Irs Scandal and Tea Party leaders


Well-Known Member
HOw would it go if they put the leaders of the targetted Tea Party groups on the stand in a congressional hearing to tell the world of their "Social Welfare" accomplishments since they got 501c status?

Since none of them were denied. They should have a huge list of all the good they have done. And I want to hear about it.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
HOw would it go if they put the leaders of the targetted Tea Party groups on the stand in a congressional hearing to tell the world of their "Social Welfare" accomplishments since they got 501c status?

Since none of them were denied. They should have a huge list of all the good they have done. And I want to hear about it.
I thought you left here, never to return?


Well-Known Member


New Member
HOw would it go if they put the leaders of the targetted Tea Party groups on the stand in a congressional hearing to tell the world of their "Social Welfare" accomplishments since they got 501c status?

Since none of them were denied. They should have a huge list of all the good they have done. And I want to hear about it.
I heard obamas charity group delayed applying for 501c status specifically to avoid the scrutiny... Obama knew, just as he knew what was happening in Benghazi and either ordered the stand down himself or supported someone in the NCA giving the order...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you're so angry and misguided. go jerk off to some dick morris and you'll feel better.

the guy who approved added scrutiny was a conservative republican, smarty.

'Conservative Republican' IRS Staffer Takes Credit for Tea Party Scrutiny

Hey Buck..

You know more about DICK than I do...You better worry about billy's Dick..I believe that Dick Morris was Billy's Dick at one time...Now for the IRS agents , The ones at the Top of the food chain the ones that don't know anything or took the fifth are lying pieces of shit and they need to go to jail for being lying pieces of shit...I think they got a little to far up BarryO's ass...


Well-Known Member
Hey Buck..

You know more about DICK than I do...You better worry about billy's Dick..I believe that Dick Morris was Billy's Dick at one time...Now for the IRS agents , The ones at the Top of the food chain the ones that don't know anything or took the fifth are lying pieces of shit and they need to go to jail for being lying pieces of shit...I think they got a little to far up BarryO's ass...
yeah, you got nothing.

a conservative republican OK'ed the extra scrutiny.

"progressive" and "blue" groups were also scrutinized.

some fucking scandal. :roll: at least it caught a few prize idiots though. do you feel proud about being swindled like that?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
yeah, you got nothing.

a conservative republican OK'ed the extra scrutiny.

"progressive" and "blue" groups were also scrutinized.

some fucking scandal. :roll: at least it caught a few prize idiots though. do you feel proud about being swindled like that?
Hey Buck...

Do I feel proud about being swindled ?.....I am not sure where you are going with the do I feel proud thing......I feel pissed off and I want heads to roll thats all....


Well-Known Member
Hey Buck...

Do I feel proud about being swindled ?.....I am not sure where you are going with the do I feel proud thing......I feel pissed off and I want heads to roll thats all....
heads to roll over what?

a conservative republican ok'ed the extra scrutiny of so called "social welfare" groups from all over the political spectrum.


you were duped.

back to the drawing board. time to invent a new scandal to take the focus off the improving home values, 401Ks that are doing well again, lower unemployment and a sharply reduced deficit.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
heads to roll over what?

a conservative republican ok'ed the extra scrutiny of so called "social welfare" groups from all over the political spectrum.


you were duped.

back to the drawing board. time to invent a new scandal to take the focus off the improving home values, 401Ks that are doing well again, lower unemployment and a sharply reduced deficit.
Hey Buck...

I don't have to invent some new scandal to change the fact that the lying bitch that took the fifth needs to man up and admit that her head was so far up BarryOs ass she couldn't think straight...The spin I am hearing and the spin you are using doesn't work on me...I am not one of those glassy eyed followers that seem to be sitting behind BarryO in all of his little campaign speaches...BarryO and all of the people behind him are known documented liers at a level i have never seen before...Its getting kind of scary...


Well-Known Member
Hey Buck...

I don't have to invent some new scandal to change the fact that the lying bitch that took the fifth needs to man up and admit that her head was so far up BarryOs ass she couldn't think straight...The spin I am hearing and the spin you are using doesn't work on me...I am not one of those glassy eyed followers that seem to be sitting behind BarryO in all of his little campaign speaches...BarryO and all of the people behind him are known documented liers at a level i have never seen before...Its getting kind of scary...
describe the scandal that touched you, and exactly where the scandal touched you.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
describe the scandal that touched you, and exactly where the scandal touched you.

When that lying IRS bitch starts talking I will have a better answer for you....I hope they wipe the brown off of her lips before she starts talking other wise she will seems kinda stupid to be in charge of a department of the IRS......


Well-Known Member
heads to roll over what?

a conservative republican ok'ed the extra scrutiny of so called "social welfare" groups from all over the political spectrum.


you were duped.

back to the drawing board. time to invent a new scandal to take the focus off the improving home values, 401Ks that are doing well again, lower unemployment and a sharply reduced deficit.
Resident cock smoker has been watching too much MSNBC.

In a letter sent late Wednesday and released Thursday, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George said that just 30 percent of groups with the word “progressive” in their name were put through special scrutiny for tax-exempt applications, but 100 percent of groups with “tea party,” “patriot” or “9/12” in their name were subjected to invasive questioning.

Read more:

[h=1]IRS: Liberal groups got less scrutiny than Tea Party[/h]

The explanation, in the network’s own analysis, comes down to this: breaking news is not really what MSNBC does.

“We’re not the place for that,” said Phil Griffin, the channel’s president, in reference to covering breaking events as CNN does. “Our brand is not that.”
The brand, one MSNBC has cultivated with success, is defined by its tagline, “The Place for Politics,” and a skew toward left-wing, progressive political talk


Well-Known Member
ah, so the claim went from "they were targeting conservative groups!" to the lesser claim of "conservative groups got more scrutiny!"

all this according to george w bush appointee j. russell george, who was caught omitting information in his reports :lol:

buck up, my three-tooth having, semi-illiterate buttercup. maybe there is still some scandal in there somewhere!

face it, you got duped.

nice sig, by the way. still waiting on you to post one iota of evidence, rather than your semi-illiterate asshurt.


New Member
according to the republican appointee who was caught omitting information (see: lying).

still waiting on evidence of that snitching rather than a link to nowhere, mullet boy.
Members saw that thread, even before you asked mods to close/delete it... You should know because you posted in that thread... Or did you conveniently forget?

then there's your online handle...