Irs Scandal and Tea Party leaders


Well-Known Member
I personally believe a move to more self governance and a less nanny-state rule is what's best for the general welfare of our country. I would support more libertarian leaning groups based on this belief that it's what's best for society as a whole.

I personally believe progressivism is at the root of most our issues now as far as debt, unemployment and racial tensions.

If I worked for the IRS it would be wrong for me to base my approval of 501c status on my political beliefs. Is that so hard to understand? My beliefs would target progressive groups because I feel they do more harm than good. Just because you happen to agree with the assertion of conservative = bad doesn't mean they have less rights than you.


Well-Known Member
If I worked for the IRS it would be wrong for me to base my approval of 501c status on my political beliefs. .
Who said anyone did?

If you worked for the IRS wouldn't you want to investigate if a Social Welfare group was actually a political front group using it's status to funnel illegal campaign contributions to political candidates under the guise of being a "social welfare" organization?

Please elaborate on what social welfare these groups have achieved.


Well-Known Member
Back on track
The Right claims the IRS targetted conservative tea party groups in order to limit their political influence. Yet 501c organizations are by law supposed to be social welfare organizations and non political.

So how can this be possible?
the IRS would have been doing the right a favor if it had denied 501c3 status to any of the organizations which applied (the IRS did not deny a single one).

the net effect would have been that the righties would have saved some money for a fight they could have actually won.

instead, they wasted their money and limited their own political influence through a series of "magical vagina" and "god bless that rape baby" comments that disgusted the whole of america.

let's not forget re-litigating the 50 year old debate on contraceptives. i know you were a big fan of that one, ginwilly! just remember, every time you bring it up again, you give one more electoral vote to the 2016 democratic nominee. i don't make the rules, i just spell them out. sorry.

yes, the right was its own worst enemy in 2012. the IRS should have done more to save them from themselves.


Well-Known Member
Who said anyone did?

If you worked for the IRS wouldn't you want to investigate if a Social Welfare group was actually a political front group using it's status to funnel illegal campaign contributions to political candidates under the guise of being a "social welfare" organization?

Please elaborate on what social welfare these groups have achieved.
Because I think the message of individual responsibility, limited government, liberty and freedom is good for the welfare of our society in general. I feel the message of government will take care of you is the worst possible message for growth we can have. Progressive groups not only don't deserve this status, they should be disbanded and disallowed from existing.

It's called an opinion. I would expect backlash working for the IRS if I based who deserves this status on my opinion. What basically happened is people with the opinion in direct conflict with mine exercised their power to attempt just this. It would be just as wrong if I had done it.


Well-Known Member
let's not forget re-litigating the 50 year old debate on contraceptives. i know you were a big fan of that one, ginwilly! just remember, every time you bring it up again, you give one more electoral vote to the 2016 democratic nominee. i don't make the rules, i just spell them out. sorry.

yes, the right was its own worst enemy in 2012. the IRS should have done more to save them from themselves.
are you really convinced that charging someone the same co-pay for birth control they would pay for hypertension meds is a war on women? Damn you are easy.

I'm as anti-religion as anyone I know. I think religion is responsible for the majority of misery in this world and is holding us back from reaching true enlightenment. Even I know this was nothing more than a big FU to the Catholic Church. I'm not a fan of the church, but I'm a fan of the constitution. Fluk and Pelosi had to research to find a college for her to attend to start this war against the church. It was painfully obvious to most what was going on. It was in an effort to get the church under the thumb of the government, it had nothing to do with women's rights.

You'll have a chance to proudly vote for Sandra Fluke soon enough, and you'll believe everything she says I'm sure.

Besides, we know the truth storm front Buck, you just want to keep the black population numbers down, the same reason you have such a hard on for family planning funding.


