Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
yea they could be sisters :D but just same seed from the same plant, sprought with in hours apart and FIM at the same time, under the same 198W of T5HOs (3x6500K and 1x2700k) 16 hrs a day in my own soil mixed with some organic soil from my local small plant school, as cheap as the commercial soil from "Walmart" but much better quality, what they use them self, tho I mix in 30% clay pellets for drain and a bit of Lime as the PH is around 6,2 seems to work like a charm :D

so fare only got water and a little bit of Epsom salt for a bit of extra Mg, know my strain love the Mg believe its like candy for it :D


Well-Known Member
I dosed all my girls in flower with 2 tbsp of lime and 3 tsp of epsoms today along with some cal/mag from my G.O. line-up to keep em green and happy.I just put it in a measuring cup let it all dissolve and pour it in with my nutrients when I feed with my bloom boosters. The Iced Grapefruit was showing a slight def at the tips and wanted to cut that crap out real quick and get her as happy as possible. I can't understand why I'm getting this problem, but am starting over with my Super Soil recipe and will be picking it all tomorrow and mixing it up and starting the cook. I have a couple of pics for everyone including some trich porn that has started. I really like your style Slipon, you're a hell of an intuitive grower. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
day 14/8

gave em a small top dressing to day with a few ts of Bat guano powder and a little Mearl (Oceanic Lime) mixed together

and watered with some bat guano tea and molasses

did also play around a bit with my camera :D


hollyday is comming up, will do a few tweaks and maybe a little upgrading ;) depending on the wallet and how much summer bonus we get this year


Well-Known Member
Your girls look amazing Slipon, and the pics are really putting mine to shame. I like the space blanket in the back ground, I have the same kind downstairs in my veg closet. I just can't see paying $25 for 15 feet of B.S. mylar when you can go to the dollar store pick up a couple of emergency blankets and tape them up with reflective tape for $4. Exact same thing! Your ladies have a real nice stretch to them, not too much, just enough we've seen for your led fixture to penetrate and make quite the nice flower. I have to say you have a really nice set-up for yourself. Will you be using your hps in the winter when she rolls back around, or are you happy with the led set-up and what it can provide? i was just wondering if you were gonna run both and maybe stock up when you could or just keep running what you have and just use as you grow. I'm more medical than anything really, and would like to be able to run two flower spots if I could, but it's not practical right now. I really wish I could put 1 or 2 plants tucked away under an led somewhere. Maybe in the future some time. Lookin good as always brother, enjoy what's left of your weekend, and here's hoping for that big bonus! Peace out bro.


Well-Known Member
nahh I have just seen your plants, and they also look beautiful, nothing to be a shamed about for sure, and look like your that week + ahead of me

and no, if anything I upgrade with a LED fixture more, the HID is history


Well-Known Member
I really hear you about ditching the hid's. I would love to be able to outfit myself with say some California Light Works Solarstorm 800's with the uv lights added. I don't know if uv will boost potency, but from what I've read it will boost the production of trichomes which in return can at least produce more hash worthy trim to make into products. That's always nice when you are like me and want to use every little part of the plant in some way. Take it easy bro. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
day 20/14 sorry for the late up date :D

stretch is about done and bud`s are beginning to grow well, been a bit busy last week, tho only good news, got some new contracts in at work so we are more then set until next year and it also dropped off a little vacation bonus ;)

so Im about to buy a fixture more, tho just a small version, just to make me able to cover 4 nice plant`s, have trouble covering 3 now so need sumthing to cover 1,5 plant :D

found a nice little "standard" fixture here in EU with 96x3W (the one I have now have 120x3W) in actually watt I will end up at around 470W and cover about the same ground as my 600W HPS did but with much better spectrum and way less heat, lets se, expect to get it next week and vacation cumming up in two weeks so I will be busy rebuilding my room (also just sprought 4 seeds ;))


hempy bucket is doing great, I still just use GH micro/bloom 8/16 ml per gallon (Lucas formula) and a bit of H2O2 in tap water and the amount of PH down I found to be correct (10 ml a gallon), no PH or EC meter, clone is also doing great and looking beautiful, big plant still have a bit of PH issues and I have been busy, but gave it a good "flush" with florakleen, and look good now with just a few leaves curling under now, Bud`s are growing nicely :)


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Slipon, glad to hear about the years worth of contracts coming in, always nice to know your job's somewhat safe. Also good to hear about the rig you want to get, I hope she works real nice for ya bro. Pretty cool you'll be able to cover the same space as your 600W and it'll just be around 470 without all the heat and B.S. When I finally move to a med state like me and the wifey are planning, I'll finally drop some coin on led's, until then I think it's gotta be the "Good Ole Way". Take it easy man, good to hear things are going so well. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
day 21/15 of my second run with the LEDs
(big plant have been in 12/12 for 21 days other two for 15 days)

guess I should have started a new thread, kind a confessing, even for me to have two grow in here, guess I start a new one/grow journal once I get my second fixture and have set it all up

here is a few pictures of 3 flowering plant I have going now, one hugh one in a 7 gallon pot with soil who had a veg time on +8 week`s and one clone in a 3 gallon pot also with soil and a hempy bucket with clay pellets witch had about 6 weeks of veg and was topped once , clone have`t the big plant have been FIM/topped once and LST a lot


the hempy bucket just look beautiful even tho I had to back down on the micro (nitrogen) as I got a few tip burns it really look healthy, so do the clone and the big plant also seem to have put its PH issues behind and look nice and dark green agin with no/little curling leaves

a few more


even with out a Scrog screen the stretch have`t been "bad" have made em go "natural" this time to see what the outcome would be, no de-leaveing or much pruning either

and here is the two next once getting ready for the LEDs


maybe a bit behind, both been FIM and both have 4 top`s plus a few coming out from the lower leave point`s one I have tried to make in to a x-mass like shape and the other I have been experimenting a bit with some main lining, sort of

Ooh yea a my new small Auto, have space under the T5HOs so why waste it, also more LEDs on the way so I have room


got some freebees at some point, but back then the 4 I tried to grow all turned male on me :( lets see if this is a female ?


