary shill.
I'm not going to bash collectives because I didn't loose my grow rights when they moved in and started selling. There was still a choice and one could still grow their own for $50 per Oz.

What you're supporting here is a system which renders patients totally naked and subject to being fucked in the ass by a big black monopoly dick.

Might be a basement warrior but at least I'm not a dispensary shill.

Dispensary Shill?

If that is what you call a common sense thinking grown up that is capable of rational thought and reasonable discourse, then I guess I am.
$465 is disgusting...
Top shelf quality or not, f on that all day long.
Must be gold dust on those buds...

Better yet, do people pay those prices?

I can go to Wal Mart and buy a pair of shoes for $20 or a purse for the same. I can go to Macy's and buy shoes for $200 or a purse for the same. I can go to Rodeo Drive and buy a pair of shoes for $2000 or a purse for the same. Price differences like this are everywhere, $5 for a pair of sunglasses vs. $250 for a pair of G & B sunglasses.

Yes people pay those prices and soon we'll see a dispensary in Bev. Hills or Denver selling designer buds at $1000 an oz.
Dispensary Shill?

If that is what you call a common sense thinking grown up that is capable of rational thought and reasonable discourse, then I guess I am.

Dude im not sure where you got this sudden "holier than thou" attitude, but stop being such a fake ass. NO fiscally minded ADULT would purchase meds from a dispensary, purchasing a product for 2x what you can get it elsewhere is stupid monetary policy, any common sense thinking grown up knows that. YOU coming on here and telling people they have an immature thought process is laughable...cuz arent you the guy that threatens to fight people mma style in your buddies gym when you lose an argument????? REAL MATURE BRAH!

Also you ARE a dispensary shill, you have stated in different threads that you works for them, run them, give advice to them, and ACTIVELY promote them and their inferior product(YOUR PRODUCT more than likely). In fact EVERY CHANCE you get you are on here talking about some new super grow facility you and ONLY you got the privilege to see, and you talk about all the industry people you know....."always affiliated"
You are a phony ass money hungry dick bag, that uses "smoke and mirror" huckster-ism to appear to be knowledgeable in a subject it's obvious you have not a friggin clue about. (EVERYONE Shows pics, sort of the purpose of the site, yet you NEVER show anything for fear of being found out as the biggest fucking liar on the site)

No one here believes ANYTHING you say, because you CONSTANTLY Lie your ass off, and have zero proof to back up ANY of your wild claims.

If you really do work for a dispensary, you are a bad person, and you should feel bad. YOU Are the type of person that is killing this first people second, fuck everyone else that ain't me and mine.

FUCK YOU!!!! You are a fake ass liar and we all know it. You're so full of shit i could use ur toenails as fertilizer.....
You still talkin loud and aint't saying shit Hydra. Like always. Nice to see you have found someone to finally like you on a forum and become your little follower. Too cute.
Vorenus Position -- Dispensaries should be the only ones to sell marijuana and should be allowed to sell it for far more than going black market rate regardless of their quality. Monopolies are good because they prevent competition and generate more profit. Marijuana is not a medicine, it is a commodity to be exploited and sold for as much as possible.

Do I have that correct?
You still talkin loud and aint't saying shit Hydra. Like always. Nice to see you have found someone to finally like you on a forum and become your little follower. Too cute.

LOL i just said a few paragraphs of shit that you have zero intelligent response for, thus your juvenile deflection attempt. You still have nothing but big talk(lies) about commercial growing and how you are far too smart to post pics online(cuz obv you are such a badass kingpin the feds are just waiting for YOU to slip up) but it all stinks loudly of a liar sitting at home living in his own little dream world.

no one gives any credence to anything you say, and you only stick around to troll and get into internet fights. You offer nothing of value to any conversation you are apart of, and whats worse you genuinely dont seem to know what you are talking about half the time.

But im sure you you wont actually respond to anything with anything other than a lame deflection about how i live at home with my mom, or home i dwell in a basement.
Or how you can beat me up and make me cry into my blankie at night.......

Typically sad forum trolling tools of a lame lying bastard.....
I await what will no doubt be a BRILLIANT retort.....
Vorenus Position -- Dispensaries should be the only ones to sell marijuana and should be allowed to sell it for far more than going black market rate regardless of their quality. Monopolies are good because they prevent competition and generate more profit. Marijuana is not a medicine, it is a commodity to be exploited and sold for as much as possible.

Do I have that correct?

It would be correct, on opposite day. If that is all you get out of my posts then you are probably not going to understand too much from here on so I will bow out gracefully.

Hydra- I give no credence to you numbskull retorts.
Come on guys... take your squabbles to private messages.
Stop hating on each other. Everyone is allowed opinions.
LV grows some good buds from what I have seen, so that argument is now settled.
FYI....The Payson dispensary had their inspection yesterday and got approved.Should be open soon so better renew your card if you can if you want to grow another year ;)

Are you sure what is your source? Everything I read from the Payson gazette indicated it was going to be much longer.