I have a question and thought in the spirit of this thread.
When you recieve ceeds, say in the breeder's packs, are they packed by the breeders, or the ceedbanks?
I always assumed they were packed by the breeder.
If that is the case, then who better to know a potentially viable ceed from a damaged or immature one?
I always inspect my ceeds with a 30x magnifier before germination.
I have noticed many times in a pack of 5-10 ceeds, that some will be cracked, damaged, or just white little immature ceeds.
Are these damaged during shipping? I think not.
Were they packaged this way by individuals who sell and manufacture a product that they are supposed to be knowledgable in?
How do these obviously dud ceeds end up in so many packages? Do some breeders have better, quality control measures?
At the grocery store you get an occassional egg with blood in it, but the eggs all go through a "candeling" proccess and are screened before packaged, so it doesn't happen often compared to the 1000s of eggs each day.
Do breeders inspect what they throw in those packs, or are the seedbanks crushing them?
I recently inspected a 5 pack of TGA ceeds. They all look large, dark brown and striped. Real nice looking (I haven't germed them yet)
I also just germed 5 DNA 91 Krypt. They are in the medium now and awaiting sprouts. They all germed and grew tails in 36 hours.
I germed (well tried to) 5 Alphakronik Snowdawg BX ceeds. When I inspected them I knew I was in trouble before I started. Two were cracked, one was little and white, and two appeared relatively normal. I germed them and of course the cracked ones swelled, but no germ protruded, but I planted them all anyway.
10 days now and only one has risen to the suface.
My point is when we speak of trust and reputation, doesn't that apply as well to the quality of the ceeds you are sent to start with?
I don't mean the strain living up to it's claims, but recieving potentially viable ceeds before you ever start.
I have noticed that some breeders ceeds always arrive in good shape, germ well and sprout easily.
If the ceeds are all mostly being packaged at the source, why are they including some ceeds that are visibly damaged or little tiny pale ones?
I think that speaks volumes to a breeders integrity as well.
Yeh, it's a crap shoot with ceeds, but I have noticed I would rather roll the dice with some than others.