OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
can I add an aerator to my cup?? I know it says no mod's of any kind so I figured I would ask.
also how long in advance will we all know when the start date is??


youwill have at least a week to prepare, i dont care what mods are done AS LONG AS it doesnt involve modifying the cup, thats what i care about, u can add or do watver you want as long as there are ONLY holes in the bottom of the cup, i dont care about anything else thanks!


hey guys sorry i been slacking again, good news though! i WILL have start date TONIGHT or tomorrow morning, Im thinking starting on july 25th, is that enough time for everyone or does anyone need more time? i can start august 1st if that gives people a little more time

let me know how it sounds guys! i will be getting final tally for the contest in the coming week!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Come on lads n ladies!! P.s a knight don't ask us tell us!! That's what we want from our comp master

1, vape pen is a cool prize


AS ITS comming out of your pocket 3 autos of the winners choice as its an auto comp.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
What are the max size pots we can use?? I got these two. IMG_20130717_180413.jpgIMG_20130717_180437.jpg I know I have solo cups around here some where.:wall: I could shave an inch off of the cottage cheese cup. Wasn't the max 22oz cup??


What are the max size pots we can use?? I got these two. View attachment 2740409View attachment 2740410 I know I have solo cups around here some where.:wall: I could shave an inch off of the cottage cheese cup. Wasn't the max 22oz cup??
hey chron, whats going on bro, glad to hear your still interested, i dont mind people improvising with the solo cup, the rule is 16oz maximum, i dont really care if u wanna use smaller than that, but the BIGGEST it can be is 16oz cup so as long as there is a labeled '16oz cup' or less, you may use it, some may not have the same solo cups as everyone, so like isaid, as long as it says 16oz on it no more then your good, it MUST be labeled 16oz by whoever made the cup (the company) unless its a solo cup as we all know they are 16oz.

Solo cups are 18oz.

hey stew, we are using the 16oz red or blue solo cups for this, we voted earlier on what the size was going to be and the overwhelming majority voted for the 16oz as that was THEE original solo cup and thats how this contest was started back in the very early days of not only rollitup but for MMJ forums in general, thanks for understanding guys, and i apoligize to the people who wanted them to be bigger, but we are trying to keep this contest transparent and democratic, and in doing so the community decided on the 16oz. thanks again guys and i hope everyone that wanted them bigger understand, I plan on making this a annual or bi annual thing so may-be next comp we will do bigger than 16,but for now thats what were going to stick with

ps. sorry about the slacking on the date again guys, started a new job a few weeks ago and really been hammering out the shit, but i PROMISE i will have start dat BEFORE SUNDAY this weekend, its most likley going to be 27th - 30th, somewhere thru there, but im not sure yet i will let everyone knows as soon as i do

prizes will be announced at the start of the competition, im not going to give out what it is until the day we start, as i said before, this is for fun and im not a rich person, this contest is coming out of my pocket because i love this community and the things it has done for me when i was newer at growing, therefore id like to give back, which is what im doing. sorry for the delay on the start but im not only trying to make sure everything is in line but im also trying to give the last few entries A) a little bit more time to order seeds/ get ready and B) im trying to get us AS MANY entries as possible, the more people we can get tojoin the bigger the contest will be AND the more exciting and popular it will be, thanks for ur patience all, update coming soon, i promise!! :)


Also another thing i wanted to add, im not sure if everyone got the memo but we have some good news, WE WILL NOT BE COLLECTING PERSONAL INFO (ADDRESS, NAME ETC) UNTIL AFTER THE CONTEST, THAT WAY ONLY THE WINNERS WILL HAVE TO GIVE UP THEIR INFO, I THINK ITS THE SAFEST THIS WAY, BUT PLS REMEMBER, IF U PLAN ON ENTERING AND PLAN ON GETTING UR PRIZE IF AND WHEN YOU WIN, YOU WILL HAVE TO GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFO, HOWEVER, IF U GOT A PO BOX THAT WOULD TAKE CARE OF ALOT OF YOUR WORRY. i just want to stress that the info that you give me when you win will be between ME AND YOU ONLY, i take privacy very seriously and that will NOT change, no matter what. so in short, pls dont worry about giving personal info until you win,but if you do win, be prepared to give it to me so i can give you ur prize, without an address or PO BOX at least, i will NOT be sending prizes


Well-Known Member
i cannot find them anywhere. my walmart and stop and shop and market basket all only carry 18 oz. i assumed they were the new standard sizeSnapshot_20130718.JPG even generic brand are 18oz. aka "party cups". i will look somewhere else.. but I had to go through 4 store before i could find solo brand. i didn't want the generic.. I can only get 16 in styrafoam at my local walmart..... but again... i'll look somewhere else. too bad these things cost 7 bux. haha

Lemon king

Well-Known Member


ONE cup per plant - no cups within cups or cups stacked together.
[FONT=arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif]Any 16OZ SOLO CUP OR [/FONT][FONT=arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif]EQUIVALENT[/FONT][FONT=arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif].[/FONT]
Any medium is allowed.
Seeds or clones allowed.
Any lights allowed.
solo cup must contain the roots... No solo cup net pots in 5 gal res!!!
Think mini DWC, coco hempy or just plain old soil..........
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