The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
To be honest the old guy is lucky he didn't do it to a van of scally's cos I've seen folk get duct taped to desks and the till taken for similar!


Well-Known Member
yer i totaly get u...yer im pissed off cos all i kno he could of gave me sommert that could of fuked my plants up....if id of known it was i didnt i was going on bloke in shop knowing his shit then i wouldnt of brought it.....he obv dosent kno what he on about and gave me wrong shit and advice.....yer i kno im not an exp grower...but i went to shop for nitrogen...and all he gave me is oxygen?.....ill have a word with the young lad who i usualy deal with when i go in there.....
It's deserved, you accepted something you didn't need and paid the man. It's not a noob mistake, it's a consumer sheeple mistake.

Selling snow to the Eskimo's ring a bell!?

Personally I would have kicked off at the guy for wasting my time after I took the liberty of phoning beforehand, then have the bare faced cheek to try palm me off with something completely unrelated once I got there.


Well-Known Member
ah man yer i could kik off but the young lad who owns it is sound....gave me loads stuff cheep in past......ay worth loosing me local shop over.....fuk it anyways ay worth it....trial n error

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
h202 is handy to have around actually. good for keeping the PM at bay and oxygen to the roots though how it does that i don't quite know. i'm still trying to work out if you could just water down bleach, but it's probably odour and tasteless unlike demestos

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
h202 is handy to have around actually. good for keeping the PM at bay and oxygen to the roots though how it does that i don't quite know. i'm still trying to work out if you could just water down bleach, but it's probably odour and tasteless unlike demestos
It's a gimmick mate, You need a catalyst for it to be applicable and even then it's pointless as the o2 released would escape quicker than the roots could use it.

It'd fizz up like when you pour it on a cut.

I'm not falling for it until somebody shows me the relevant levels of o2 released as it decomposes naturally, impossible I think.....


Well-Known Member
i made my own c02 bottle once, made it to big for my room tho and suffocated me shit, but point ws it works,

and it was only in the room a hr, and my plants wer doubled over, (1st grow reading nocense on google) so it obviously gets absorbed thru the leaves rather fast, be like a mist wunt it?

most comm growers swear by it and they know ther shit! i


Well-Known Member
.snot a gimmick it chemistry don't need a catalyst unless you are making it then its platinum electrodes all tha way. The chemistry is simple...H2o2 is a reactive oxygen species and a very powerful oxidizer this means it wants to steal electrons from most of what it touches the electrons are e- in the following equation 2H2O2 + 2e- => 2H2O + O2 so it breaks down into water and pure oxygen (cf 21%atmospheric) this increses the oxygen in tha soil an kills a few microbes...use very dilute....don't chuck...and icm your plants look ok they have plenty of N and look nuted not def.


Well-Known Member
hahah fuck that Kode, asking to be ripped off that is.

nowt wrong with my place it's just easier to be at work than at home, just means i'll have to work from home the morning i'm expecting owt.
ordering online is asking to be ripped off, remember they rely on feedback on the road aswell....

dnt u just let it come through the post box, fuck signin for anything, seen a video on youtube guy signs for his package 15 mins later door goes in, hes caught with pounds of weed, boom suppose not much difference goin through the letterbox either


Well-Known Member
It's deserved, you accepted something you didn't need and paid the man. It's not a noob mistake, it's a consumer sheeple mistake.

Selling snow to the Eskimo's ring a bell!?

Personally I would have kicked off at the guy for wasting my time after I took the liberty of phoning beforehand, then have the bare faced cheek to try palm me off with something completely unrelated once I got there.
too right, nothin worse than sombody who is suppose to know what they are doin then just fuckin up the simple things


Well-Known Member
.snot a gimmick it chemistry don't need a catalyst unless you are making it then its platinum electrodes all tha way. The chemistry is simple...H2o2 is a reactive oxygen species and a very powerful oxidizer this means it wants to steal electrons from most of what it touches the electrons are e- in the following equation 2H2O2 + 2e- => 2H2O + O2 so it breaks down into water and pure oxygen (cf 21%atmospheric) this increses the oxygen in tha soil an kills a few microbes...use very dilute....don't chuck...and icm your plants look ok they have plenty of N and look nuted not def.
why the fuck are you growing mate, your way too smart for this seriously.