How to keep my weed cool in my car on a 100+ day?

just a medicator

Well-Known Member
I frequently get units from vendors and move them to my business associate's dispensary/delivery service. I drive out and get a couple units and then drive back. The thing is though, I often drive by friends I could visit, but I don't want to leave my bud burning in my car on these 100+ days. I'm very discrete about my business, so bringing it inside to my friends house to stay cool is out of the question. I was thinking about putting it in a IceCold Ultra bag by Artic Zone; I use this for keeping food cool on hot days. Would it be ok to put my bud in this with some ice packs/ice bags? The bud is in vacuumed sealed. What do you think? any other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Take a cooler, put your blue ice on the bottom since cold air sinks, it will keep the top cool, but not cold.
Add a layer of newspaper or something to help absorb any condensation, and throw your stuff on top.


Active Member
Sounds like a bad idea and a potential risk to your associates product.

Actually you should leave your car running and the A/C on. :lol:

just a medicator

Well-Known Member
I think you guys misunderstood. This isn't really my job. I just know vendors and am helping my friend out with his delivery service. Not like I have a boss and am visiting friends on the clock. I usually drive and get meds, then drive home and then the next day or so I meet with my friend and give him the meds for his dispensary.


Active Member
I would just get a small cooler and not put anything in it. Temps inside won't get too bad.
Yeah and maybe one of those blue plastic ice packs- i imagine it would keep cool for quite a few hours that way, even with the windows up. sorry about the misunderstanding, sounded like you were talking unscheduled breaks at work ;)


Well-Known Member
Just stick it in a cooler without any ice or anything in there, it will keep it at around room temp for you and no worries about condensation :joint:


Active Member
Lol I vacuumed sealed a zip for a friend and it ended up in the dirty laundry where his wife washed it. No worries though no damage to the meds.