The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I know a few gypsy growers, they keep themselves to themselves, meaning they don't talk about growing to anyone. I only happen to know as I've set a room up for a couple of them and get the odd ounce (at top prices I might add). I doubt they'd ever join RIU or make a youtube video about anything other than fighting. Most don't even let the rest of the family know that they have a grow somewhere, I imagine a few would be disowned if found out.
Thanks for answering my dumb questions! they have an American Gypsy show now but it is lame compared to Irish gypsies. So, not to offend anyone, gypsies are basically just thieves ?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Thanks for answering my dumb questions! they have an American Gypsy show now but it is lame compared to Irish gypsies. So, not to offend anyone, gypsies are basically just thieves ?

yeah gypos and pikeys as played by brad pitt in snatch, but an irish traveller is a gentleman, most of them are business owners and generally well known and liked where they live..


Active Member
Thanks for answering my dumb questions! they have an American Gypsy show now but it is lame compared to Irish gypsies. So, not to offend anyone, gypsies are basically just thieves ?
It's a common misconception. I'm sure there are just as many thieves in the gypsy community as the rest of us, they just get a harder time for it. Apart from their 1950's attitude towards women, I have found travellers to be pretty nice guys. The gypsy women I do know are not part of their own community, probably because they love the dick too much.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Do you know of any website for a second hand car parts such as lights,electrical switches and general bit and bobs for the older vehicle?

gemerally if you want decent parts deal with spurious parts from any good motor factor, second hand bits then join an owners club, most marques will have a fan site..

whats it for if you mind me asking?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
think my net provider has caught up with me, been downloading monsters inc for the past 3 hours.. its at 10%...

ah well i got 6 movies done in the last few days, so i guess i know my limit now..


Well-Known Member
yeah gypos and pikeys as played by brad pitt in snatch, but an irish traveller is a gentleman, most of them are business owners and generally well known and liked where they live..
Really? I like the movie snatch but Im talking about a reality TV show. No one wants Gypsies anywhere near their establishments. They have a hard time finding housing, let alone a place to get married. Then the whole gypsy family completely disrespects the church's they go to. So weird... Im thinking ae86 is a gypsy and so is tontoboy... since you defend the culture and tontoboy actually cursed me with a 'pox?'.... So Travelers are well accepted in society and people in Ireland generally respect Travelers? Cuz on reality TV and the movie Snatch they don't. And why do none of the men show their faces on the TV? They all hide or have their faces blurred out.

Im just a really curios American... I will bail off your thread if you don't like answering gypsy questions


Well-Known Member
think my net provider has caught up with me, been downloading monsters inc for the past 3 hours.. its at 10%...

ah well i got 6 movies done in the last few days, so i guess i know my limit now..
They've throttled you back ae.
What site you downloading from?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Really? I like the movie snatch but Im talking about a reality TV show. No one wants Gypsies anywhere near their establishments. They have a hard time finding housing, let alone a place to get married. Then the whole gypsy family completely disrespects the church's they go to. So weird... Im thinking ae86 is a gypsy and so is tontoboy... since you defend the culture and tontoboy actually cursed me with a 'pox?'.... So Travelers are well accepted in society and people in Ireland generally respect Travelers? Cuz on reality TV and the movie Snatch they don't. And why do none of the men show their faces on the TV? They all hide or have their faces blurred out.

Im just a really curios American... I will bail off your thread if you don't like answering gypsy questions

could give a shit what you think but i`m not a traveller, have some good friends that are tho.... and your missing the connection people like travellers but hate pikeys.. but thats the same of many cultures..


Well-Known Member
could give a shit what you think but i`m not a traveller, have some good friends that are tho.... and your missing the connection people like travellers but hate pikeys.. but thats the same of many cultures..
Is it disrespectful to call someone a traveller or a gypsy? your just a angry Irish guy ?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
They've throttled you back ae.
What site you downloading from?

pirate bay...

as for the camper, theres a nissan owners ireland site, very good, well was last time i was on it, nice lads only too willing to help, especially if shes an import..

generally nissans are strong body and engine wise but can fall down on some electricals, and theyre very plastic interior can let them down... is she camper on the tax book? thers a change in the law last year about how there put together or something...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Is it disrespectful to call someone a traveller or a gypsy? your just a angry Irish guy ?

when its in a patroniseing manner like your then yes, your not a regular visitor here and you come in with (and you know it) quite loaded questions...

much like me going on lets say an african american site, finding a thread and asking if its ok to call some one a n*****....


Well-Known Member
Not a camper on the book, I've seen the rules etc with regard to VRT and that and I am willing to put a couple of grand into it.
The engine ticks over beautifully,needs a water pump though but they're easy to get.
Lots of niggly little things to be done like what I mentioned and the central locking etc.
I'll have a gander at the Irish nissan site so.

This is the Malaysian site of the pirate bay and from what I'm told there's less chance of detection when downloading from it.It's down at the moment but here's the link anyway.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
have a good look at the rules before sinking few g`s into it, think it has to be camper on logbook or can`t be doe`d there are some exemptions from testing, same with tax if not a camper on the book (80 quid a year) then you go by engine size ...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Not a camper on the book, I've seen the rules etc with regard to VRT and that and I am willing to put a couple of grand into it.
The engine ticks over beautifully,needs a water pump though but they're easy to get.
Lots of niggly little things to be done like what I mentioned and the central locking etc.
I'll have a gander at the Irish nissan site so.

This is the Malaysian site of the pirate bay and from what I'm told there's less chance of detection when downloading from it.It's down at the moment but here's the link anyway.

the central locking is it vacume controlled or electrical assisted? if you have any bother fire me a pm, i`m mechanic think trek is aswell, sure between us we`ll get you motoring.. you must be handy with the tools yourself if your attempting a camper..


Well-Known Member
when its in a patroniseing manner like your then yes, your not a regular visitor here and you come in with (and you know it) quite loaded questions...

much like me going on lets say an african american site, finding a thread and asking if its ok to call some one a n*****....
LOL what!? They don't have a TV show called my " My big fat ninja wedding' though. Just a Gypsy one. You Travelers should ban together and stop the racist American TV show.