The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that twat was coming out with all sorts of shit the other day mogs, first post was ''will someone meet me and sell me ten oz and i aint paying nomore than 1750'' lmao

its quality through and through lol , the lads wonderful , i want him to post more , i loved the peak under the tent flap at those plants also , the professionalism knows no bounds


oh and i bunged 10 at a friend today for 1200 , im not greedy and i dont intend to ever get rich , he sorted me out with the 15 for the og18 and the bubba kush so i was a happy camper and thought sod it lets make a gift of it as i wanted it gone


Well-Known Member
just found this ,,,,,, its poetry

this is by far the dumbest shit i have read online for a time , thank you , its not often someone displays such crass stupidity to all , i thank you from the bottom of my heart
i thought id mention , these pictures as im sure you well know were taken by my good self on our last trip to the dam , that time was to visit the cannabis cup

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and my wife and I were there at the same time also. this is what I smoked on the last day, different strains from different coffee shops and I smoked it ALL in less than 9hrs!! 22112012153.jpg then there's the sights.... 21112012137.jpg21112012152.jpg22112012163.jpg21112012139.jpg21112012146.jpg and of course the munchies..... 21112012136.jpg22112012159.jpgIMAG0358.jpg22112012161.jpg july 12th-16th... im back there again only with 2 days in the hague before going on to the dam itself, (Liedsplein district) for the final 3 days....


Well-Known Member
that twat was coming out with all sorts of shit the other day mogs, first post was ''will someone meet me and sell me ten oz and i aint paying nomore than 1750'' lmao
An you forgot the" i sell 10oz a day an get 10k a week delivered from the dam" tripe lmao


Well-Known Member
just found this ,,,,,, its poetry

this is by far the dumbest shit i have read online for a time , thank you , its not often someone displays such crass stupidity to all , i thank you from the bottom of my heart
i thought id mention , these pictures as im sure you well know were taken by my good self on our last trip to the dam , that time was to visit the cannabis cup

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we all bow down to your superior knowledge of weed and its qualitys , me i know fuck all
pic 2... was this the day they wouldn't let people into the greenhouse coffeeshop unless they had a cannabis cup pass??


Well-Known Member
On a seperate note has anyone heard from Dura??? Dunno if he disappeared for a bit or got sent down for a bit at his sentencing


Well-Known Member
170 here, in 1 Ziploc bag. take it or leave it!!! (if I were to sell any that is of course, which I don't, I keep it all, all for my own personal use as medication, honestly I do!!!!)


Well-Known Member
cakes you say ?

the mrs pops into a shop , a sex shop , bored mogs goes outside for a crafty ak47 ( as you do ) when in pops a couple of schoolgirls still in uniform , with a little assistance from the shop attendence they brought themseleves a set of love balls each , turned out they had read 50 shades and wanted them , i was outside stood on my fuckin tongue , when i were a lad so much as a sniff of a bra strap and im wanking for the next 3 months where on the continent there banging plastic up the brown eye , go figure

oh and a friend of ours managed to buy about 14 gram of mostly hash at 10 at night knowing hes flying out at 6 summit , he managed to get through it , fuck knows how



Well-Known Member
cakes you say ?
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the mrs pops into a shop , a sex shop , bored mogs goes outside for a crafty ak47 ( as you do ) when in pops a couple of schoolgirls still in uniform , with a little assistance from the shop attendence they brought themseleves a set of love balls each , turned out they had read 50 shades and wanted them , i was outside stood on my fuckin tongue , when i were a lad so much as a sniff of a bra strap and im wanking for the next 3 months where on the continent there banging plastic up the brown eye , go figure

oh and a friend of ours managed to buy about 14 gram of mostly hash at 10 at night knowing hes flying out at 6 summit , he managed to get through it , fuck knows how

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haha innit, we were browsing in a shop, same type, for ten minutes before I realised there was a 42" on the wall beaming out a full on porno, right behind the cashier's fucking head... bit awkward queuing for her new toy there then!!!! (your spot on only I went outside for a juicy fruit)... that's the only thing I brought back with me, the 3 pieces of hash. I couldn't have smoked that too so fair play to your m8, that's a good effort lol. im not flying back til half nine in the evening, so I got all day to get mullered... ps. those cakes are summin else man aint they?.. mmmmm


Well-Known Member
bloody el mate one twentys i aint heard of them prices for 6-7years,
helping him out and being honest its not the best stuff , hes will bang 40s on it to out it and im happy either way

An you forgot the" i sell 10oz a day an get 10k a week delivered from the dam" tripe lmao
ahhhhh that explains the 300 quid set up he showed , the mans all about the money

pic 2... was this the day they wouldn't let people into the greenhouse coffeeshop unless they had a cannabis cup pass??

yeah the dirty cunts , said there was judges inside judging , more like they didnt want arsejan to be seen slipping a grand or a length to certain people to secure this years sativa/indica/hydro cup

And he's sat on weed half the time!? lol.

yep , turns out he still has some lol , no rush ,its a part time thing for him so i dont mind , its a tickle on the side


Well-Known Member
haha innit, we were browsing in a shop for ten minutes before I realised there was a 42" on the wall beaming out a full on porno, right behind the cashier's fucking head... bit awkward queuing for her new toy there then!!!! (your spot on only I went outside for a juicy fruit)... those cakes are summin else man.. mmmmm
yep , not a fan of cream but dont taste so bad on a space cake cookie , we eat a tub each this way , no idea if they work as i was already tripping on orange bud ( i think , wasnt great , had unknown hash after and pictures and life became a blur )