LetsGetCritical's 2nd Grow Mainline Experiment


Well-Known Member
Good holy shit, what's on the other end of those green ties, rocket ships?!? That growth is amazing man!

Once again critical, looking awesome. Keep improving man! I finally got my environment tuned in and my plants are starting to thrive, I'm working on some shelves so I can hang my light vert style, was also gonna scrog, but main lining looks like the shit! My widow had two natural tops, she would be great for this. I might try and blend some main lining into my grow.

So, are you noticing way faster growth starting from the cuttings? I plan on never starting from seed again (unless I have to order them to get certain strains), it kills me waiting for that root structure before they explode.


Well-Known Member
hey mate, I'm happy to hear yours are going good. I think these cuttings are growing about the same rate, if not a little slower, however I did have these under just a 200w cfl for a while and the seeds were 400 mh from the start. This is the mother SAM_2498.jpg and 17 days later SAM_2570.jpgThis strain is very vigourous and easy to grow, the only downfall is the smell (well, I love the spicy, pungent skunk but others don't). I hope to have some monsters before I put these two I've got now in flower. Next update in a few days (I think I've been posting nearly every day ;)) and they should be noticeably bigger.


Well-Known Member
oh, and I have to start all over from seed again soon cus I've ordered a new strain, I finally settled on World Of S33ds NLxBig Bud. Watching a youtube video of a grow of these cemented my decision. They should be good fun. My sativas can wait for another time. I'm getting rid of these Critical Kush cus of the smell, I know they are weed and they all smell but these are just outrageous. This is what the NLx BigBud is supposed to look like untitled.png


Well-Known Member
Daaaaayumm, hell yeah that's one fat cola. I've heard great things about the nl X big bud and also ww X big bud. I actually have a critical X super silver haze that I am DYING to start, but I'm saving it, my blue dream, and my sour diesel until after my first harvest just to make sure everything goes smooth. I'm just so grateful to have mine doing well, I don't have any very recent pics but I plan on getting some up after I finish my new setup, hopefully later today.

Gotta throw you some rep, brother. Once again it looks like another textbook grow. I'm running soil the first run BC its forgiving but definitely wanting to try the Hempy style. I add a lot of perlite anyways but I've heard growing in mostly perlite is ideal.

Edit: ahhh, crap. Need to spread some rep around first. Not a prob, lot of people growing some nice shit around here. I'll have to get you some rep later man, you deserve it


Well-Known Member
Lol, I know. I was talking about the one pic that's not yours at first but then I was talking about the ones you are main lining


Well-Known Member
SAM_3024.jpg SAM_3023.jpgSAM_3018.jpgSAM_3019.jpg 19 more days of veg to go. Some of the new growth is a bit yellow, I've just upped the nutes a bit. Took away the 200w cfl, think it's a bit pointless in veg, but i'm considering adding two of the 200w cfl to the 600w hps for flowering dependant on if I can keep the heat down.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the great comments guys. ppm is only 700, going to increase 100ppm a week now. The DM Gold calculator says I should be a bit more but I'll let them tell me what they want.


Well-Known Member
plants are wicked.so fat stems bro.. what's the trick with dat?
I'd like them to be fatter, genetics must play a large role, but time, lots of/correct light spectrum, fans, bending and supercropping might help too. I haven't got a definitive answer bro, but these have much thicker stem than the mother plant who was not mainlined.


Well-Known Member
I just want to say wonderfull just wonderfull Oh and i hate your guts lol. Cant wait to see those girls flower.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
They look amazing LGC, super excited to try this with some of the seeds I just got. Maybe next grow :)