Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member

Not brand new, but in keeping with yesterday's new Avenged Sevenfold, here's the new 5FDP, brought to you by the letter H.


Well-Known Member
Up at the crack of dawn, wide awake so I just went on and made some hazelnut kahlua coffee. Baking with a nice unknown sativa that came from some random bag seed :joint:

I am always amazed at how loud the birds are here around 3-5 am. I have a senior citizen 13 year old doggy that always needs to go out about that time of morning. I usually step outside with her in the dark and listen to the birds singing so sweetly! It starts the day off right - nature's predawn musical symphony.

I suppose as you get older you realize it really is the simple things in life that bring you happiness. I enjoy that quiet time with the birds and my old dog...



Well-Known Member
No matter how many fancy toking accessories there are laying around, I never seem to entirely break my joint habit. I don't care for blunts but give me a fat doobie any day and I am a happy camper. :joint:



Well-Known Member
Morning bakers, what happens when you take the Van Halen out of Van Halen and replace them with some real talent*...you get a Chickenfoot
*Though I can agree that Eddie is and always will be a great guitar player, he hasn't done anything new for years and as for Alex well...he has Hot for Teacher


Well-Known Member
rage against the machine/soundgarden? odd mix but it works
good morning buds and budettes


Well-Known Member
Ever stood in the middle of a ton of native plants on a hot summer day?. I never realized they create their own tropical environments until recently, as in amazonian.

No way in hell I'm hauling water in 97 degree heat...we need rain.:leaf:

Happy day all!



Well-Known Member
hey there we want to fill the airwaves with this little ditty as we get ready to load the kayaks and head to a lake near here...stay cool, stay frosty my friends

from the movie Bennie and Joon


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
hey there we want to fill the airwaves with this little ditty as we get ready to load the kayaks and head to a lake near here...stay cool, stay frosty my friends

from the movie Bennie and Joon
Have fun and be safe. Take some nice cool pictures for those of us in hell. Enjoy the color green for me.



Well-Known Member
It's Friday so I started off the day with some sour diesel and listening to the Black Crowes greatest hits. May you all have an exceptional weekend fellow bakers :peace:



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Staff member
Coffee is in, norepinephrine is settling like a warm blanket over my brain. My shoes are tied and I'm outta here! See you after I chase down some good looking guys LOL!


Well-Known Member
Morning All!

As a child I used to wake at dawn, sit on the top step of the hardwood stairs, then slide down on my butt then run outside to the strawberry patch to see how many have ripened up over the last 23 hrs.

I still check the berries, and I'm sliding down those stairs but only in my mind.:lol:


Well-Known Member
so high... so very high... I need to be packing our bags for a short trip away and here I sit getting wasted with Freddie King :bigjoint: Time to get off my ass and on my feet!



Well-Known Member
Old people humor to start the day,

Have a good one all!



Well-Known Member
It's gonna get too hot this weekend, heading for higher ground and cooler temps.
I'll take some pics. you guys... your going to be so jealous!!:)


Well-Known Member
Morning my friends...Mojo's radio is having a Psychotic Reaction