Well-Known Member
are you really convinced that charging someone the same co-pay for birth control they would pay for hypertension meds is a war on women? Damn you are easy.
Damn you are still a retard

The church didnt want to pay for any of it. That makes the co-pay 100%. Yet they have no problem covering Viagra


Well-Known Member
Fluk and Pelosi had to research to find a college for her to attend to start this war against the church.
ahhhhh, yes. the fluke conspiracy.

that loses you an automatic full three electoral points right there. sorry, no one likes a dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
Damn you are still a retard

The church didnt want to pay for any of it. That makes the co-pay 100%. Yet they have no problem covering Viagra
Being called a retard by you is like being called fat by Chris Christie. So you admit then the fight was with church rights more than women rights I assume? Did the church deny anyone from acquiring bc pills for 10 bucks at wal-mart. Did the church deny women the right to get insurance from any other source? The church had a belief (no matter how archaic) and were told by our government to fuck off, not only will you cover what we demand, but you will not charge a co-pay for this specific thing only. It was all part of the war on women narrative to win votes. It worked though, the ends justify the means with you guys.

ahhhhh, yes. the fluke conspiracy.

that loses you an automatic full three electoral points right there. sorry, no one likes a dumb ass.
Well, some people still like you, it's a pot forum and you grow hella nice plants. So you got that going for you.

Fluke wasn't a conspiracy, it's well documented and admitted that her and Pelosi researched which religious schools she could get admitted to that didn't cover birth control. It was an agenda, you fell for it. Like I said, she'll be coming to a ballot near you soon, show your sheep like collective intelligence and vote for the conniving manipulative anti-freedom lover.


Well-Known Member
Being called a retard by you is like being called fat by Chris Christie. So you admit then the fight was with church rights more than women rights I assume? Did the church deny anyone from acquiring bc pills for 10 bucks at wal-mart. Did the church deny women the right to get insurance from any other source? The church had a belief (no matter how archaic) and were told by our government to fuck off, not only will you cover what we demand, but you will not charge a co-pay for this specific thing only. It was all part of the war on women narrative to win votes. It worked though, the ends justify the means with you guys.
one more electoral point lost by you.

Fluke wasn't a conspiracy, it's well documented and admitted that her and Pelosi researched which religious schools she could get admitted to that didn't cover birth control. It was an agenda, you fell for it.

now it's the fluke-pelosi conspiracy :roll:

keep up the good fight against responsible family planning and preventive medicine that saves everyone money in the end. nothing like watching a righty fight against common sense, their own self interest, and making themselves look dumber than all holy hell while they're at it.

Wheaton College, an evangelical liberal arts school in Illinois, asked a Washington, D.C. federal court on Wednesday for an emergency injunction against the Obama administration's contraception coverage mandate because the rule forces the school to cover emergency contraception, which it believes causes abortions, or pay immediate fines.

But Wheaton's health plan already covered emergency contraception when the mandate was announced, a spokesperson for its legal team told The Huffington Post, and tried to scramble to get rid of that coverage in order to qualify for the one-year reprieve President Barack Obama put in place for religious institutions that have moral objections to contraception.

glad that's the side that YOU'RE fighting for, and not me.


Well-Known Member
Btw, Wheaton's plan called for a co-pay, that was mandated out. Still funny though.

No, you've shown your intelligence and knowledge of policy by trumpeting Obamacare. You've got to feel a little stoopid by now.

After the implementation is put on pause AGAIN to avoid facing the ramifications during an election, you must feel at least a little uneasy.

While you are wishing for your one-sized fits all government shaped in your image, please hope a Palin/Bachmann type doesn't want the same thing you do but in their image.

Wouldn't a government founded on personal liberty and responsibility make much more sense than a Palin/Buck world? There is very little distinction between your PC crowd and the moral majority, the goal is the same. Everybody needs to behave the way I say.


Well-Known Member
HOw would it go if they put the leaders of the targetted Tea Party groups on the stand in a congressional hearing to tell the world of their "Social Welfare" accomplishments since they got 501c status? Since none of them were denied. They should have a huge list of all the good they have done. And I want to hear about it.
No you don't. None were granted status for 24 months, until the election was over. Plenty of group's sole mission is political speech, AKA "social welfare", both left and right leaning. Pretending YOU get to decide what is legitimate and what is not is just you being a self-appointed censor. Let's be truthful here. If Bush had done what Obama has done, you would be marching in the streets.


