need knowledge fast

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Active Member
i am germentating seeds now. but for outdoorgrowth how do you yeild the best results. i have pots of varying sizes and shit. but if someone could hook it with a list of nutrients pot sizes or anything. i just need knowledge, and a general idea of what i am doing this first time around.


Well-Known Member
Well, He eed to learn first though. It is on trial and error when you know what you dd wrong and able to fx it with out scraping the project. read the growFAQ and this International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
it helps and this

Marijuana Cultivation Bible

both have great info on the should and should not . But you do need to find your own way these just help out. Because what any one says only woks for them and may not work in your situation, I think we have all learned that at one point .


Active Member
ok thanks guys, i was looking for some kind of sticky ut for outdoors plants like the one under "newbie" but that one was for indoor growth. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I love how people demand years worth of growing experience and knowledge "QUICK BEFORE MY SEEDS POP"

Read then seed people.


Well-Known Member
says the guy who has been a member for a week....

I have helped plenty of people. And I stand by my statement.
So basically your saying your a hypocrite? I'm not here to argue or fight, yet simply to voice/gain knowledge. All he was asking for was your help, not your smart ass remarks. Nor did he demand shit from you.

Since being a member to this site for so long makes your opinions better then mine, I'm assuming you have some nice ass bud. Do us all a favor roll up an L and relax... When you finally come down to earth realize we all are here for the same reasons and there is no need to jump down anyone's throat.
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Well-Known Member
So basically your saying your a hypocrite? I'm not here to argue or fight, yet simply to voice/gain knowledge. All he was asking for was your help, not your smart ass remarks. Nor did he demand shit from you.

Since being a member to this site for so long makes your opinions better then mine, I'm assuming you have some nice ass bud. Do us all a favor roll up an L and relax... When you finally down to earth realize we all are here for the same reasons and there is no need to jump down anyone's throat.
I think you ARE here to argue, but you will have to get in line. Let's just say I am helping others by encouraging them to read up before they get started instead of seeing that they can keep planting and then freaking.


Well-Known Member
I think you ARE here to argue, but you will have to get in line. Let's just say I am helping others by encouraging them to read up before they get started instead of seeing that they can keep planting and then freaking.
I did all kinds of reading and research before coming to this forum and I still ask questions. I think next time your "teaching" someone you should refrain from being a prick and making assumptions. Would you want advice from a prick who's quick to shoot you down every time you ask for advice or help? If you think I am out of line you need to look at things from an outside perspective. I have nothing left to say as my opinions obviously have no impact on yours which are clearly filled with abhorrence.


Well-Known Member
I did all kinds of reading and research before coming to this forum and I still ask questions. I think next time your "teaching" someone you should refrain from being a prick and making assumptions. Would you want advice from a prick who's quick to shoot you down every time you ask for advice or help? If you think I am out of line you need to look at things from an outside perspective. I have nothing left to say as my opinions obviously have no impact on yours which are clearly filled with abhorrence.
the thing is though the shamegame is right . why should we bother typing the same thing over and over because some people are too lazy to read up on this . and they usually ask specific questions that only have general answers so YES its better for them to at least get half assed knowledge base first, to even understand what question they are asking, or to understand the answer. We are here to help with the fine tuning and i have no problem answering questions that cant be found in the effin FAQ up there. but there is no point answering certain questions when, just by asking them, its obvious that you really wont be helped by the answer, because you have no knowledge base to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
the thing is though the other guy is right . why should we bother typing the same thing over and over because some people are too lazy to read up on this . and they usually ask specific questions that only have general answers so YES its better for them to at least get half assed knowledge base first, to even understand what question they are asking, or to understand the answer. We are here to help with the fine tuning and i have no problem answering questions that cant be found in the effin FAQ up there. but there is no point answering certain questions when, just by asking them, its obvious that you really wont be helped by the answer, because you have no knowledge base to begin with.
I understand this and agree with you. Although Shame went about telling him to research the wrong way and this is the only point I am trying to make.There is no need to treat people like shit. We are all here to learn and a hate filled environment is no place to learn. It's very easy and simplistic to kindly point someone in the right direction. I think this is a pretty valid point and very easy to understand... Correct me if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I love how people demand years worth of growing experience and knowledge "QUICK BEFORE MY SEEDS POP"
{this is a generalized statement expressing his opinion (nothing wrong with that)}
Read then seed people.{this is a specific statement that is accurate and intended to help}
consider yourself corrected


Well-Known Member
I disagree with you greatly. Yeah he should plan before he plants but the best way to learn is trial and error.
This is really thew only quote i see that is possibly intended not to help. When you're paying $50 and up for seeds with good genetics you think trail and error makes sense? Or do you think studying up on the endeavor your about to undertake makes sense? You will still have plenty of trail and error even with knowing what you're doing.
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