The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well if he a gamekeeper he shld have a firearms......tbh its not hard to get one as long as your record not that bad......u have to pay like 50 sqid....coppa comes cheks ya gaff guncubords bolted to wall safe ect......thats it realy....
my step brother had a 3 shot semi auto shotgun, he filled it like 4 times and took a tree down with it, heres one thing i cant understand, my ex foster parents son owned an 8 shot semi auto, but when i speak about it people say he couldnt have they are illegal you know anything about that, he used to rape the clay pigeons with it, he was also a gamekeeper and had like 30-40 guns mostly for hire, but he did have some serious shit had a revolver pistol, all sorts of airrifles and proper 308 deer huntin rifles


Well-Known Member
well yer they are illegal for hunting......but i still make them lol....shhhhhh
lol illegal for hunting? thats all we ever used to use, for foxes, deer, rabbits etc never used the normal bullets unless we were at a clay pigeon event or summit, i won 500 and 250 12 bore shells in a charity clay pigeon even ended up something like 140/155 hit, only 15 misses with the 20 bore not too bad,
won the under 16's lineup didnt miss any clay pigeons out of the 30 or so we all had to go through, the whole time i was using the 20 bore aswell


Well-Known Member
yer i put fre pics up of bunnys i shot otherday with my 223 bullet rifle.....we use whats called lamping at a red filter over a bright beem and makes there eyes glow like the cats eyes u se in center of road.......aim for that....and its goodnite
yah i got an airrile cuz my step bro got a new one, was like a 22 rifle u cocked it and it would cock pellets into the barrel instead of snappin it in half every shot, thing was a beast rarley had to put a second shot into rabbits, unlike mines where i had to aim for the eyes all the time lol


Well-Known Member
im on bout bullets...not pellits lol
lol illegal for hunting? thats all we ever used to use, for foxes, deer, rabbits etc never used the normal bullets unless we were at a clay pigeon event or summit, i won 500 and 250 12 bore shells in a charity clay pigeon even ended up something like 140/155 hit, only 15 misses with the 20 bore not too bad,
won the under 16's lineup didnt miss any clay pigeons out of the 30 or so we all had to go through, the whole time i was using the 20 bore aswell


Well-Known Member
well if he a gamekeeper he shld have a firearms......tbh its not hard to get one as long as your record not that bad......u have to pay like 50 sqid....coppa comes cheks ya gaff guncubords bolted to wall safe ect......thats it realy....
yah, used to get the checks for the closet at home, x2 bolted steel cupboards, think my foster dad had 5 shotguns only 1 20 bore an a side by side that was never used some sport shottys and then the usual for down the river, he had a 243 x2 .22's and think he had a 308 but was never used so he got rid of it, and when i first moved in he had a pistol, but got rid of that aswell


Well-Known Member
had a dear few mnths back......was good 200 yards.........shot it i hit ded on took its bottom jaw clean off n came out back of its nek lol


Well-Known Member
im on bout bullets...not pellits lol
im not on about pellits, i used to shoot almost everyday, but wasnt aloud out myself with anything but the air rifle, but yeah .22 hollow points and the 243 hollows for the bigger stuff, only ever used the 308 once and missed


Well-Known Member
nice man....i got a clay pig macheene in me garage electric one so wen i shout it fires id u get me.......i use my sidebysides for that....good fun....
yah, used to get the checks for the closet at home, x2 bolted steel cupboards, think my foster dad had 5 shotguns only 1 20 bore an a side by side that was never used some sport shottys and then the usual for down the river, he had a 243 x2 .22's and think he had a 308 but was never used so he got rid of it, and when i first moved in he had a pistol, but got rid of that aswell


Well-Known Member
had a dear few mnths back......was good 200 yards.........shot it i hit ded on took its bottom jaw clean off n came out back of its nek lol
iv seen a few deer shot, not as easy as it seems ehh, i seen a 243 shot hit a deer an it still runs a mile or more away, the dogs nearly got lost onit haha


Well-Known Member
lol bet u got a kik off that 243 and 308.....
im not on about pellits, i used to shoot almost everyday, but wasnt aloud out myself with anything but the air rifle, but yeah .22 hollow points and the 243 hollows for the bigger stuff, only ever used the 308 once and missed


Well-Known Member
ah man this one droped were it stood......even gutted n skinned it dam she taisted good.......
iv seen a few deer shot, not as easy as it seems ehh, i seen a 243 shot hit a deer an it still runs a mile or more away, the dogs nearly got lost onit haha


Well-Known Member
nice man....i got a clay pig macheene in me garage electric one so wen i shout it fires id u get me.......i use my sidebysides for that....good fun....
yah i never used the side by side, but we had the leccy ones aswell, mental we used an old spring reloaded one once stacked it up with about 100 clays an when it sprung open it snapped every single one of em, lol the good old days wed start with about 4-5k clay pigeons and a lil mroe in ammo, by 5 o clock wed have fuck all to shoot at and no ammo lol it does go fast when ur enjoying urself, infact some gimp shot my foster dads land rover with the shotty, stupid cunt but he never got the engine or anythin just a spread of holes in the side metal lol