Well-Known Member
thanks. not worried about the snitchery chatter though, my worry is that the level of anti-semitism is so sky high and so seemingly acceptable. i don't differentiate it as being any less repugnant than racism.
I thought it WAS racism?


Well-Known Member
the IRS would have been doing the right a favor if it had denied 501c3 status to any of the organizations which applied (the IRS did not deny a single one). the net effect would have been that the righties would have saved some money for a fight they could have actually won. instead, they wasted their money and limited their own political influence through a series of "magical vagina" and "god bless that rape baby" comments that disgusted the whole of america. let's not forget re-litigating the 50 year old debate on contraceptives. i know you were a big fan of that one, ginwilly! just remember, every time you bring it up again, you give one more electoral vote to the 2016 democratic nominee. i don't make the rules, i just spell them out. sorry. yes, the right was its own worst enemy in 2012. the IRS should have done more to save them from themselves.
"(the IRS did not deny a single one)." You can keep restating this lye as often as ewe wish, but its still a lye. They were delayed until the election was over, some were never granted. Demanding there donor lists and then giving them to the opposition and auditing those donors was a clear violation of the law. And no one used them terms "magical vagina" and "god bless that rape baby" but ewe and you're dishonest fellows.


Well-Known Member
one more electoral point lost by you. LOL! now it's the fluke-pelosi conspiracy :roll: keep up the good fight against responsible family planning and preventive medicine that saves everyone money in the end. nothing like watching a righty fight against common sense, their own self interest, and making themselves look dumber than all holy hell while they're at it. Wheaton College, an evangelical liberal arts school in Illinois, asked a Washington, D.C. federal court on Wednesday for an emergency injunction against the Obama administration's contraception coverage mandate because the rule forces the school to cover emergency contraception, which it believes causes abortions, or pay immediate fines. But Wheaton's health plan already covered emergency contraception when the mandate was announced, a spokesperson for its legal team told The Huffington Post, and tried to scramble to get rid of that coverage in order to qualify for the one-year reprieve President Barack Obama put in place for religious institutions that have moral objections to contraception. glad that's the side that YOU'RE fighting for, and not me.
But now everybody is getting that reprieve, the implementation of Obamacare has been delayed until after the 2014 elections because its such a cluster fuck. The Dems no they they will lose a shit load of votes when people find out watt will happen.


Well-Known Member
substantive rebuttal, herr red. here's an idea: why don't you try actually rebutting what the atlantic wire has to say, instead of just illustrating to all of us that you ass is hurting and you can't do a thing about it. moron.
Pretending I'm "butthurt" is just ewe trying to pretend ewe have bin successful. Not. Why should I rebut an opinion peace devoid of facts?


Well-Known Member
They were delayed until the election was over, some were never granted.
i'd ask you to provide citation for that, but since it is a known fact that no conservative groups were denied status, it would just be pissing into the wind.

and besides, if i asked you to provide citation or back up your nonsense with facts, you'd just go crying about how you can't spell simple words.

you are an unremitting failure, red.

Why should I rebut an opinion peace devoid of facts?
you said it was "bullshit". that claim needs to be backed up with facts and rebuttals disproving what they say.

but, since you can't do that, you just wail and cry like a little girl and pretend that your crying makes you right.

your crying doesn't make you right, it just makes you a crybaby.

one more time i will request for you to back up some of your nonsense with something substantial, based in fact, and with accompanying citations.

no spellchecker was required to complete this post.


Well-Known Member
red is such a lazy freeloader that i might as well go ahead and provide citation for him:

no conservative groups were denied status, liberal groups were denied status, extra scrutiny was given to both left and right leaning groups, and the person who initiated the whole thing was a "conservative republican".

this post was created without the use of a spellchecker.