Banana Peel?


Active Member
So as a couple of you know im new to growing. im on my first out door grow and started preparing for an indoor grow today. ive been reading high times encyclopedia for info, watching grow videos, and looking around the site to find out as much as i can you know? but my buddies dad has some indoor plants growing; theyre coming along quite nice too; getting really big. but i notcied the last time i was looking at them, that by the bottom of the stem, where it meets the soil, he has a section of banana peel with the inside down against the soil? i know our plants need potasium so i understand where hes coming from but is this beneficial? would this help outdoor plants, if do anything at all? just a nube question i guess; forgive me if its a dumb question haha


Well-Known Member
I don't think that it would do much as far as nutrients, but I wold be worried about pests, especially outdoors.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
ohhh yes it would
the peel would break down in a few weeks
and give the plant lots of help.
I put Peels in my Worm Bin all the time


Active Member
So this could have some benefits to it? i knew that the potasium would be a big help but, i just didnt know. so good idea? bad idea? im still a nube haha i just found out today how expensive gooood seeds are. i just saved alot of headie seeds and hoped for the best. then i started getting into this.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
well yes
i think it is a very good benefit
and yes seeds can be very expenive.
Just this year I spent 100$ on shipping + seeds
In Canada the shipping is a bitch

But as I always say to people
Shit seeds = shit weed!


Well-Known Member
putting peels in a compost bin or worm bin is nowhere near the effects of just placing them on the surface of some soil. There are all sorts of things that work together to break down matter in bins and it is true that a small amount will break down and leach into your soil over time but it won't be substantial, and having rotting fruit peels sitting on top of your soil is going to bring all sorts of unwanted creatures and fungus/mold. I still say that it is generally a bad idea, there are much easier ways of getting your plants the nutrients that they need. I have heard that you can boil banana peels and use the water from that to feed your ladies, assuming that this actually works that would be a much better method of extracting the nutes from your peels.


Active Member
yea man thats what i been hearing! haha i looked on nirvana today for seeds and they seemed wicked expensive...i REALLY wanna get some Northern Lights seeds for my indoor grow. ive asked so many people where i can find them at a good price but i havent had any luck. has anyone tried growing any northern?

but in regards to the bananas, i think ill put a peel with the inside down and see how it goes for a week or too. im not gonna worry about the pests as much because i threw down some veg protector the other night, and its been workin good sooooo

Willie North

Well-Known Member
Lol you should make a Worm Bin they kick ass!
and as far as seeds go
How much are you willing to spend
like 50$?


Well-Known Member
dry peels work best!!! dry them out and bracke them up into a powder, the finer the powder is the quicker the plant can use it, but u can burn them!!


Active Member
hmmm...i get alot of info here haha whats a worm bin? what are the benefits of it? as for seeds, i just wanna have some seeds where i dont have to worry about them not coming up after i just spent money on basically just something reliable. they dont need to be $100 seeds but something legitamate would be great. any ideas? id liek to get some soon so i can start my indoor project. im kinda sketched about ordering over the net though. can i get f*cked over from that? im gonna do the banana thing and see how it goes. im gonna dry some out and sprinkle them into the mix. when do you think ill start to see a difference?


Well-Known Member
I was actually reading on another site about a guy who placed a 'whole' banana down by the stem of his plants in week 3 and 4. He claimed the gas it would give off would increase the percentage of the plant being female. Never tried it myself though.

Nirvana is actually not that expensive... I've just ordered some jock horror for $25. That included shipping. Their Northern Lights is $40.57 and I doubt you'll find it cheaper...


Active Member
yea man, what exactly is a worm bin? what are the benefits of it? as for seeds, im not lookin to spend alot on seeds, but just enough to get some decent reliable seeds. hopefully they wont cost 10 bills though haha but if so, thats just how it goes. like i said, i really wanna find some northern lights...but i havent had any luck so far. probably just end up saving some headie seeds again. but in regards to th banana, im gonna dry it out and powder it and see how it goes. how soon will i see a difference in the plant if any at all?


Active Member
make sure u dry out the peels and grind them into a fine powder..I have done this with banana, orange, lemon, and lime peels.. I get best results from banana/orange peel mixed together. Pour 2-3 tbls to one gal, mix and feed plants. Jus use this an no other nutes when your watering! I go three days heavy nutes and the other days H2o/peels. Results r tasty!


Active Member
thanks alot guys! that helps alot. i picked up some bananas last night lol so i think ill alternate like archygreenjeans; using superthrive 3 days, and peels the next three. but a worm bin? im still clueless lol and can you guys tell me how to order from nirvana? is it safe? 40 bills aint bad at all though! thats alot less than i expected lol it said 25,00 EUROs and i used some site to convert it to US bills and said like i was thinking, "theres no way theyre that expensive..." so i dont know what happend. but id like to get some northern seeds for my indoor. again, is it safe to order throgh nirvana? help?


Well-Known Member
On the right side of their homepage where is reads "Language and Currency" there is a drop down menu that reads "Euro" click the down arrow and click US Dollar. It will convert all prices on their site. I ordered with my debit card with no problems... awaiting seeds. They shipped last Friday.


Active Member
So its all good to order from them then? i mean i dont wanna order some northern and have them delivered by the police haha i think that superthrive is startin to kick in too! not to be random, but its the second day using it, and my plants have had some exceptional growth to the leaves lol just an update lol