

Active Member
  • Phoenix - Temperatures are expected to max out in the middle to upper 110s Friday through Sunday. It's possible that we could see highs flirt with 120 degrees on Friday and Saturday. Phoenix has only been in the 120s three other times in history. In addition, no heat relief is expected during the overnight and early morning with lows only dropping into the low 90s through early next week.
Whew, I'm in my 60's and have lived in Hawaii, Southern Calif., southern Florida, northern Wisconsin and Costa Rica. I've dealt with cold, high humidity, tornado's, hurricanes, and earthquakes, but nothing is as tough as temps consistently over 100 degrees. The heat drains my energy to get up and go and get things done, and I noticed last summer that the heat gets people irritable, including me :)

I'm hoping my air conditioner doesn't blow up this weekend.
Summer temps like these make me wonder if the mild winter is really worth it. I can always put on more clothes in the winter but I can only take off so many in the summer and if you've seen me I shouldn't be taking off to many.
Are you guys natives? I've been here my whole life and while I wouldn't stand in the sun for long, summers aren't all that bad to me. As long as you have an air conditioned car to take you to your air conditioned work/home/whatever, it's far better than any winter, even the mild AZ winters. I've even spent summers driving around without a/c in my car and I still prefer that to the winter, personally I just can not STAND being cold! Heat is uncomfortable, but cold feels like death! And if you wear enough clothing to be warm in the winter then all those layers are uncomfortable anyways, and you still have cold ears/nose/hands etc. (unless you dress like you're on the north pole which would like quite funny in AZ). That's probably just me though
I can't stand being cold either, grew up in Wisc. and on my 18th birthday I headed south and havent seen or missed snow since. Beach living on the north shore in Hawaii was the best for weather, never below 60 and never past 90.

I zip around and do errands on my scooter and I'm not looking forward to 45 miles an hour of Az summer heat swooshing up my shorts while driving around.
Yeah this weekend and whole summer is going to be rough, somehow I am always flowering right in the middle of summer. AC is going to be working a lot of overtime this summer good thing I just had them both serviced. I love the summers here but my plants and electric bill hate them
I'm at 3700ft ele... don't even have a swamp box and yeah, it has been warm...toward the late afternoon. Not native...but been here longer than a lot of natives.
I have 4 X 60 A/C in my car, too. It SUX. Damp towel for longer commutes

y'all be careful.

....and I hve a sprout out. It is in the ground and has a little cage of alu window screen over her.
Wow why do none of us have A/c in our cars???

I drive an older Import "sports" car and have chosen to fix the stuff that makes it fast, before i fixed the stuff that makes it temperate.......
Damn thing has BLACK leather seats too....... im a sweaty backed bastard in the summers.
ouch. lol ... I'd probably do the bus or just not go anywhere at all
I see you have never ridden the bus! Someone stole my car May 30. I bought a bike and ride the bus now. Grocery shopping is a bitch! Especially when the stops between lines are a quarter mile from each other and the other bus won't wait! I'm pushing 60, and this shit ain't funny! :)'s still better than Indiana! :)
I see you have never ridden the bus! Someone stole my car May 30. I bought a bike and ride the bus now. Grocery shopping is a bitch! Especially when the stops between lines are a quarter mile from each other and the other bus won't wait! I'm pushing 60, and this shit ain't funny! :)'s still better than Indiana! :)

Have your groceries delivered for free from Albertsons or frys...both offer FREE dilivery