supercropping??? how and when to do it


Well-Known Member
How do I supercrop ??? I want to increase potentcy and yield strain is trainwreck im in northeast I don't know if I should supercrop now just before flowering starts and don't know if I should supercrop the top aswell Any info would be great. Im hoping to pull more then a half oz this time off one plant. Every other time I tryed it got a lousy half and more like 9-11.5 g dryed out of 5 times growing one time I got jacked last season some lil fucker ripper stole my shit I had 2 one indica and a sativa and they had decent buds on them at the end of august till some lil fucker ripped either way im hoping this year I get atleast an ounce


Active Member
Well it depends on the size of the plant, but not entirely, i wouldn't do it on a small seedling, but a small plant or clone at least a foot, does't have to be though. all you really have to do is pinch different parts of the stock or branch on different parts of the plant. Essentially what your doing is forcing the plant to create a knot, which will increase the size of the feeding tube after a few days and everything past the knot will burst into more branches because they can recieve more water and nutrient uptake, from the area of the knot, it will usually show results quickly. Just be careful not to snap the branch but if you do as long as it is still attached you can stake it for larger branches but sometimes your best bet is to make a small splint or even just something to lean it against depending on how bad it is. Do not worry though, it will recover and come back with a veageance. You can use fimming in conjunction with supercropping for awesome results. In the case that you may not have tried fimming, you just remove a small part of the leaves coming out from a new node, it slows down the growth of a new branch but doesn't permanently stop it and generally bring in 3 to 4 more new branches from the same branch area unlike topping which splits into 2. supercropping and fimming are great for bushy plants. Sorry wrote a book tho, but it was fun if you have any more questions hopefully i'll check back soon, or i'm sure someone would be glad to help. Sorry about your rippers, Usually animals are the biggest rippers. It sucks either way, But acceptance is sometimes the only way through it, You live you learn and you learn more, and more good luck


Well-Known Member
Supercropping is used to train the tree and to increase yield not potency...

(posted this on another thread but.. think it may help here too)

you can squish the stem use your finger and the side of a lighter and squeeze it a bit you will feel it kinda give way use a softer part of the plant..

like this..
original super crop date 6-19-13

taken 7-5-13

this is a pic from 2012 with the same planter.. (diff strain but you can see she was about 5+

super cropping lst and scog are my only style this year testing yield to last year



Well-Known Member
I guess it depends what you mean. I "super crop" but I don't bend over the stem like that. I pinch and wiggle so not to split but really its just crushing the stem to let it grow thicker. I've never notice anything after the knot to grow better we use it to slow vertical growth as while repairing it stops above the knot and only below grows. I use this to decrease height and internode length while also creating a bushier plant by letting lower growth, grow... you don't really want to do it in flowering


Well-Known Member
So would i be in flowering??? by now should i leave it alone now. I just wanted to increase yeild nothing more i know one guy said doesnt increase potency but doesnt it create more buds and bigger???


Well-Known Member
So would i be in flowering??? by now should i leave it alone now. I just wanted to increase yeild nothing more i know one guy said doesnt increase potency but doesnt it create more buds and bigger???
it depends on how you work the plant if you leave a bunch of sucker branches that will pop corn up on you.. it will take energy from where you wanted it to go the main colla's

as far as yield increasing... yes that is what the main benefit is.. I am testing LST supercropping and scrog grows this year to test yields.. potency will be increased by what you feed her.. not by bending the plant.. this just allows the main colla's to become larger (think of it this way.. in a normal grow the plant thinks it has one main colla sends the needed energy there.. lst/super croping allows it to send the energy equally to all the main colla's hence many larger colla's then the normal one.. )


Well it depends on the size of the plant, but not entirely, i wouldn't do it on a small seedling, but a small plant or clone at least a foot, does't have to be though. all you really have to do is pinch different parts of the stock or branch on different parts of the plant. Essentially what your doing is forcing the plant to create a knot, which will increase the size of the feeding tube after a few days and everything past the knot will burst into more branches because they can recieve more water and nutrient uptake, from the area of the knot, it will usually show results quickly. Just be careful not to snap the branch but if you do as long as it is still attached you can stake it for larger branches but sometimes your best bet is to make a small splint or even just something to lean it against depending on how bad it is. Do not worry though, it will recover and come back with a veageance. You can use fimming in conjunction with supercropping for awesome results. In the case that you may not have tried fimming, you just remove a small part of the leaves coming out from a new node, it slows down the growth of a new branch but doesn't permanently stop it and generally bring in 3 to 4 more new branches from the same branch area unlike topping which splits into 2. supercropping and fimming are great for bushy plants. Sorry wrote a book tho, but it was fun if you have any more questions hopefully i'll check back soon, or i'm sure someone would be glad to help. Sorry about your rippers, Usually animals are the biggest rippers. It sucks either way, But acceptance is sometimes the only way through it, You live you learn and you learn more, and more good luck

I would love to FIM and super crop. Would you mind posting some links on how to correctly do these techniques?


