Well, the wife & I are headed out to look at the available properties where we video'd last week.
The broker is trying to steer us to a different lot, but before my meeting with him tomorrow I want to look at it so I'll know more about it.
Bringing a tape measure too, as he didn't seem to know which lot was what when we first talked, even though I found the County plat map that showed each lot along with the lot#.
The lot we looked at & video'd is the one we want, so he's going to have to have a drastically reduced price on the other one if he wants to keep our attention on it, as the (hazy) MLS listing he wrote for it has no info as to which lot they are advertising.
Which is something I'll be sure and point out to him.
No excuses for not including the lot# in the listing so that people will know what price is for which lot.
I've been a delivery man in several states for about 10 years of my life, 7 of which were here where we currently live, so I consider myself an expert on finding addresses, even if they're unmarked, and the lot we were looking at is not the one he was thinking about when we talked on the phone.
Anyways, talk with y'all later!