The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ok cheers guys so if left it will effect qual of bigger buds? lot of things ppl say take them off ....leave them dont make much was just bit stuk between the 2......they looked ok day 29 from flip so was gonna leave them....


Well-Known Member
thanks man im on tha vino again tonite preppin for a big nite of trading startin at 10 wen the market opens, vapin some nice nuggy ww and I made some more bubble this time wiv popcorn, an I did all the rite shit an it looks bangin no green tinge at all..full fukin melt but only bout 3 g


Well-Known Member
ok cheers guys so if left it will effect qual of bigger buds? lot of things ppl say take them off ....leave them dont make much was just bit stuk between the 2......they looked ok day 29 from flip so was gonna leave them....
imo yes, the plant is wasteing energy with them lil buds thats aint seeing light wasteing energry that could have gone to your tops that are lookin nice, but i dunno imc i think u left it abit late mate, i personally wouldnt be chopping up my plants near four weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
yes imc them lil bud aint seeing no light for shit, jus pointless unless like indi said you wanan make bubble hash with them.

you should have done that a lil while ago too, i dont really like to chop much off after wk two of flower.
same here, though I will chop this stuff @ the end of wk 4 too, only dead n dying leaves from then on though.


Well-Known Member
dand these temps been a killa was standin by bk door with missis she sed can u smell that lol had a wiff of weed....sed no cos my exhaust comes out top of me had to get some smellys and put them in me on safeside...


Well-Known Member
i got these....i use them in me car...realy strong 2.....could smell that afterwords....will just put a new one in each week....41rD0cYIn9L__AA160_.jpg


Well-Known Member
if u can smel an u av carbon , then m8 make sure y have negative aur pressure so evrytin is ducted via tha carbon


Well-Known Member
can only smell were its comming out of duct dont smell nothing in my room untill i open door.....seald pritty good....thats what i was saying....were it blows out me roof was above my back door and she had a wiff....mind u plants do smell realy strong now


Well-Known Member
can only smell were its comming out of duct dont smell nothing in my room untill i open door.....seald pritty good....thats what i was saying....were it blows out me roof was above my back door and she had a wiff....mind u plants do smell realy strong now
r u scrubbing the air thru carbon b 4 u duct it outta tha house?


Well-Known Member
the exo is the best commercial strain there is mrt, for that exact reason its ready so quick and stinks so much, when u buy green u dont generally smoke it before, you look and smell and the exo stinks and taste lovely anyway but that stink gets em everytime carnt get there cash out quick enough lol

carnt stress enough tho mate to dry it properly or it wont stink and taste like it should.
i dried the last lot out tidy mate. that white russian was chopped early and flash dried because i had the window fitter coming. we told them we wouldnt be in but they said they would do it from the outside if we didnt get someone to stay here. the last lot was the best ive done so far


Well-Known Member
well rather pissed now n getting the arse at rollys rep fucking twat yes rolly fucking twat, i prob earnt u enough cash with my constant post in the most active thread on your site u yanky mug go on ban me i couldnt give a fuck, will just open a new account n be a ''dick'' some more.........