Irs Scandal and Tea Party leaders


Well-Known Member
Members saw that thread, even before you asked mods to close/delete it... You should know because you posted in that thread... Or did you conveniently forget?

then there's your online handle...
still waiting on the evidence.

all your anti-semitic asshurt in the world won't change the fact that you got nothing.


New Member
still waiting on the evidence.

all your anti-semitic asshurt in the world won't change the fact that you got nothing.
As I've posted many times you have the thread deleted after whinging to mods...

But through it all you keep asking for evidence (knowing the thread no longer exists) and not once have you denied it, preferring instead to divert, deflect and obfuscate.

this can all be settled by having a mod re-open the thread...


Well-Known Member
As I've posted many times you have the thread deleted after whinging to mods...

But through it all you keep asking for evidence (knowing the thread no longer exists) and not once have you denied it, preferring instead to divert, deflect and obfuscate.

this can all be settled by having a mod re-open the thread...
so the evidence was posted in that thread, yet you can't just repost the evidence?

if i had to wager, i would guess that there's a bunch of righties talking about things they thought they heard at one time or the other, and you, riding your massive wave of anti-semitic asshurt, interpreted it in your own mind to mean what you wanted it to.

how does it feel knowing that i've made you an outcast here? how does it feel now that everyone knows that you voluntarily join groups of "like minded" holocause deniers and white supremacists?

my guess is that you don't feel great about it, hence your never ending anti-semitic rampage of fail on your part.


New Member
ya mean, besides the fact that you joined a "like minded" group of holocaust deniers and got called out on your holocaust denials by the very intelligent kynes?
Hypocrisy at it's finest....

of course you nutty fucks deserve it. you guys are a blight on our political landscape.
kynes is just taking the very definition of white supremacy, switching out a few words, and trying to impose his uniquely retarded definition onto multiculturalism.

i should have known that after reading so many of his wikipedia copy and pastes with minor word substitutions to throw the plagiarization detector off his vile scent.
And you still can't point to my denials after indicating you would check with kynes. maybe if you suck up to him some more, he'll come and help you out...


Well-Known Member
Hypocrisy at it's finest....

And you still can't point to my denials after indicating you would check with kynes. maybe if you suck up to him some more, he'll come and help you out...
just because kynes shares your white supremacy ideals doesn't make him unable to call out a holocaust denier when he sees one.

his accusation was validated in spades when you joined a "like minded" group of holocaust deniers.

i hope you enjoyed me pointing that out to the rest of the forum!

by the way, do you even grow? i've never seen you post a thing about growing, and you seem too bitter and angry at all times to have ever smoked the stuff.

seems like you;re only here to spread your jew-hate ennui.


New Member
seems my posts are getting deleted because someone is doing what they do best ^^^^

Try harder next time... You know you're the only one that claims i'm a denier, although many many people here have claimed you're a rat... makes you wonder...


Well-Known Member
too bad that you're the only one who has signed his name to a group of "like minded" holocaust deniers and white supremacists. i don't recall ever signing up to a "like minded" group of rats.

your posts keep getting deleted not because i'm reporting them, but because they are baseless and you're just stroking your jew hate boner.


Well-Known Member
i try to reply, but the bear is too quick.

bear, feel free to leave their angry, anti-semitic replies up. i'm not bothered by their empty and baseless accusations that they never provide evidence for.

plus, i had a good zinger or two about shotgun's oh so delicious looking (air) bud.


Ursus marijanus
i try to reply, but the bear is too quick.

bear, feel free to leave their angry, anti-semitic replies up. i'm not bothered by their empty and baseless accusations that they never provide evidence for.

plus, i had a good zinger or two about shotgun's oh so delicious looking (air) bud.
Thanks for the endorsement, but talk of snitchery that has no backing evidence is in plain violation. "This is business." cn



Well-Known Member

not worried about the snitchery chatter though, my worry is that the level of anti-semitism is so sky high and so seemingly acceptable. i don't differentiate it as being any less repugnant than racism.


Active Member

not worried about the snitchery chatter though, my worry is that the level of anti-semitism is so sky high and so seemingly acceptable. i don't differentiate it as being any less repugnant than racism.
But might is right when it comes to killing palestinian children and civilians. I bet Genrikh Yagoda is your hero.


Well-Known Member
judging by the pictures, calling out holocaust deniers makes me both hitler and part of a worldwide jewish conspiracy.

i thank both of you for clarifying my concern with pertinent examples.

you guys made the case better than i ever could.


New Member
judging by the pictures, calling out holocaust deniers makes me both hitler and part of a worldwide jewish conspiracy.
no but justifying war crimes including rape and torture of innocent civilians, children included, would put your views in line with hitlers...

It's a shame after all your denunciations of alleged "holocaust deniers" that you would support a murderous and illegal regime that is Israel, but with all the fapping you do, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if you're married to foxxmans daughter, he loves defending the perpetrators of war crimes too...

After all "war is hell and might is right"


Well-Known Member
no but justifying war crimes including rape and torture of innocent civilians, children included, would put your views in line with hitlers...

It's a shame after all your denunciations of alleged "holocaust deniers" that you would support a murderous and illegal regime that is Israel, but with all the fapping you do, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if you're married to foxxmans daughter, he loves defending the perpetrators of war crimes too...

After all "war is hell and might is right"
ok, i am hitler for such statements as "israel has a right to defend herself". never mind the whole connection behind hitler and how we came to acquire our "mruderous and illegal" regime", i am hitler for believing that a country need not sit idly by while being bombed the fuck out of.

i also love to rape and torture innocent civilians left and right. sorry, folks. i'm not the simple cannabis farmer you thought i was, i rape and torture the shit out of people and i am hitler.

this really shouldn't surprise anyone.

and people wonder why this section has gone to shit lately. echelon has not even attempted to say a thing about the OP. it has all just been "snitch, jew, snitch, jew, hitler, etc"

witness the reason for the recent devolution of the politics forum.


Well-Known Member
Back on track
The Right claims the IRS targetted conservative tea party groups in order to limit their political influence. Yet 501c organizations are by law supposed to be social welfare organizations and non political.

So how can this be possible?