OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
He already said, will be viewed by him ONLY.
I'been here a bit, and I have no prob giving my info to AK, but I feel your apprehension.
I guess, if you don't care about getting any prizes should you win, don't give addy.
Thats what i sent to him in a pm, im just waiting on a reply. I just wanna be in the contest for fun anyway and those prizes sound cool but getting to see everyones cool ideas and being a part of it would be enough for me. I got 2 auto seeds laying around anyway and now I have a use for them ! Im excited about this


He already said, will be viewed by him ONLY.
I'been here a bit, and I have no prob giving my info to AK, but I feel your apprehension.
I guess, if you don't care about getting any prizes should you win, don't give addy.
you are correct bakatare. i want to emphasize the importance of your privacy to ME. it means a very great deal to me and i would never compromise the trust of our members here, info will ONLY have to be given by the winners and they are more then wleocme to get a PO box if its that worrying to you, but again i can promise that the info that you give will be seen by me and me only, it will be stored OFF my computer, it will be hand written down ONLY for the time that i get the message, write it on an envelope or package, send it and after that ALL evidence of your personal information and privacy will be personally burned and shredded by ME. i hope this can put some people at ease. i take your privacy VERY seriously, just as serious as my privacy and i woudl never do anything to threaten that confidence. :peace:

you have MY personal word that you are totally safe in doing this if you win and want to receive a prize and as i said, if u feel more comfortable, u may get a PO box that way your home addy wont have to be given, i hope this helps :) and again all personal info will be destroyed within 25 minutes of receiving it or sooner. i dont take this type of shit lightly and i hope you can see that.

i only have 2 things in this world, my word and my balls and i would never break either

MY WORD IS BOND.:peace: have a good day :)


Well-Known Member
i can understand your concern stew, thanks for letting me know. does everyone feel this way? if many have these feelings i guess we can change it to wahtever period of light and darkness youd like, my only concern with this was the plants taking forever to finish but i guess its not such a huge deal, so whats up guys, do we want to have no photoperiod and you may run your lights however you see fit? please let me know your opinion here and dont be scared to say something, i want as many people to decide as possible, i think its only fair to vote on something like this and if the majority agree with stew, im happy to change it to your choice of light schedule as stated before, i have no real problem with this

so whats it going to be guys? light schedule of YOUR choice or do we want to stick with the original rule of 20 and 4 after 3 weeks? stew if we can get enough people to agree with you and want it this way, i have no problem changing it :) i hope this addresses your concern fairly and i hope you are pleased with the outcome, if not feel free to send me a message and we can always talk about it :) thanks guys let me know, its your contest! :peace:
A ruderalis will flower under any lighting
so i honestly feel that any lighting should apply
besides in a party cup they finish fast anyway


Staff member
Unfortunately to send prizes someone HAS to see your address someone has to be given your information so that the winners can receive their gifts . If someone is really really upset or does not want to do that, than perhaps this isnt the contest for them. OR if someone does win and is still is very upset, and pulls back and says I don't want to , we will crown someone else a winner so that someone can have prizes and the original winning user a honorable mention or something

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
cor blimey its simple if you dont have a safe address and dont trust an internet stranger dont enter. $50 of nutes is not worth it IF you think that way. imo.

lucky like aknight3 i believe in the honour system too, and will be more then happy to give a safe address once i win. i will let you know now its overseas.

so jusy to clarify beans go into germ on the 29th????

and ill be doing mine outside, so the light is whatever it is on the day (16ish hours) i feel as you are letting people choose most things light schedule should be user chosen. obv an auto in coco under 1000w hps 24/0 will out weigh an auto in a solo cup outdoors, so do we need more categorisation??

best auto indoor
best auto outdoors
overall best auto - (a poll were users vote for there best auto, some will like size, some bud structure, some might just like the look of one over another etc)
biggest yield hydro
biggest yield soil.


Well-Known Member
so can i cut the base out of my solo cup and put my auto in the aerobucket??? it's in a solo cup just the roots are in the bucket..???


Well-Known Member
so can i cut the base out of my solo cup and put my auto in the aerobucket??? it's in a solo cup just the roots are in the bucket..???
The main man already said all the root mass had to be inside the cup itself.
So the answer is NO!


