The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i fucking hate it aswell, remember that show that taught you all the tricks, with the masked man, he would hang himself then untie himself and be alive, he would stay under water for 15 minuts a a time etc, they reveal it all and im just like wtf that was shit now
yeah i agree, can member when that cunt david blaine was up in that box with no food etc for how long and loaded magazine hired out a mini helicopter the ones you control handheld, they attached a bag of mcdonalds on to it and where flying it next to his box lmao

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i fucking hate it aswell, remember that show that taught you all the tricks, with the masked man, he would hang himself then untie himself and be alive, he would stay under water for 15 minuts a a time etc, they reveal it all and im just like wtf that was shit now
Breaking the magicians code I think it was called mate


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree, can member when that cunt david blaine was up in that box with no food etc for how long and loaded magazine hired out a mini helicopter the ones you control handheld, they attached a bag of mcdonalds on to it and where flying it next to his box lmao
iv heard about it being a hologram i doubt he done that, but yet again there are people who do 40 day water fasts, so its not unbelievable either. yeah think it was 40 days without food, then he jumped 50 foot onto cardboard boxes, lil bitch took forever to jump aswell


Well-Known Member
these clonzepam are niiiiiiiice house could burn down and i wouldnt give a fuck, prob just try light a fag off it lmao

came from budapest, av been there before some fucking lovely birds but omg its a borefest that city.


Well-Known Member
anyone know if a 4 inch budget extractor fan will cool a 600 in a 5 inch cooltube, yeah i said i was gonna get a hood, but i realy need to get moving with this, getting a cooltube for 30 quid, use it in the 250 for 2 weeks, then should be able to get my 600 ballast, then if this 4 inch extractor works, i can run that until i can get me a decent extractor, all this budget shit is a waste of money, i advise if any noob gonna get filter, fan, etc get the real deal, known names etc you fuckin buy the cheap shit, and end out needing the real good stuff anyway ffs

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
anyone know if a 4 inch budget extractor fan will cool a 600 in a 5 inch cooltube, yeah i said i was gonna get a hood, but i realy need to get moving with this, getting a cooltube for 30 quid, use it in the 250 for 2 weeks, then should be able to get my 600 ballast, then if this 4 inch extractor works, i can run that until i can get me a decent extractor, all this budget shit is a waste of money, i advise if any noob gonna get filter, fan, etc get the real deal, known names etc you fuckin buy the cheap shit, and end out needing the real good stuff anyway ffs
Only one way to find out mate set it up a couple of days before you need it and see how it does before you put anything in there.


Well-Known Member
Only one way to find out mate set it up a couple of days before you need it and see how it does before you put anything in there.
yeah well, i got plants in the now :) will just have to test it once i can.. iv heard of other people cooling 6ers with 4 inch fans, but didnt know weather they were using RVK's or what, i dont see why it wouldn't cool it to a certain extent...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers mate, some good looking strains there!!!!!
aye some corkers.
How stable is that strain mate, still on my list, any chance theres any fems yet nah?
those catylx's are fuckin peanut size jeez
to be honest i'm only just running it for the first time myself and i got it in clone. no fems of it though. as far as i know there's a few pheno's fred west's creation that one, i'll ask him to chime in;)


Well-Known Member
don if your short on the btc for the 20mgs, maligan has clonzepam abit cheaper mine arrived today and fuck me they are spot on mate,

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've sorted it now fella, cheers though ;) i did like the one you sent me, think it was banana flavour? under the tongue jobbie, i was nicely dulled in the boozer.

how'd you rate the clonze compared to the vals?


Well-Known Member
i've sorted it now fella, cheers though ;) i did like the one you sent me, think it was banana flavour? under the tongue jobbie, i was nicely dulled in the boozer.

how'd you rate the clonze compared to the vals?
they are stronger don hit harder and last longer mate and that maligan has the real deal, that banana flavour one where generics and a tad weak these ones of maligan are the real mcoy.


Well-Known Member
yer i had one of those cheep fans just to cool room bit more of a its just sitting around lol.....IMG_0519.jpgIMG_0520.jpg
anyone know if a 4 inch budget extractor fan will cool a 600 in a 5 inch cooltube, yeah i said i was gonna get a hood, but i realy need to get moving with this, getting a cooltube for 30 quid, use it in the 250 for 2 weeks, then should be able to get my 600 ballast, then if this 4 inch extractor works, i can run that until i can get me a decent extractor, all this budget shit is a waste of money, i advise if any noob gonna get filter, fan, etc get the real deal, known names etc you fuckin buy the cheap shit, and end out needing the real good stuff anyway ffs


Well-Known Member
Women are absolute nightmares mate I got loads to put right here before we leave in a couple of months, mine decided to start painting knowing I'd have to sort it out so now I'm decorating it for the landlords to move bakc into.

I'd love a council house but they're like rocking horse shit down here unless you have kids etc.
were moving into a family members house from here and they know what I do so I'm gonna have the smallest of the 3 bedrooms to do my thing and then I won't have to worry about inspections either so will save all the headaches I've been having over the past few years, the plan is 3x600 my large 8bulb T5 and a prop and mom area, should be the start of good times aslong as I don't get caught on this on mate
it is getting bad for housing round here too. i can see why that cunt camaron has put that bed room tax in but i still hate the fucker. my mrs has been here 10 years from when no one wanted to live in this street. we'd never get a swop unless it was to private now. but its got a bit better here lately tho so i dont want to move as bad. my mate might be moving and renting his house out so that would be an advantage. hes got a nice little 2 room extension too that he uses as a smoking room and toilet/tumble dryer room. just got to wait for him to move