The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yahman, round here there aint too many people willing to give up anything at bulk since the 25 for 1.4's is making them filthy rich, so a chance to get oz's at 200-250 on bulk is a mustbuy

yeah i understand the cheese is fake, but ur allways gonna have them aslong as its clone only, not everyone can get them too easy

i got blueberry this run anytime you wana payb 220 a oz ona harvest just say....


Well-Known Member
i got blueberry this run anytime you wana payb 220 a oz ona harvest just say....
will do mate, maybe this harvest, we can all swap bits, or ill buy, im wanting to have a few different strains jarred up formyself including mine, 220 to about 300 profit, thats not bad, but would be better in bulk

i need to find a fucker who has cash to be flipping out 350, may even start pushing my main guy up to 260 each, he can take it or leave, it since he dont get weed in very often and 260 to a potentiol 500 each once bagged up is quite a profit, las round went 220 each didnt want to insult him, since my bud wernt exactly the best iv ever had, was good and hit u hard, but wernt cured to its full potential... and tbh master kush aint the best strain, couldnt stop coughing after smoking it, it had that earthy taste when you took a toke(something you dont find around here its usually got that cheesy tase or hazey tase), and made you cough ur lungs up since i was wasting away my weed making super joints lmao

think id rather wait till u got those clonlys on the go tho, they will b worth it for sure, never had livers or blues whatever its called.


Well-Known Member
so i had a good day went to that circus down bournemouth pretty good aswell some lovely fit ladies performing lol getting high as usual right now but got some bud with clear trichs so not a super high which is a bit of a shame . bet the cooler weather is better for your indoor grow people i hope there all coming on well . peace bong time bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
no matey neither is getting caught growing .... correct me if im wrong ?
What he is doing is pretty brave, as hes stated before he does this for his kids, he had a crappy childhood, and wants the best for his children, he cant be stoned all day when he is "looking after" kids, thats how they end up drinking bleach because parents are too busy taking drugs, imo he is a good man NOT smoking this shit all day everyday like some people, but everyone is different some can handle a smoke some cant, and as hes stated before hes a lightweight.

And im sure he doesnt want to set an example of sitting around getting stoned all the time, even if he does grow it, at least hes setting some sort of example of working for money instead of just sitting around wasting ur life away like me.


Well-Known Member
What he is doing is pretty brave, as hes stated before he does this for his kids, he had a crappy childhood, and wants the best for his children, he cant be stoned all day when he is "looking after" kids, thats how they end up drinking bleach because parents are too busy taking drugs, imo he is a good man NOT smoking this shit all day everyday like some people, but everyone is different some can handle a smoke some cant, and as hes stated before hes a lightweight.

And im sure he doesnt want to set an example of sitting around getting stoned all the time, even if he does grow it, at least hes setting some sort of example of working for money instead of just sitting around wasting ur life away like me.
fair comment dude but i was only stating fact regardless of history of the person . i agree he is pretty brave and prob has more at stake as most of us i dont want no hassle an i am a night smoker not a day smoker i have alot to do in life and embrace what there is of it check this for history i nearly died 2 years ago so i dont try and mope around lol

the dirty smack heads are the bad example who even bring kids into the world


Well-Known Member
Any of you fellow uk growers grow autos? Please have a look if so

Also see mentioning about beating poca I'd choose to keep it with someone you can 110% trust. Buy gold and burry it? Or try to clean the money by paying abit of tax. Ill go with keeping it with someone can trust that way if raided funds are there to come out and start up again of course you may wanna come out and go break your back for crap money and a dickhead boss who's just been given better chances in life to reach the position of a boss or kissed the right arses.


Well-Known Member
fair comment dude but i was only stating fact regardless of history of the person . i agree he is pretty brave and prob has more at stake as most of us i dont want no hassle an i am a night smoker not a day smoker i have alot to do in life and embrace what there is of it check this for history i nearly died 2 years ago so i dont try and mope around lol
I was just stating, since he aint here to defend himself, an the dopey cunt prolly will miss ur comment by the time hes back on here, he knows what hes doing, he will just have to deal with the "justice" system if he gets unlucky, because hes clearly hurting people by growing weed lmfao still cant get around that, nobodys died from weed yet tis still illegal why? because they passed that law to stop niggers coming to the states and uk back in the 20's because niggers liked a smoke, and by banning it apparently it stopped them coming over hahahahahaha crocks of shit, they just like the money and weed prices when the CIA are importing drugs to every country in the world


