The Flying Circus

I had to turn the volume down to about 30% to make it okay on my ears.
He really goofed up the volume when he shot all the segments.
But was some good info, so I downloaded it so I can be annoyed again later when the info will become handy.
High carbon content in any soil will sequester available N for the actual decomposing process and take a long time to break down. Wood chips and what not do make a good mulch and eventually break down into great soil, but too much as a mulch or added to the soil and microbes will pull N from the surrounding area to get it broken down. IMO the best way to use the wood chips is to fully compost it for several years or until it has basically turned into soil. Carbon/Nitrogen rations are key in any compost pile and or soil,,,, from what Iv read a 11-1 ratio is best.

Certain logs (not sure which ones exactly,,,, yet ;-) ) are perfect for growing edible mushrooms,,, that is also on the agenda.

OMG I find this guy so annoying but it too much on the subject not to post..... Something about him though :cuss: lol

the mushroom thing is definitely interesting, I've been toying with the idea for quite a while. It would rock to have fresh mushrooms to cook with all the time.
Oh yeah, that guy really is annoying. I've tried (unsuccessfully) to sit thru his videos many times lol.
Glad Im not the only one! Yeah, we always see rotting lumber covered in shrooms and funguses for a reason :-) they break it down really well.
Glad Im not the only one! Yeah, we always see rotting lumber covered in shrooms and funguses for a reason :-) they break it down really well.
I want to try to grow Shrooms!!! You ever grow them before Whodat? The trippy kind. Hope you and your family enjoyed the 4th!
Never grown shrooms before, either kind. Id love to get some none trippy ones going for market though.

Or I could try these out :shock: I would like to grow some trippy shrooms for personal use, but I got so much going on right now all input is going into the future farm.
Fourth was good didnt do much, besides drive around with my V mask on scaring all the patriots <<< jkjk nsa dont come get me. Im a good boy, promise.


Matsutake Mushrooms &#8211; $1000/pound
The matsutake, or mattake, mushroom is expensive because of its rarity. While its historical prevalence meant it was nearly synonymous with autumn in Japan, the introduction of an insect that kills the trees under which the mushroom grows has caused a dramatic decrease in the number of matsutake mushrooms. A method for farming the matsutake has yet to be developed, which means the lack of trees from which to harvest these mushrooms naturally is a serious problem for the species.

Did you do anything cool? Hows the monster? Her cut flowering yet?
Whodat the members of the fungus family you see on those logs do something to the wood I use in my woodworking called spalting. I cultivate them and love them for a whole different reason.
Whodat the members of the fungus family you see on those logs do something to the wood I use in my woodworking called spalting. I cultivate them and love them for a whole different reason.

Uh I typed up a respons and flop it goes away.

Basically,,, Iv hade plenty exp in wood working,,, spalting is beautiful, Im also amazed by curly and birdseye formations. Burls are really cool too. In the end I was turned off of working with exotic and hard woods when i realized how destructive the industry is to our home AKA earth. Iv broken away from it,,, new spark to start a sustainable fast growing bamboo patch on the property for all of my building needs (hopefully). Im very thankful to know of this grasses wonders, now I need to be smart and use it.
I think you can totally be successfull growing either or both kinds of mushrooms bud. My shroom grow was start up to harvest in 30 days for under $100 and was done mostly with birdseed but I've been reading popcorn also works well. If you have a pressure cooker already it will be even cheaper. The biggest keys are keeping everything clean and being able to control temp and humidity.

Edibles are a bit different but can be grown on various things including wood chips/sawdust. I haven't grown any edibles yet but have watched several videos and read some in the process of learning about the other grow. Java dog is a great mushroom resource for edibles or magicals! Cannado also has a lot of great knowledge and experience.
Uh I typed up a respons and flop it goes away.

Basically,,, Iv hade plenty exp in wood working,,, spalting is beautiful, Im also amazed by curly and birdseye formations. Burls are really cool too. In the end I was turned off of working with exotic and hard woods when i realized how destructive the industry is to our home AKA earth. Iv broken away from it,,, new spark to start a sustainable fast growing bamboo patch on the property for all of my building needs (hopefully). Im very thankful to know of this grasses wonders, now I need to be smart and use it.
I work with wood a lot. Usually once a day, sometimes more. Punch the top and twist it works best for me.
Ready for some organic luvin?

This is getting ready for my fall canna grow.
Compost on the left, native soil from the ditch on the right.


Native soil

Together we are awesome :-)

Pinke eye purple hull peas, blooming and fruiting

Been harvesting some squash lately, they are doing great.
These are the crookneck.

This one is 5.5 feet in diameter and 4 ft tall.


Sweet corn

View of the melon patch from the back of the corn patch, hands raised in the air.
Melons doing great

Sugar baby

Cucumber and Toms,

This one is for brunch tomorrow


Eggplant flower

Hope you enjoy. :peace:
I didn't just enjoy I loved it!!! My mouth is just about watering man. My wife was very impressed and thought it was somebody's farm..... I said we'll it kinda is :). She hadn't see pics if it in a few weeks and didn't recognize it was the same garden. Everything looks really impressive man!
I agree about the destructive habits of man. I selectively cut diseased trees when I do cut which isn't very often. I can get most from storm fall and timber industry waste. Which in its self is a shame. I love the free form organic fill of figured wood. I use olive burl from orchards in California. I love art as a whole. I was a photographer in GA before I came to lousyana. I had my work in some galleries in the north GA mountains. I did that professionally for three years. My camera quit writing to the card at a wedding six years ago. I have been unable to replace it since. Every time I get to money life happens. I still have all my studio equipment and Nikon lenses. Will be getting a camera again this winter. I will post some stuff on the six one day this week. I have a picture of a snowy egret ( the bird in the field whit your donkeys) on the bayou at sunrise I won some awards for I can put up.
By the way the veggies look f'ing great. Ate my first tomato yesterday. Love them probably my favorite. Have harvested some pepper for some preventive spray for my gorilla girls before I move on.
Oooo then you should be able to make some high class pr0n then :hump: hehe. Iv won 3 photo contests 2 here on riu (600 stuff) and one on another site lol not really nice by any means. Glad to hear your doing your part to wood work responsibly, the lumber and wood products manufacturing industry actually considers all these cool formations mentioned "defects" people are so fukin closed minded it makes me sick.

Mind sharing your bug spray? I need to mix up my line of attack, the thrips are doing their thing.

The one I use consists of cinnomon, cloves, mint, orang peel, apple cider vin, lemon juice, and bio deg soap.

Hey Thanks allot Mr and Mrs TC! This "garden" is me trying to develop a model that can work on a larger scale,,,, some major tweaking to be done.

Thanks for stoping by everyone :-) hope you and yours are doing good. I slept in AGAIN :shock: time to get this coffee brewd up and a fatty twisted,,, I gots shit to do!

1 clove garlic
1lb pepper
1\2 green tobacco laeve
steep screen and mix
2tsp lemon juice
2tsp aloe gel
1 gal water
(1 egg white can be added for more longevity)
would like to try the mint and cloves
I sprinkle cinnamon on the ground