worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
How bout worst drug combo...take xanax,then salvia in a gravity bong,then put crack,meth,pcp on top,garnish with a chunk of dmt,after doing a balloon of medi nitrous,upon exhale,a line of coke on the inhale..with a hot rail of course...after ya get a lil high..bumps of china white and ketamine..wooo.fucking.hoo.!!!(of course lsd is in the mix silly!)


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine took way too much ecstacy and was freaking out, his friend gave him a bunch of methadone to calm him down and told him to go to sleep...he never woke up. so i suppose its not really the 2 drugs being mixed fault necesarilly


Well-Known Member
pretty sad story, his girlfriends mom gave him the methadone and went to prison, she having lost her boyfriend and mom in jail shot herself in the school bathroom with a 22
I smoked a lot of weed and took a bunch of seroquel then went to school. Long story short I ended up on the bathroom floor passing out and about to puke my guys up.


Well-Known Member
DXM...idk how the fuck i used to drink that nasty shit
I'm allergic to that stuff. I break out in a strange rash on my knees and elbows, and feel like my skin is on fire for 24 hours. What a great trip.... Of course I didn't learn the first time. Thought maybe I just got sick. Second time did the trick.


Well-Known Member
Your body develops a strong reverse tolerance( that's why it happens to me now) basically like a niacin od . I'm pretty sensitive so have to extract the dxm out. All the red dye and especially the syrup fucks with me...but dxm is tied as my 2nd favorite drug. A couple lines will have me blasting in outerspace as my bed turns into aagic carpet ride. But I like all dissociatives.....I've never found but a handful of people that can handle the drug. Makes your chest andface numb so you literally can't tell if your breathing or heart is beating etc. Ah yea I love it. Always very powerful experiences


Well-Known Member
Your body develops a strong reverse tolerance( that's why it happens to me now) basically like a niacin od . I'm pretty sensitive so have to extract the dxm out. All the red dye and especially the syrup fucks with me...but dxm is tied as my 2nd favorite drug. A couple lines will have me blasting in outerspace as my bed turns into aagic carpet ride. But I like all dissociatives.....I've never found but a handful of people that can handle the drug. Makes your chest andface numb so you literally can't tell if your breathing or heart is beating etc. Ah yea I love it. Always very powerful experiences
Sounds like a blast. :)


Well-Known Member
Never done dxm..extracted it twice tho and everyone that consumed was fuc*ed up..they compared it to liquor and ketamine when they tried to equate its effects..perhaps I may make some headstash or order some for purity equations...


Well-Known Member
Definately. Its not something you take at parties or with people. You just lay in bed for 6 hours.. the drunk like effects when you move your head and loss of coordination, face numbing too i guess i could see it described like that. you cant walk either, your muscles can get all rigid and depending on the dose you can still walk like frankenstein I guess.but yea its great... I might of told this on here already but I had a girlfriend straight shit herself on a high dose.....that was awkward to say the least