Flowering Question?


Well-Known Member
Whats the earliest I can flower my plant...I have her under lights and she is about 9" tall and about a month old...only been under lights for a week and a half now...How much longer should I grow her?



Well-Known Member
You can flower that plant right now if you want to. It just depends on how much yield you are looking for.
If you want a bigger yield then I would transplant into a bigger pot and wait a few more weeks before flowering. But, if you just want something to smoke then go ahead and start flowering her asap.
your plant is looking good.


Well-Known Member
thanks...She is growing under 2-105w 500w equivulant cfl lights and when its time to flower Im gonna use 5-55w 300w equivulant lights....


Active Member
You can flower as early as you want.. If you have the room though, keep vegging.. yield will pay off in the end.


Well-Known Member
Yes she is my only plant...The Club where I got it from Said it is a Sour Diesel...I plan on growing her for about 3 more weeks then Flower her..I wanna give her nutes but eveytime I do Even when I follow Directions the tips of the leaves turn yellow...So im gonna not give her any nutes.I gave her Vh-11 and Superthrive not at the say time and her tips turn yellow...


Active Member
u should take at least 2 cuttings then flower her
then u can still have more plants after u flower that to turn into mothers or flower


Well-Known Member
Curious. What are these 'clubs' that people occasionally mention?
Well I live in California...and you need a medical marijuana Card to legally buy pot...and here we have a few place were we can go and get different types of pot...and clones for the people who want to grow there own.


Well-Known Member
Dude, wait till she is atleast 2foot tall and the preflowers are showing on the main stem of the plant where branches grow off. If you try to flower too early or before preflowering shows then you will loose yield of the plant and will get poor quality smoke. What are you growing under?? I have a 400watt HPS and it grows a heap of plants, 8 weeks and ready for flowering. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Dude, wait till she is atleast 2foot tall and the preflowers are showing on the main stem of the plant where branches grow off. If you try to flower too early or before preflowering shows then you will loose yield of the plant and will get poor quality smoke. What are you growing under?? I have a 400watt HPS and it grows a heap of plants, 8 weeks and ready for flowering. Cheers
I am using 2 105w 500 w equivulant and 4 26w 100 w equivulant cfl bulbs...and when its time to bud I have 5-55w 300w equivulant clf bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Thats sounding pretty sweet for cfls. Im not a huge fan of cfls but id say you have done your homework and got it sus'd. Be sure to let us know how your grow goes dessbarrett. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Sweet as bra. Always interested in other peoples grows, helps the understanding man. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
I agree with little tom, mother plants can hang around forever aslong as you look after them and feed em right you'll always pull off excellent clones. cheers


Well-Known Member
I agree with little tom, mother plants can hang around forever aslong as you look after them and feed em right you'll always pull off excellent clones. cheers
You have helped alot...I now know I can Clone from my clone and make her my mother plant...Can I flower her and then reveg her again...is that possiable??