OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
A solo is a universal size except in metric land, and it's just a tad small to run an auto in, especially outdoors, don't want to pick her up off the deck everyday. Is it possible to consider a 1 liter (33.8oz) container??? This will allow many options. Any 1 liter cup, Big Gulp to the rim is 32.8oz, any qt mixing cup rims at 33oz, or even a 2 liter soda bottle cut to 5 1/4" tall, (I just did the pour to find out). And I'm sure there are many other options, in height vs width this will also allow folks to try their personal theory on height vs width in root growth with autos. I believe I can get at least 80% of the seed's potential in this size.

Don't let my post start any argument, just my personal journey with auto's. Even if I don't participate, I'm going to watch.


Well-Known Member
solo has a big cup 20+ oz not sure exactly just glanced at it might be closer to 30oz looks like two of the 16oz's roughly in size comparison


this is subject to change if enough members want it this way. but as of right now we are going to use the 16 oz cups, i WILL consider 22oz MAX. if enough people want it that way, just leave your suggestion here, your opinion matters! dont be afraid to voice it. if enough want 22 over 16 then thats what we will use, but after 22oz it sort of takes away the point of a solo cup. thanks guys!


Active Member

  • 5. seeds or cuttings can be used in this contest, it does not matter, wewill all start roughly the same week. After that start within 3 weeks we willswitch to flower. ( 2-3 week veg time)

Not trying to be difficult, or nitpicky, I'm really not sure about this rule, so I figured I'd ask. I thought this was for autos, so is putting them into flower an issue?


no it should not be, of course they flower on their own but we can co-erce this process or negate it and delay it a little at least. by simply running 24-0 the plant will veg for as long as possible but there WILL be a cut off time where you HAVE to have at least 4-5 hours of darkness, this will be considered our 'flower' period. this may get a little confusing to some but i will try to keep it straight forward as possible.


Active Member
no it should not be, of course they flower on their own but we can co-erce this process or negate it and delay it a little at least. by simply running 24-0 the plant will veg for as long as possible but there WILL be a cut off time where you HAVE to have at least 4-5 hours of darkness, this will be considered our 'flower' period. this may get a little confusing to some but i will try to keep it straight forward as possible.
OK, thanks! This will be my first run with autos, hell, it will probably be my first harvest considering I'm only in veg on my first ever grow right now, but I planned on doing 18/6 or 20/4 from the start anyway. I appreciate the response.


cool, glad to hear it, i hope you enter the contest man, and dont worry to much about the rules, we are trying to keep an even contest here but this is for FUN, for everyone new and old to learn and have a good time and connect with eachother, again welcome and i hope ur first and second and last harvests are great, whether you enter or not, and if you decide to, great!...and good luck!

ps. to all the other members who will be joining in im working on figuring out what we are going to do for prizes now, me and a few other mods/judges that will be helping me with this will consider what we want to give away but it WILL be announced before the contest begins and ANY other question or concern that is on this thread or PM'ed to me will also be answered. we dont want any silly confusion. more info to come soon guys i promise!


Active Member
I really think we need to stay with the 16oz because I believe that was the original idea.
And the size shouldn't be different, we all use the same pot and let the growing method/strain decide.


I really think we need to stay with the 16oz because I believe that was the original idea.
And the size shouldn't be different, we all use the same pot and let the growing method/strain decide.

hey sam, i agree with you. IMO 16oz solo 'party cup' is and was the original idea, even from back in the very begining when solo cup grows first started, i do think we will prob. stick with the 16oz, at least for right now. If we were to get some more members wanting to switch BEFORE the contest then we can maybe talk, but ive been getting overwhelming support for the 16oz, at least 10 people so. i cant go against majority.