Well-Known Member
ah man this one droped were it stood......even gutted n skinned it dam she taisted good.......
thats ones thing i hated, guttin and skinnin, was my job for a couple months skinning/guttin rabbits, deer foxes etc such a fuckin borin job doin that all day, an hard as fuck to get a deer bigger than urself skinned and hung
i only shot a few deer but was quite rare ud see one drop unless it was a head/throat shot, an also seen a fox take a 22 to the head and run away, believe that, apparently thers a myth or summit where the bullit pings off a certain spot in the forehead of the fox lol was unbelevable when i saw it, an every deer i shot done a runner on me but we had 10 dogs so that wernt a problem 6 labs and 2 spaniels were amazin dogs could walk through london with them all of the lead and theys stay right next to u, an they would jus go for throat shots and hold on till u got there unless it was somethin smaller theyd be draggin it back to ya


Well-Known Member
what a he was pissed.....yer we got a landy lifted ect for shooting.......
yah i never used the side by side, but we had the leccy ones aswell, mental we used an old spring reloaded one once stacked it up with about 100 clays an when it sprung open it snapped every single one of em, lol the good old days wed start with about 4-5k clay pigeons and a lil mroe in ammo, by 5 o clock wed have fuck all to shoot at and no ammo lol it does go fast when ur enjoying urself, infact some gimp shot my foster dads land rover with the shotty, stupid cunt but he never got the engine or anythin just a spread of holes in the side metal lol


Well-Known Member
fbukin stink dow thay esp if u pierce there guts lmaoooooooooo
thats ones thing i hated, guttin and skinnin, was my job for a couple months skinning/guttin rabbits, deer foxes etc such a fuckin borin job doin that all day, an hard as fuck to get a deer bigger than urself skinned and hung


Well-Known Member
fbukin stink dow thay esp if u pierce there guts lmaoooooooooo
noob, i used to take the guts out, what is it where all the shit is, i was taught a trick to take it out without burstin it done well, but still the smells bad enough but used to be like hannibal lecter in my barn skinnin allsorts of animals an that for the summer, was good tho i got money forit and got to drive the quad around when iw asnt doin anythin, an used to have to go check all the snares and rat traps around the forest near the house aswell, was good having that sorta freedom, think i was 11 or 12 when i done this aswell


Well-Known Member
yer man respect to ya...kno what u meen bout freedom.....if ive had bad day at work or missis n kids stressin me out.....just jump in landy and do some shooting.....
noob, i used to take the guts out, what is it where all the shit is, i was taught a trick to take it out without burstin it done well, but still the smells bad enough but used to be like hannibal lecter in my barn skinnin allsorts of animals an that for the summer, was good tho i got money forit and got to drive the quad around when iw asnt doin anythin, an used to have to go check all the snares and rat traps around the forest near the house aswell, was good having that sorta freedom, think i was 11 or 12 when i done this aswell


Well-Known Member
yer man respect to ya...kno what u meen bout freedom.....if ive had bad day at work or missis n kids stressin me out.....just jump in landy and do some shooting.....
wishi could do that, dont live with them foster parents no more, left like6 years ago, but i never liked shooting like i liked fishing, that was where it realy was at for me, fly fishiun none of this spinner shiyte sit with a j an a cheapo spinner, im talkin proper two handed fly rods for salmon, i used to have a 16 footer hardeys rod, thing was a beast worth like 7 ton aswell, but i loved the fishing man, i still got a wee 7 foot trout rod, thinkin about gettin some new flys an that an goin off to a trout pond see how my cast is nowadays, i used to be abled to cast a 16 footer left or right handed (the 2 sides of the river its learn or only fish on 1 side) unless ur doin some sort of double spey cast like a complete fud, but ya i loved fishing, need to get mysel sorted and get back out there, pack lunch and a few joints, and be off to that trout pond

when there was nobody fishin (jus gonna call it my river even tho it wernt) my river id fish 10 hours a day easily, caught a 42 lb salmon up north aswell, had to fight withit for over 2 hours, then finally i got some backup an got the net after it the net was actually a bit small forit, but we still got the bastard, hmmm smoked salmon we had off it, was beutifull was the only fish we kept when on that trip cuz it was the biggest caught of the season even tho was like the 2nd month of the season lol, i fishes the river tay and some other river an then there was my river the best lmao


Well-Known Member
yer man do lot fishin meself bro few comps ere and there on the carp pools lol.....tell u sommert tho i shit me pants the once out shooting was pitch black quiert nite next thing i knew herd a noise and then a loud growling then this badger comes charging at me lmao u shld of seen me run.....
wishi could do that, dont live with them foster parents no more, left like6 years ago, but i never liked shooting like i liked fishing, that was where it realy was at for me, fly fishiun none of this spinner shiyte sit with a j an a cheapo spinner, im talkin proper two handed fly rods for salmon, i used to have a 16 footer hardeys rod, thing was a beast worth like 7 ton aswell, but i loved the fishing man, i still got a wee 7 foot trout rod, thinkin about gettin some new flys an that an goin off to a trout pond see how my cast is nowadays, i used to be abled to cast a 16 footer left or right handed (the 2 sides of the river its learn or only fish on 1 side) unless ur doin some sort of double spey cast like a complete fud, but ya i loved fishing, need to get mysel sorted and get back out there, pack lunch and a few joints, and be off to that trout pond


Well-Known Member
funny thing is tho my natrl reaction was to run...i had a bludy pump action shotty in me hands at the time lmao...