The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lol, I was drinking Belvedere as standard long before it was even available on the UK market.
Years before Twitter and hashtags for club ponces waiving magnums existed!

It's not lollipopped. Lollipopping is when you grow SOG with very small, pruned for single cola plants.
I remove the crap from around the bottom of the plant for better airflow and because it would only end up on the hash pile anyway.
Removing the popcorn from under the canopy doesn't serve to increase the yield above the canopy like people think it does, you need to change the shape of the plant to do this as the distribution of certain hormones are responsible for yield.

10L Airpot, 6 weeks veg.
i class that as lollipopped, cause it looks like a lollipop to me, big stem with nothing on then a ball at the top. impressive for a 10l pot.

i always take the under shite off too, doesn't matter how much you take there is always a nice ball of hash to be made at the end. the best hash comes from the trim , people who say i throw the under buds in the hash pile are not really getting that mush resin from them anyway.

i've never really been a big fan of vodka, too many bad experiences, it burns me so. come to think of it, these days i hardly even have a beer.


New Member
Morning UK growers....

Ok so finally had enough of buying average weed for 2 ton an oz n gotta mysen a grow on...

My set up:

400w Hps with hood
6 x 60 day wonder seeds
1 x Power Africa seed - freebie
In cellor of a two up two down, not used a tent made a make shift air tight cubby hole under stairs using plastic sheeting at backend of cellor.
Electric fan to help circulate air

Ok so I puts 3 60dw and the PA seed in tissue n 1 60dw and the PA popped nice and quick... other two were duds!

Therefore I popped my last 3 60dw seeds which all came through nicely.

I've read up like a geek n read loads of differnt sources on best practice etc how I'm gona tie branches down to max yeild etc.. and STILL messed up.

Anyone spotted it?

Yeah I've got 4 little auto 60dw s and a little Power Africa all under same 400w light 20/4 cycle - 60dw auto flowers PA isn't!

So my questions to those of you in the know.. what the hell do I do now... could I wait until my 60dw.s have finished then switch to 12/12 bearing in mind that won't be for another 50days/7weeks minimum... seems a loong ass time to be vegging it or shall I risk putting it outside somewhere in a couple of weeks n hope for the best... im still gona tie it to the pot and trail it around it to max yeild but it wont ever flower by my reckoning unless it gets 12/12?

Also I REALLY wona put up pics but nervous cos using my mobile to do this .. am I just being paranoid or are thay able to pick up on stuff like that and pass on to the bizzies 50 filth scum pigs and whatever else ya wanna call em?

Loving this forum lads and hope someone can help.

Cheers very much



Well-Known Member
when the autos are 2 weeks from done i would put them on 12/12 it won't hurt them too much and they should have done the majority of their building. by the time the pa has finished stretching the autos will be done and the pa will have a 400 to it's self and be a monster.


Well-Known Member
Woop fucking woop!!! Things are finally looking up......just been offered a council place at long fucking last.............only drawback is is that its a high rise flat so will have limited growing space lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i seen them keys, i'd be wary of using the open source software.

thats deffo gonna be the hardest i aint got a clue bout pgp and lots wont order without it.

aye but they're still traceable no? or do they change with each shift? if you get me

i dont don explain please?
i know little about pgp tbh mate, i'd get yourself on the SR form n ask there. kinda something you want sorted afore you dive in balls deep!

i thought the coins could be traced once used, mind on when that ruski lot hacked in and wiped of 12m coins ages back. The bitcoin lot put word round that the coins could be traced once spent and to my knowledge no ones been caught.

check these

looks possible though they take a cut


Well-Known Member
do a dst and turn your grow on it's side. turn 1.2m square into 8m.

i wish i could get a council gaf but there is no chance, i was born in england, not a single parent and have no disabilites. you must have had a letter from the queen or something.

"give sae a flat or it is orf with ones head"


Well-Known Member
can i ask why youd rather sell online than in real life newuser? im just old fashion i guess and like to meet who i do business with and would be paranoid should silkroad ever come on top. Good luck though mate i have thought about silkroad


New Member
when the autos are 2 weeks from done i would put them on 12/12 it won't hurt them too much and they should have done the majority of their building. by the time the pa has finished stretching the autos will be done and the pa will have a 400 to it's self and be a monster.
Thanks GHB

Yeah I like the sound of that.... and that won't have a negetive affect on the autos yeild?

How long will the PA take to finish flowering then dya think?

Am I para about putting pics up from my phone or best to b cautious?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i class that as lollipopped, cause it looks like a lollipop to me, big stem with nothing on then a ball at the top.

the best hash comes from the trim , people who say i throw the under buds in the hash pile are not really getting that mush resin from them anyway.
Well I'm afraid the term has a legitimate meaning in the grow world so be forewarned, you can't rewrite the grow dictionary as you see fit.
We got fucking American English the same way.

The best hash comes from anywhere on the plant that secretes resin, my popcorn is just as frosty as my colas.
Lower buds just don't develop as quickly as the top ones that's all, harvest a plant gradually and you'll see the lowers develop fuller.