Another quick additional piece of news is the final announcement of the judges...It was originally Dr. Greenhorn that was going to be a judge for this comp...Some things came up with him and hes going to be a little to busy this summer to give us a hand, I want to thank him for volunteering to do it in the first place, he didnt have to, and its OK that he cant, IRL shit is more important than silly contests. Good luck DR. G! As of right now the judges are : Me, pretty sunni, and PotPimp....We are going to def get at least one more moderator to help judge and then just to even it out and keep it more transparent for the members, We are going to have 1 member judge....As of right now its not finalized but im pretty sure its going to be TEKDC911 as HE was the one who wanted to get this contest going and really pushed me to host it, so i think he deserves to have the member judge spot, again this is not final, and it will be announced when it is, im just trying to keep everyone updated on how this is coming along...

in other news. i got some more information and some great news for ALOT of us. i have talked to the necessary people about whats going on and how we want to handle the privacy issues with the addresses'....We are going to stick with this. EVERYONE can enter WITHOUT giving any private information...BUT, please do heed this warning, if you DO win, and expect to receive a prize, you WILL have to give me your address so i can, me personally, send you your prize. you and me will be THE ONLY ones that take care of this subject, and if you'd like we can even do it off site and in a totally anonymous and private way (as private gets for giving peronsal info i guess)

What I am trying to stress here is the IMPORTANCE of your privacy to ME, and you. but more importantly me, because lets face it - one of us already has the information right? Anyways guys, Thats all I got for us tonight, but i am looking to have the prizes set FINAL by this weekend. I will also do my absolute best to have a OFFICIAL START DATE for the contest by the end of this week. Absolute latest early next week. After that I beleive everything will be set into place to get this ball rolling, nothing left to do now but germinate i think :) --- have a goodnight guys. im trying to get this thing going after being very late on getting it started, I am going to also make a ton of new threads in some of the more visited sub forums (TnT, General MJ growing, Harvest & Cure) etc. to hopefully draw in some more members that want to participate. I think we have around 10-15 right now, which isnt bad, it will still be lots of fun, but i am REALLY hoping we can get a total of 20-25, I personally would be very pleased with that, that would all give us and everyone who will be watching plenty of entertainment..and I hope it does. Peace guys

PS. guys, please mention to your friends on here or anyone here that you know grows autos and might want to participate in this, please. every person counts, we want to make this for a fun time and the more people and more results we get the more people that will watch, thanks ! :)

technical dan

Active Member
all looks good aknight (and tekdc) thanks for putting all this together. I also gotta rep the 16oz solo for this contest it would be cool to do a liter grow later but with the first organized grow I think we gotta stick with the original idea.... a silly little ass beer cup. Also is there any target plant (seed into dirt) date at this time?


all looks good aknight (and tekdc) thanks for putting all this together. I also gotta rep the 16oz solo for this contest it would be cool to do a liter grow later but with the first organized grow I think we gotta stick with the original idea.... a silly little ass beer cup. Also is there any target plant (seed into dirt) date at this time?
as of right now not yet dan, i am hoping to have a start date by early next week or this weekend, i am thinking its going to be withing the range of 7/20 - 7/27 im hoping in there, but nothing official as of now.


Well-Known Member
Damn I thought this was open to all not just auto growers damn i sad. oh well I guess i will have to wait. here is what i done already soz forgot to read it close. But if i can still enter here is what i done clones they just went in solo cups today havent fully rooted yet but there coming.View attachment 2732498View attachment 273249912/12


Well-Known Member
I'd be down to enter this contest , I just hope I can get some femd seeds before the start date. Oh and I like the idea of a 16 oz party cup


the dont have to be feminized of course, but unfortuanatley we are only doing autos for this contest, that doesnt mean your not allowed to particpate and grow a photo if youd like, u can even update here if you'd like, but only people with autos will be eligible for prizes, sorry about that :( but i do welcome anyone to particpate! welcome

technical dan

Active Member
beeralot you can grow those along with us or if you want to be in a cup contest check out the lighting subforums there are solo cup grows all over this site


Well-Known Member
Started germing these 2 days ago. These are the seeds that were produced with Tiresias Mist on the AKR. Since I can only fit 3 plants under the 400 I guess I'm in. Now it's 3 plants and a party cup. I'm gonna have to get these planted in the next few days though.

AKR seeds.jpg
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