Well-Known Member
I was just stating, since he aint here to defend himself, an the dopey cunt prolly will miss ur comment by the time hes back on here, he knows what hes doing, he will just have to deal with the "justice" system if he gets unlucky, because hes clearly hurting people by growing weed lmfao still cant get around that, nobodys died from weed yet tis still illegal why? because they passed that law to stop niggers coming to the states and uk back in the 20's because niggers liked a smoke, and by banning it apparently it stopped them coming over hahahahahaha crocks of shit, they just like the money and weed prices when the CIA are importing drugs to every country in the world
i know mate its fucking stupid the system is fucked and jail is fucking bollox too lol when i move eventually il only be growing for myself as i hate going out to get it as i was caught and they raided my house when i just started up there wankers alcohol is dangerous (i only drank so much due to loss of a baby with ex misses and childhood dealing with stress etc) look what it causes i was a fucking nob head fighting and being a yob basicaly i stick to the weed and im not in trouble on straight and narrow i am pretty young though so im making head way and dont hang around with the youths got a lovely misses no kids so life is my oyster and im loving it these threads are fucking essay's lol


Well-Known Member
i know mate its fucking stupid the system is fucked and jail is fucking bollox too lol when i move eventually il only be growing for myself as i hate going out to get it as i was caught and they raided my house when i just started up there wankers alcohol is dangerous (i only drank so much due to loss of a baby with ex misses and childhood dealing with stress etc) look what it causes i was a fucking nob head fighting and being a yob basicaly i stick to the weed and im not in trouble on straight and narrow i am pretty young though so im making head way and dont hang around with the youths got a lovely misses no kids so life is my oyster and im loving it these threads are fucking essay's lol
pfft im 19, i know what ur on about, i stick to weed aswell, had many opportunities to take other shit, and im also the biggest cunt ever when i drink spirits, been in a few fights after drinking, never fought anyone thats not on xbox while stoned.


Well-Known Member
pfft im 19, i know what ur on about, i stick to weed aswell, had many opportunities to take other shit, and im also the biggest cunt ever when i drink spirits, been in a few fights after drinking, never fought anyone thats not on xbox while stoned.
ha ha to the pfft an xbox lol wheres the ps3 man ??? lol i know what you mean caining it on the console smoking chilling in . i do have social anxiety and split personality disorder so that may not help with mixing drink and people lol i not on meds either so thats another reason i smoke only night time though bro or a sneaky one depends on the weather ;)


Well-Known Member
ha ha to the pfft an xbox lol wheres the ps3 man ??? lol i know what you mean caining it on the console smoking chilling in . i do have social anxiety and split personality disorder so that may not help with mixing drink and people lol i not on meds either so thats another reason i smoke only night time though bro or a sneaky one depends on the weather ;)
Social anxiety, i have the same shit but getting alot better, certain weed doesnt help i have to admit, but i also have mild insomnia, comes and goes a good smoke kinda sorts that out, its weird when i smoke cheese for ages im alright, but last harvest with the master kush i was tokin up for a couple weeks day and night, i was getting paranoid as fuck, hhhmmm see what i mean, and yeah i got an xbox, not gonna waste my money on a ps3 now, and dont realy play too much anymore, only use it for watching movies and shit.

if i have a smoke ill smoke all day, but i aggree its alot better smoking only in the evening, hopefully a job will sort that one out, since im unemployed and getting stoned most days, well cant affors it now so i just have to make do, but really want a job so i can afford to smoke every night after a hard days work, got an interview tomorrow so hope i do well, realy busy day tomorrow will be out from like half 9-4pm, yeah just watchin this episode then im off for some snooz, if i can.

Split personality? hhhmm you need some meds for that shit, aint that some serious bizz, i mean if u have the real condition you could turn any moment no? and you may not even know what the other 'you' is capable of? done some reasing on this psychological disorders before, but im no pro by far.


Well-Known Member
Social anxiety, i have the same shit but getting alot better, certain weed doesnt help i have to admit, but i also have mild insomnia, comes and goes a good smoke kinda sorts that out, its weird when i smoke cheese for ages im alright, but last harvest with the master kush i was tokin up for a couple weeks day and night, i was getting paranoid as fuck, hhhmmm see what i mean, and yeah i got an xbox, not gonna waste my money on a ps3 now, and dont realy play too much anymore, only use it for watching movies and shit.
ha ha yeah bro some strong weed sets my panic attacks off lol but i got some calming techniques so it okay aslong as i smoke at night im cool but i dont sleep unless i smoke mate prison was so tough i was nakerd and had to work inside it fucking shit i never smoke while i meet family or go to meetings cause i get real anxious but it says it does that to people like us (similar condition) but i gotta deal with my ups and downs with the split pers dis im so stressy with it it nuts and think loads of stuff and what people thinking and i over anylize stuff ive had that for fucking years its mental the weed sorta calms it away like people with tourettes playing music do you get what i mean lol