Well-Known Member
I don't like fimming and sorry no links but to super crop you want to lightly squeeze and wiggle the stem back and forth so it becomes soft and willing. If you go to fast you can snap it off or squeeze to hard and you will split the stem. But its not as dangerous as it sounds. You can do at any age through up until the end of the stretch at the start of flowering. You can do anywhere on the plant though it doesn't seem as effective on side branches.. it makes knots in the stem and stops the flow of plant hormones to the top while repairing and all side shoots will grow below that point until it heals. While healing the top will still grow but much slower


Well-Known Member
I don't like fimming and sorry no links but to super crop you want to lightly squeeze and wiggle the stem back and forth so it becomes soft and willing. If you go to fast you can snap it off or squeeze to hard and you will split the stem. But its not as dangerous as it sounds. You can do at any age through up until the end of the stretch at the start of flowering. You can do anywhere on the plant though it doesn't seem as effective on side branches.. it makes knots in the stem and stops the flow of plant hormones to the top while repairing and all side shoots will grow below that point until it heals. While healing the top will still grow but much slower
So your saying that you have to supercrop the top in order for any benefit that you don't touch the lower branches. Doesn't seem to make sense if you bend a lower branch that's attached to the main stem cant the main stem still feed the cola??? And btw my girl is only at about 2ft tall does that even matter wont the plant still stretch at some point even if I supercrop??? shouldn't it finish at 4 or 5 feet still


Well-Known Member
I don't like fimming and sorry no links but to super crop you want to lightly squeeze and wiggle the stem back and forth so it becomes soft and willing. If you go to fast you can snap it off or squeeze to hard and you will split the stem. But its not as dangerous as it sounds. You can do at any age through up until the end of the stretch at the start of flowering. You can do anywhere on the plant though it doesn't seem as effective on side branches.. it makes knots in the stem and stops the flow of plant hormones to the top while repairing and all side shoots will grow below that point until it heals. While healing the top will still grow but much slower
So your saying that you have to supercrop the top in order for any benefit that you don't touch the lower branches. Doesn't seem to make sense if you bend a lower branch that's attached to the main stem cant the main stem still feed the cola as its not damaged??? And btw my girl is only at about 2ft tall does that even matter wont the plant still stretch at some point even if I supercrop??? shouldn't it finish at 4 or 5 feet still


Well-Known Member
Crushing the stem "super cropping" slows growth dramatically from where you crushed upwards. You would not want to do this on the very base of the plant for instance as there are no side shoots that you wish to "catch up" to have an even canopy. But you can do it anywhere on the plant, as side shoots don't have dominance they aren't slowed as noticably when suoercropped, the main stem is effected most. After the repair everything goes back to normal... that's all it does let's side shoots and undergrowth catch up. If done during the stretch it will also slow the stretch a lot. It does improve yields only by having an even canopy and more side growth. Having a knot won't make anything flow faster or better, a thicker stem will do that but a knot doesn't uniform ally thicken your main stem ..
Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
How do I supercrop ??? I want to increase potentcy and yield strain is trainwreck im in northeast I don't know if I should supercrop now just before flowering starts and don't know if I should supercrop the top aswell Any info would be great. Im hoping to pull more then a half oz this time off one plant.Every other time I tryed it got a lousy half and more like 9-11.5 g dryed out of 5 times growing one time I got jacked last season some lil fucker ripper stole my shit I had 2 one indica and a sativa and they had decent buds on them at the end of august till some lil fucker ripped either way im hoping this year I get atleast an ounce
Ummm.... we are talking outdoors, right? You've tried 5 seasons outdoor and your best yield was a half oz?

I personally don't think you should be concerning yourself with training techniques just yet. Not to be an ass BUT I think you must be flat out doing something WRONG. Even if you had a late start (which it doesn't sound like you have if your plant is currently 2' tall,) you should be pulling MINIMUM 2-4oz off an outdoor plant without any training.

Before you do anything I'd suggest posting a pic of the plant in question and maybe allow some growers to offer some suggestions. Any type of training will stress your plant to some degree, let's make sure your plant is healthy enough to take some stress.

Please don't take offence, it's not meant as such. I think a little constructive criticism could go a long way for you.

My 2cents


Well-Known Member
This is true I never really read.. sounds like your probly harvesting way to early if your plants finish 4 to 5 feet tall and that's what you yield


Well-Known Member
I fucked around with this trick a few times. keep in mind I have every thing dialed in 100 % with 1500 ppm co2. I did 15 plants super crop and 15 with out , larger harvest came from non super cropped ones. so if you ask me it don't work


Well-Known Member
Ummm.... we are talking outdoors, right? You've tried 5 seasons outdoor and your best yield was a half oz?

I personally don't think you should be concerning yourself with training techniques just yet. Not to be an ass BUT I think you must be flat out doing something WRONG. Even if you had a late start (which it doesn't sound like you have if your plant is currently 2' tall,) you should be pulling MINIMUM 2-4oz off an outdoor plant without any training.

Before you do anything I'd suggest posting a pic of the plant in question and maybe allow some growers to offer some suggestions. Any type of training will stress your plant to some degree, let's make sure your plant is healthy enough to take some stress.

Please don't take offence, it's not meant as such. I think a little constructive criticism could go a long way for you.

My 2cents
True. I've grown outside in 10 gallon pots, Just some LST, good soil, sun and nutrition and easily get 6 or more ounces of bud. You have to get the fundamentals down before thinking supercropping is going to make the difference


New Member
i wish to learn the basics of cropping as i am still unaware with this thing what shall i do for it can anyone help me with this situation or not...


Well-Known Member
I've tried twice... last go... crush the stem. It takes a few days to recover. During those few days everything above stops growing.. all it does is let undergrowth catch up... it helps give you a more even canopy and a more Christmas tree like shape I guess... it improves yields indoors kind of like scrogging .. its done to keep the plant short and stocky.. goes great on my landrace sativas that won't stop growing.... does it improve yield? Well imo no . It changes shape . But I do it on all my plants. Another secret when growing true sativas, I top the main cola are bout 15 weeks into flower, when vertical growth has almost stopped. Makes a huge top cola, on my last harvest the main cola was 8" in diameter, from the top it looked like a plate... it doesn't yield more just looks cool... that's kinda how I view most training techniques