top leaves yellow dots (pics)


Active Member
Hi guys, one of my plants is getting small yellow dots on the top leaves (even the newest ones), which seem to want to develop into holes... see the pics. anything to do with it?



Well-Known Member
Hi guys, one of my plants is getting small yellow dots on the top leaves (even the newest ones), which seem to want to develop into holes... see the pics. anything to do with it?
When you say developing into holes that makes me wonder if you are using aluminum foil as a reflector? Aluminum foil can be very harmful. Especially the shiny side. They cause laser beams when the light reflects and can actually burn holes thru your leaves. Have you checked the deficiency thread at the top of the Marijuana Plant Problems? There's a list of deficiencies and pictures in there and hopefully you can find the problem. If I find any pictures and ID your issue i'll let you know. I'm sorry about your issues... We've learned alot from ours. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
how do you give the plants nutes

i know when i had little holes like that it was because i got some of the nutes on the leaves with a spray and it burns through


Active Member
no nutes yet. i just went to a local growshop and was advised to kill the little beast of an insect feeding on it... apparently, it's the most healthy and efficient way of getting rid of it. i'm gonna give it a try..


Well-Known Member
probably spider mites.

I've heard that spraying the plant with mildly-soapy water does a good job of killing the mites, but i think it would raise the pH (make it too basic) so it would have to be countered with something acidic (lemon juice/vinegar?)...

I'm trying to solve the same problem, and our spots look almost exactly the same, except mine turned white over a week-long period of not doing anything to get rid of the mites.

EDIT: I just read your last post, and, yeah, I've heard the same thing. I just dont have the time to go out hunting down ladybugs (which are known to eat aphids and, maybe, spider mites)


Active Member
its kinnda hard to tell from the pictures, but it might be a bacterial infection. The best way to tell is if the spots are limited by the veins; meaing the spots stop at the veins and do not cross over. This is the most common way to ID a bacterial pathogen in most plants. Are the spots growing in a circular-like fashion?


Active Member
if it is a bacteria then there is no cure for it. The best that you can do is control. Cut of the bad leaves with steralized siccors. Clean them after EVERY CUT. And be careful when watering. The most common way for bacteria to spred is through water droplets. Be careful not to cut off too many leaves at once as this will shock your already weakened plant.