The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah sambo I need some hard hitters due to tolerance so lookin forward to me next grow also got some soma ah, y so expensive soma? but im runnin his nyc d an love the genetics, also got some humbolt trainwreck to go after the inspection....I took the little uns out an about today fukin crackin weather an I am falling off the wagon tonite wiv da redders an a ribeye steak, medium.
iv got the same idea indi. steak and a nice fat joint with a shit load of sweets and goodies for later on when I get the munchies lol


Well-Known Member
iv got the same idea indi. steak and a nice fat joint with a shit load of sweets and goodies for later on when I get the munchies lol
I don't get the munchies, more tha oppo... it feels like food to me so can go wivout eating.wifes tha same ..well funny cos everyone else is I ever smoke wiv is takin out the fridge after half hour, saw on fat geeza eat five kit kats and several bags of monster munch then get a fukin pizza an a curry sent...I was sippin my cuppa no milk


Well-Known Member
time flies its ben 2 weeks and ill prob go back to green tea, we are always growin new strains so can always generally get high, but tbh I get a lot of med benefit from it so use it from waking unless im doing that other thing u no about, then im mr strait, but thankfully the trading an growin is suitin my lazy arse bettr...u more of a vod man wiv a bit o weed at harvest time...nice fer tha coin man
i really carnt afford to smoke it all the time or do i want too really im lazy enough as it is but when im smoking cause i also carnt help but to binge on it im even more lazy if thats possible, i get theres med sides to it just never used weed/hash for that reason meself, my best mate has bad chrons disease and is on all sorts of pain pills but nuffing helps him like the weed, and me brother in law is ina wheelchair from a motobike accident without smoke he gets quite ill now.


Well-Known Member
yeah theres a lot of us who only need the one medicine, some of us are stupid enuf to grow it...dangerous fuked up drug that it isn't...and all the pain...blah blah etc jus goes, its also a really nice smoke and it can help you (me) come off real drugs....tho I accept its not for all


Well-Known Member
I don't get the munchies, more tha oppo... it feels like food to me so can go wivout eating.wifes tha same ..well funny cos everyone else is I ever smoke wiv is takin out the fridge after half hour, saw on fat geeza eat five kit kats and several bags of monster munch then get a fukin pizza an a curry sent...I was sippin my cuppa no milk
depends what strain im smoking but this BBC make me eat the whole house out lol. last night I had 4 bowls of cereal one after the other cause we had no munch in lol, not makin the same mistake again tonight, well stocked up for me to tear the cubords apart like an animal ha


Well-Known Member
depends what strain im smoking but this BBC make me eat the whole house out lol. last night I had 4 bowls of cereal one after the other cause we had no munch in lol, not makin the same mistake again tonight, well stocked up for me to tear the cubords apart like an animal ha
toffee nut popcorn...biggest bag u can find


Well-Known Member
any 1 ever watched that 'this is what we can do when we grow' some young lad doin a low budget documentary. its quite a good watch, make ya think y the fuck is weed still illegal after all the good things it can do.


Well-Known Member
ive eaten to the point where ive been sick lol fuck i hate the munchies and get em everytime i smoke heavy.

i no someone like you tho indi, who it also has the opposite effect i wish i was like that lol


Well-Known Member
ive eaten to the point where ive been sick lol fuck i hate the munchies and get em everytime i smoke heavy.

i no someone like you tho indi, who it also has the opposite effect i wish i was like that lol
ha ah yeah weird one wen I became a daily smokervaper I lost fat...used to be nr 16 st now bang on 13 1/2 and I eat homecooked food all day long, shud be a fukin elephant but only eat wen hungry...weed has done all this to me


Well-Known Member
ha ah yeah weird one wen I became a daily smokervaper I lost fat...used to be nr 16 st now bang on 13 1/2 and I eat homecooked food all day long, shud be a fukin elephant but only eat wen hungry...weed has done all this to me
im a fat fucker anyway mate, if i smoked like you do indi they would have too knock down walls etc to get me out the house after a year lol

i just carnt control it when stoned, and will eat bloody anything even stuff i dont like but just cause i got the munchies.


Well-Known Member
one glass wine feel it already...v nice, prolly get lashed and go an abuse me veg plants, some jus love it, I am gonna run some vanilla kush again cos she is one tough bitch an loves bdsm...topping fer 4, lollipoppin, lst hst an supercropped every node...jus got fatter and bigger and yielded such heavy quality the dealers bin askin fer it, piece of piss fer me as I can always get a big yield from vanilla tho


Well-Known Member
drink o clock indeed, im on sme pukka stuff tonite, mrs went to fukin waitrose an got some nice frenchy an my steak is ribeye but hers is like a nice bit of fat on me steak tho so im happy...can fukin smell it now..ummmm


Well-Known Member
i love fillet,ribeye,sirloin,t-bone medium to well, pink but no blood, ill have mine with asparagus,doulphinese pots and some mushrooms too please indi lol


Well-Known Member
I just scored me some grapefruit diesel , & some blueberry ! V yummy ! Good Q too, I 'm a trough donky after a smoke ! No foodstuff's are safe ! Mrs cooking steak with peppercorn sauce, mushrooms , onion rings ect as I type , fucking starving ! On another note , I have seriouse thripige down the shed ! Don't wanna spray anything now , only 3 weeks or so to go ! Buds swelling nicely now, any ideas ?


Well-Known Member
predetor mites baz? do have to order them at most growshops tho n take a few days, ive used em and didnt completly sort the problem but deffo helped.


Well-Known Member
what exactly are thrips? are they them little flying bugs that leave a few slimy trails on the leaves? thats what ive always callled thrips anyway? prob brought the wrong predetor mites thats why it didnt kill em properly lol

and indi how dus that work? isnt that the stuff they colour hair with lol how dus it increase yield?