Well-Known Member
day 22/16


gave em a top dressing and water yesterday, and seem like they love it, look so nice and happy :D

also made a few shoots of one of the Veg plants, would like to try main lining or what its called ? on one of em, and did read up on some threads, but not totally sure what Im doing


been FIM`d once and got 4 top`s and just topped them once more now, pluse made two clones of the pruning, so should get 8 top`s and two clones .. lets see


Well-Known Member
Your continuous grows and endless supply are making me jealous. I'm spending way too much time on RIU, need to go back to looking at porn!


Well-Known Member
Looking good. They're coming along very nice man. I love the pistils on those girls looks like a dandelion, very cool. Have you decided on a new led? I can't wait till you can get more girls in there, kind of out of self greed really. I just want to see that space full of women! Kind of a porn thing. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
should arrive on friday, if GLS don't fuck it up

96x3W with a veg/bloom setting and some white`s in it, but a bit curious myself, got it on sale and compared to other EU shops at a ok price (285€ = 370$) and no tax as its shipped inside EU or long shipping


know it have a majority of 630/660nm and also fare red and some blue`s in the right spectrum, and also double lenses and all, and run on 192 actual watt

but I don't know witch white`s or how many of each, lets see, just wanted a quick, cheap fix to cover a bit more room, if it sucks to flower with (witch is the intension) I can always swap the T5HOs and use it to Veg with


Well-Known Member
should arrive on Friday...just wanted a quick, cheap fix to cover a bit more room View attachment 2722210

Yay! New toy. Everything looks dialed in and the plants look great, as always Slip!.

You're very knowledgeable on light spectrums, candles, lumens, intensity, all that stuff. Are you seeing LED panels consistently limited on lateral light penetration and the need for more panels directly over the plants versus the HID that have excellent light spread?

My 400w MH/HPS has no problem reaching the edge of my 3' closet at 14" to 20" height. I know I benefit from a certain amount of reflection from the walls as well and daily container rotation.

I wonder if I would need almost three feet of LED panels directly over the top to see the same results? That could get expensive if that were the case. What are your thoughts now that your investing more funds into the LEDs. Any regrets going down that path?

Peace brother and thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
The ladies look amazing Slipon. Very healthy and ready to please for sure. I'm glad to see you made your mind up and went with the new LED rig. I've done some reading on it, and it seems like a nice rig. I hope it's everything you wished for and the girls love it. I really think getting the extra light so you can get more girls in your grow will put a smile on your face, at least I hope. I'd be grinnin like a old man who farted. Take it easy and best of luck with the new fixture. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Yay! New toy. Everything looks dialed in and the plants look great, as always Slip!.

You're very knowledgeable on light spectrums, candles, lumens, intensity, all that stuff. Are you seeing LED panels consistently limited on lateral light penetration and the need for more panels directly over the plants versus the HID that have excellent light spread?

My 400w MH/HPS has no problem reaching the edge of my 3' closet at 14" to 20" height. I know I benefit from a certain amount of reflection from the walls as well and daily container rotation.

I wonder if I would need almost three feet of LED panels directly over the top to see the same results? That could get expensive if that were the case. What are your thoughts now that your investing more funds into the LEDs. Any regrets going down that path?

Peace brother and thanks for the input.

yea new toys are always welcome :)

and yes your kind a nailed it, only down side IME with LEDs is the space they cover, Im sure it have a lot to do with lenses, you can get 60, 90 and 120 degree lenses, and probably more I don't know of, and some also have secondary lenses on them, some agin have a mix in em, and I also seen some who made em with out any form of lenses or glass between em, Im sure they are great for a scrog where you keep em really close as them fixtures also "only" had 1W LEDs in em, no light lost to lenses/glass in between the light, but not much penetration Im sure (no experience here, but I guess that is what the lenses is for)

LEDs are pretty much one directed, both a good thing and a Bad I guess, no reflector needed or any light lost, but not much spread either like a HPS have with a good reflector on, of course, need to take advances of it and work with it

my fixture is about 2x1 ft and do cover about 4 inch`s out to each side/ends so I would guess two similar fixtures would cover your closet, I like them Area 51 once as Im sure the they do the job, think my first fixture is a bit overkill (not a bad thing :D) but I run like 280W the A51 light only run about 160W but cover the same space I think, so two of them is like 320W 80W less then your HID with better spectrum and no heat to speak of

and one of the things I love about em (atleast the 3W with some kind of lenses on em, mine have 90") is the penetration, really surprise me, I would say the LEDs loose less light/Lumens over distance then HIDs do, but agin, its right under them

its actually kind a logic when you think about it, the HID is a Bulb, it will spread the light out, the LEDs is more like a, etc. flash light, tiny flash light :lol: so to speak the lenses on em will decide how the "beam" will be if you catch "my" logic