Well-Known Member
can i ask why youd rather sell online than in real life newuser? im just old fashion i guess and like to meet who i do business with and would be paranoid should silkroad ever come on top. Good luck though mate i have thought about silkroad
i keep selling all my harvest in bulk and spending it way too quick i need a more regular income, not to mention the prices u can get on silkroad are very attractive.


Well-Known Member
i know little about pgp tbh mate, i'd get yourself on the SR form n ask there. kinda something you want sorted afore you dive in balls deep!

i thought the coins could be traced once used, mind on when that ruski lot hacked in and wiped of 12m coins ages back. The bitcoin lot put word round that the coins could be traced once spent and to my knowledge no ones been caught.

check these

looks possible though they take a cut
don life a risk, and im sick of being skint, do appreciate the info tho mate


Well-Known Member
good point lol i also do bulk simply because im paranoid about meeting aload of people. got 1 guy and he takes as much as i got for him. Whats the prices like on there for bits and bobs? I seem to spend aswell without even feeling like i fucking do anything lol pissing me right off then the shitty auto yields wasnt helping be glad to have this one down and get some photos running although im going for a new strain, 6weeks flower but i figured seeing as you can veg for as long as you want with photos itll still be able to yield ok? sweet seeds fast versions anyone seen them?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not sure to be honest, it's very hard to judge smell as it's subjective and I've had my head in chopped weed for 3 days lol.

I'm drying the trim from the bigger one on a Pyrex dish in the oven with the ozone on in the kitchen with the window open crack and a towel across the bottom of the door.
When I stick my head in I can't smell weed until I take a deep sniff and then it's only a very slight touch on the back end, by taking that deep sniff though I can feel the Ozone tingle in my hands and fingers so it's quite powerful stuff.

I think it most certainly works just not how most people realise, if I got one for myself (likely now) I'd have to work out the ideal situation for it.

I'm gonna show my helper how to make bubble later when he's finished work so I'll get a second opinion.

i have ozone running 15 mins every hour when the lights are on , when the lights are off it does not run as the smell is not such a problem then
i did read something about the half life of ozone being more unpredictable at lower temps, instead of the 20-30 min half life it could hang around for hours apparently when the lights are off temps are normally quite low

if i run it for 30 mins every hour i can smell ozone in every room in my house as i vent from room to room i can feel it in my eyes like a mild version of a public swimming pool with all that chlorine so 15 mins is all i can handle , i do not see any reason to put it directly inline with the filter or in the ducting as i cant smell anything coming out of my filter anyway, although when i was growing blues i could smell it a little bit
its the smell in the room and the smell that may leak out of open windows in other rooms of the house that it helps control, when i stand in my back garden i can only smell the occasional waft
of ozone come out in a waft of warm air lol
overall it works well to reduce the smell and is cheap for only £30-40 for 200-300 mg/h machine

how it works i only know the basics what i have read ozone will bond/react with other particles the new bonds it forms with the smell particles neutralizes them, sounds great lol
if run in the room with the plants i cant smell anything but ozone when the machine is on, i do notice a very slight bit of ozone damage on some leaves near the machine but nothing to worry about
i have looked into alternatives like hydroxyl generators, but they are very expensive not many reports out there not sure i want to take such a risk in it not working for all the money they cost
the bonus with hydroxyl generators would be unlike ozone you could run hydroxyl all the time with no worry about poisoning yourself lol



Well-Known Member
id rather do an 8 week strain without veg than a 6 week strain with 2 weeks of veg, a strain advertised as 6 weeks will be a tasteless big bud cross more than likely.

grow more plants with less veg and if you have a good cheese you'll have no problems getting paid what it's worth. that is my opinion anyway.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
don life a risk, and im sick of being skint, do appreciate the info tho mate
i hear ya man, many pots make the comfy living ;) i also seem to spend money sat still. it's a bollock ache. i'm not into strong arm robbery though i have been thinking about it. haha them that done the watches in hi viz vests on motorbikes a while back got me thinking. dunno if you could fence stuff on SR.


Well-Known Member
point taken mate always good to hear different opinions. they have posted the genes up though is it ok to paste more about the strain? i just hate waiting and though if i can veg for say a month then chop in 6weeks thats the same speed as i was doing my autos apart from 12/12 on the leccy and hopefully a better yield even an oz per plant would do with a strain that quick tbh


Well-Known Member
good point lol i also do bulk simply because im paranoid about meeting aload of people. got 1 guy and he takes as much as i got for him. Whats the prices like on there for bits and bobs? I seem to spend aswell without even feeling like i fucking do anything lol pissing me right off then the shitty auto yields wasnt helping be glad to have this one down and get some photos running although im going for a new strain, 6weeks flower but i figured seeing as you can veg for as long as you want with photos itll still be able to yield ok? sweet seeds fast versions anyone seen them?
i hold some pretty nice strains exodus cheese, pyschosis and livers/blues weed like that your talking 300+ on the road, im currently getting 200 on bulk.