The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
h202 int that that bottled gas stuff? fuk knows sounds dodgy but i know major grow rooms use it, increase yeild? shit be talking tricantanol next haha

indi is that 4 planst in 1 washing up bowl i see u got on your pic? i thought its not a good idea to havemore than one plant per pot/bowl? the roots strangle each other no?

been setting me room up, looking at bulbs, mh for veg and red for flower but im unsure if this old ballast willl run MH? rimmer does it?


Active Member
Delboy swears by neem oil...

Look at you lot all civilised talking steaks ... Usually it's all pot noodles and dominos


Well-Known Member
what exactly are thrips? are they them little flying bugs that leave a few slimy trails on the leaves? thats what ive always callled thrips anyway? prob brought the wrong predetor mites thats why it didnt kill em properly lol

and indi how dus that work? isnt that the stuff they colour hair with lol how dus it increase yield?
ok a pissed response but here goes...H2O2 hydrogen peroxide in dilute amounts increases O2levels by the following chemistry..2h2o2 +2e- => 2 h2o + wen u add it to yer water and you pour it on the soil any negatively charged ion will produce the electrons needed to reduce the peroxide to oxygen and more pure oxygen to roots. The other thing it does is oxidize the plasma membrane of the animal cell, the plant cell is protected by a cellulose based cell wall and so is less susceptible to the oxidizing damage h2o2 can cause to the plamamembrane....and no I didn't google it


Well-Known Member
Delboy swears by neem oil...

Look at you lot all civilised talking steaks ... Usually it's all pot noodles and dominos
i have used neem repel before good stuff, not the oil tho

and dont be dissing dominos n pot noodles not on my watch lol thats fighting talk lol

hows ya doing mate? u good?


Well-Known Member
h202 int that that bottled gas stuff? fuk knows sounds dodgy but i know major grow rooms use it, increase yeild? shit be talking tricantanol next haha

indi is that 4 planst in 1 washing up bowl i see u got on your pic? i thought its not a good idea to havemore than one plant per pot/bowl? the roots strangle each other no?

been setting me room up, looking at bulbs, mh for veg and red for flower but im unsure if this old ballast willl run MH? rimmer does it?
snot my grow ice its kodes


Well-Known Member
snot my grow ice its kodes
oh ok,, same thing tho, u shouldnt have plants in a shared pot, bad idea,
cant wait to get my grow going, bored ta fek

just a qwik look i found a MH for 12 qwid and phillips sonT for 13! top price bulbs have really gone down in price


Well-Known Member
ok a pissed response but here goes...H2O2 hydrogen peroxide in dilute amounts increases O2levels by the following chemistry..2h2o2 +2e- => 2 h2o + wen u add it to yer water and you pour it on the soil any negatively charged ion will produce the electrons needed to reduce the peroxide to oxygen and more pure oxygen to roots. The other thing it does is oxidize the plasma membrane of the animal cell, the plant cell is protected by a cellulose based cell wall and so is less susceptible to the oxidizing damage h2o2 can cause to the plamamembrane....and no I didn't google it
i kinda understand that lol and no it has use's in grows but next Q sorry indi, how will it get rid of the thrips aswel then?


Well-Known Member
Alright boys just a quick pic of the ladies there 5 days into the flip now ;) IMG_20130629_183040_342.jpg the back 2 are blue dream and the front are bubba kush oh and the little one in the middle is a critical + had about 2 weeks veg from seed ;)


Well-Known Member
i kinda understand that lol and no it has use's in grows but next Q sorry indi, how will it get rid of the thrips aswel then?
thrips eggs don't like h2o2 so it fuks their life cycle, they also favour lower O2 enviros so this makes it hostile for them to thrive, also u arnt gonna b ingesting any shiz


Well-Known Member
@new, there like tiny white maggots m8, sucking the life out of the leafs ! Leaves silvery trails all over them , until it's totally fucked ! Buds looking nice though, even them church are filling out nicely .


Well-Known Member
@new, there like tiny white maggots m8, sucking the life out of the leafs ! Leaves silvery trails all over them , until it's totally fucked ! Buds looking nice though, even them church are filling out nicely .
like micro maggots, but not too much a worry at that stage, early veg wud b a wind up


Active Member
Reckon you should send in a request for vodka flavoured pot noodles (by sambo) lol

Good mate, exhausted.. Been doing the tourist nonsense today as my missus folks are in town, London eye, southbank, clipper to Greenwich, market, emirates airline cable car thing only thing that kept me going was the beer.

Ready for my vape some sushi and bed.

How you been fella, youngens still driving you round the bend?

i have used neem repel before good stuff, not the oil tho

and dont be dissing dominos n pot noodles not on my watch lol thats fighting talk lol

hows ya doing mate? u good?


Well-Known Member
Yes Indi , started hesi pk last week , over 4, had better results that way than with the 1 dose canna, adding bud xl also, & hesi base nutes .
yeah I saw u had some intrestin nutes, not familiar wiv a lot but doo like makin me own soil wib solids, tried shitmilshake aka compost tea but ffs playin wiv dodgy microbes wen thers kids about forgey it, no more shitshake fer my ladies


Well-Known Member
fucking el, im at home wit the kids all day most days, just popped out down to me flat to water the plants and me lil boy whos thirteen month old decides to take his first steps lil bugger, pissed off i missed it tho.


Well-Known Member
the sleep deprivation getting to ya now kode lol

people wont cheese, just sells so easy and grows easy is the only reason i grow them, tbh i dont even like to smoke it anymore too strong for my fragile mind.
yah man stomach pains kickin in, dunno if you get that but after about 24 hr awake i get stomach pains, nothin works till i sleep an thats jus a fuckin joke, still havnt slept since yesterday an that wernt for long babysittin some family atm an i could drop to sleep as we speak lmao


Well-Known Member
Yes Indi , started hesi pk last week , over 4, had better results that way than with the 1 dose canna, adding bud xl also, & hesi base nutes .
i aggree, i use pk over 3 weeks exellent results 1 weeks just suks, i reduce dose each week. seems to work gr8