How many times can you regenerate a cannabis plant?


Well-Known Member
You can re-veg as many times as you want.
But the plant (from what I've experienced) becomes un-stable and hermaphrodites.


Active Member
IMO Learn to clone or grow from seed each time.
Re-veg a plant takes allot of time before you can flower it again.
I can grow a plant from seed to finish in the time it takes a plant to be ready to flower again after re-veging it

The only time I think its worth it to re-veg is when its the only way to save/keep a amazing plant.
What I mean by amazing is a pheno you will probably never see again from that strain.


Well-Known Member
you spend 6 months reveging until you get a healthy enough plant to flower again. while you push out 2 harvests a year I push 6. cloning is much easier


Active Member
mj is a seasonal plant, so its expecting itself to veg 10 months a year every year, until the death of the earth :P

revegging a plant indoors is a risky experience, as already mentioned it can go hermie of not done right, and takes 6 upto months. however.....if done correctly then a revegged plant will yeild some frosty buds indeed!
i seen one just a few months ago which was put back into veg 3 weeks into flower, and after 6 months was put back into flower..... it resulted in buds growing off buds and was quite a sight!! really isnt woth the time and risk though, clones much faster, seeds much faster, its really something youd do if you were forced to.


mj is a seasonal plant, so its expecting itself to veg 10 months a year every year, until the death of the earth :P

revegging a plant indoors is a risky experience, as already mentioned it can go hermie of not done right, and takes 6 upto months. however.....if done correctly then a revegged plant will yeild some frosty buds indeed!
i seen one just a few months ago which was put back into veg 3 weeks into flower, and after 6 months was put back into flower..... it resulted in buds growing off buds and was quite a sight!! really isnt woth the time and risk though, clones much faster, seeds much faster, its really something youd do if you were forced to.

How can u be forced into reveg? I mean, u could always take a cutting and clone and hereby keep its genetics going, right?
Humm.. Come to think of it, isn't cloning just reveging a cutting? :confused:


Well-Known Member
How can u be forced into reveg? I mean, u could always take a cutting and clone and hereby keep its genetics going, right?
Humm.. Come to think of it, isn't cloning just reveging a cutting? :confused:
If you ate trying to save those genetics... Your clones died and the only way too keep it alive is to reveg then clone it again....


IMO Learn to clone or grow from seed each time.
Re-veg a plant takes allot of time before you can flower it again.
I can grow a plant from seed to finish in the time it takes a plant to be ready to flower again after re-veging it

The only time I think its worth it to re-veg is when its the only way to save/keep a amazing plant.
What I mean by amazing is a pheno you will probably never see again from that strain.
i disagree .. i currently have a nice durban female regenning for the 4th time !!!
after harvest . .it takes about 2 weeks for the regen to get underway .. another 2-3 weeks with 18-24 hr light ,
then 12 hour flower and you can harvest again in about a month .. a lot quicker than cloning , plus you
start with with a full root growth ..
plant in Feb , harvest in may , regen , then put outdoors in mid june .. big bush ..


Well-Known Member
I've seen really old Thai plants, ( In Thailand ) Villagers claim 5 + years.
Main stalk is like a tree trunk. They harvest, chop it back, re veg, harvest etc. Of course it is Thailand.
Amazing smoke!

I just use clones myself.


Well-Known Member
I think you mean re-growing -- where you harvest a plant but leave some greenery so you can re-veg and re-flower on your way to a re-harvest.

I've been doing re-grows for years and they average 10% of my perpetual grow. With re-grows you typically have 2 bud sites on the second grow where you had a single bud site the first harvest. Re-grow yields average 125-150% of the first harvest because of the increase in the number of buds. However, the second growth buds will be a bit smaller than the original bud. So it's kind of a trade-off. more but smaller buds.

I re-grow bushy plants, not the tall scrawny ones, because you want to leave a double-handful of greenery around the base of the plant after the first harvest. Re-grows are also faster. A re-grown plant that took 6 weeks to veg the first time will reach the same size in 4-5 weeks the second time around. Same with flowering, because the nugs are smaller you can knock a week or so off the re-flowering time too. PM me with any specific questions about re-growing. Glad to help.

Good luck, BigSteve.


I think you mean re-growing -- where you harvest a plant but leave some greenery so you can re-veg and re-flower on your way to a re-harvest.

I've been doing re-grows for years and they average 10% of my perpetual grow. With re-grows you typically have 2 bud sites on the second grow where you had a single bud site the first harvest. Re-grow yields average 125-150% of the first harvest because of the increase in the number of buds. However, the second growth buds will be a bit smaller than the original bud. So it's kind of a trade-off. more but smaller buds.

I re-grow bushy plants, not the tall scrawny ones, because you want to leave a double-handful of greenery around the base of the plant after the first harvest. Re-grows are also faster. A re-grown plant that took 6 weeks to veg the first time will reach the same size in 4-5 weeks the second time around. Same with flowering, because the nugs are smaller you can knock a week or so off the re-flowering time too. PM me with any specific questions about re-growing. Glad to help.

Good luck, BigSteve.
thanks Big Steve .. i really like the regen , or regrow method .. i expect to have a good rotation going soon , and will also
put a few outdoors , when the time is right ..
on my first reqrow , i stripped everything except for a couple of "nodes" and it did quite well , then i read where you should
leave a few of the small , interior buds , which i did and got a much bushier plant ...
Currently starting the 4 th grow on a nice Durban plant . I was just wondering if anyone has had anything like 10 regrows..
I prefer this to cloning, but then i'm working a small space , if i had a larger operation , i'd have to get good at cloning ..
also , potency seems to remain strong .. .garce


bigsteve ... taking you up on your offer .. this one is about ferts and nutes .. i have not been able to find a decent answer
after much searching ..
My biggest question is this .. if i use a liquid fert , like DYNA GRO(and dyna bloom) .. it that all i need ? or do i still
fert with NPK and add the DG occasionally ?
I cannot seem to find any product that has ONLY the micro nutes , which help the plants better use NPK ..
I would like to prepare my own soil/compost mix , and just supplement with micro nutes , then use a bloom product
during flower ..
I have also read about "flushing" .. does that only work with the liquids ? When i'm ready to switch to flower , if i've
been using something like Espoma organic(NPK) , will i be able to flush that nitrogen ?
thanks ... garce