Well-Known Member
The main man already said all the root mass had to be inside the cup itself.
So the answer is NO!
No he said the root mass cannot make contact with any other medium, the roots can hang out of the cup all you want they just cant touch anything but air or nutrients applied inside the cup


Well-Known Member
i can understand your concern stew, thanks for letting me know. does everyone feel this way? if many have these feelings i guess we can change it to wahtever period of light and darkness youd like, my only concern with this was the plants taking forever to finish but i guess its not such a huge deal, so whats up guys, do we want to have no photoperiod and you may run your lights however you see fit? please let me know your opinion here and dont be scared to say something, i want as many people to decide as possible, i think its only fair to vote on something like this and if the majority agree with stew, im happy to change it to your choice of light schedule as stated before, i have no real problem with this

so whats it going to be guys? light schedule of YOUR choice or do we want to stick with the original rule of 20 and 4 after 3 weeks? stew if we can get enough people to agree with you and want it this way, i have no problem changing it :) i hope this addresses your concern fairly and i hope you are pleased with the outcome, if not feel free to send me a message and we can always talk about it :) thanks guys let me know, its your contest! :peace:
Personally, I don't see a problem with 'any' light schedule, and would hate to see one or more people not be able to participate on account of something trivial like 4 more hours.
Anyway, this is obviously going to be on the honor system, and Stew didn't even HAVE to mention his predicament, but obviously he is doing the honorable thing here.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
IMG_20130719_153209.jpg Dinafem Blue cheese auto popped!! :hump: Doing mine outside under the big halide in the sky. Using a paint brush to paint it camo. Or surround it by grass or leafs the red is an eye sore.


Thats what i sent to him in a pm, im just waiting on a reply. I just wanna be in the contest for fun anyway and those prizes sound cool but getting to see everyones cool ideas and being a part of it would be enough for me. I got 2 auto seeds laying around anyway and now I have a use for them ! Im excited about this
situation, i apologize for not answering you PM, could you resend it to me? my inbox got full a few days ago and to save time i deleted the entire thing, i did go over the messages and read the ones that werent open but i must of missed yours it is my mistake and im sorry. just send me another msg with your question or concern and ill get back to you first priority, later bro :peace:


My seeds are coming in the mail for my first grow. Im running
All autos outdoor and i plan to use 1 +speed for the contest!
welcome to the contest bro!

cor blimey its simple if you dont have a safe address and dont trust an internet stranger dont enter. $50 of nutes is not worth it IF you think that way. imo.

lucky like aknight3 i believe in the honour system too, and will be more then happy to give a safe address once i win. i will let you know now its overseas.

so jusy to clarify beans go into germ on the 29th????

and ill be doing mine outside, so the light is whatever it is on the day (16ish hours) i feel as you are letting people choose most things light schedule should be user chosen. obv an auto in coco under 1000w hps 24/0 will out weigh an auto in a solo cup outdoors, so do we need more categorisation??

best auto indoor
best auto outdoors
overall best auto - (a poll were users vote for there best auto, some will like size, some bud structure, some might just like the look of one over another etc)
biggest yield hydro
biggest yield soil.

hey lemon, how are you. im unsure if you read everything that i have put for rules and such, if not its okay, its alot of info and its easy to miss something.

but if you go back and look it says that the contest will be split up into seperate categorys so we will have multiple winners, ill repost the rules after this post so everyone is sure on what they are, the categorys we are running have already been established and they are:

Categories for Auto-flower solo cup contest:

Best indoor auto-flower
Best outdoor auto-flower
Best sativa dominant auto-flower
Best indica dominant auto-flower
Highest yielding auto-flower
OVERALL BEST auto-flower (grand prize)

The prizes can be seen if you go back I think about 2 pages and you can see what the prizes are. basically gift cards to winners choice, some nice pipes and a bottle or two of nutrients/ nute. solution...There will always be a few surprise gifts for the grand prize and highest yield winners. I hope this answers of a few question, later guys.


Previously posted a few pages back, but just for some clarification!

Anyways! I have an OFFICIAL START DATE finally!!! we are going to be starting the cotest on: MONDAY, JULY 29th, 2013 --- 7/29/2013!!!

Now, for prizes...we are still trying to figure out ALL of the category prizes, and i want some of it to be a surprise for the winner at the end of the contest (mostly the grand prize winner, but everyone may receive bonus' and freebies if they are an honorable mention!)

but anyways : The Grand Prize of the Auto-flower solo cup contest will be : 50 dollar 'gift card' for the grand prize winner to be spent AT THEIR CHOICE OF BUSINESS. They can get things like: seeds from a seedbank if theyd like. I also have no problem getting them their choice of 50 dollars worth of equipment at ANY garden store or hydro shop that accepts gift cards or at last credit card transactions. Please be aware of picking a place when you do that I WILL be able to get you your prize! The grand prize winner will also receive a bottle of THEIR choice of nutrients or nutrient solution/additive. there will be about 30-40 dollar limit on this, but they can get one nice bottle of nutrients of their choice. i will also as i said be giving out a surprise gift for winning the grand prize and for participating! i am going to keep this secret til toward the end for some incentive

Now, for the category winners that will be judged by mods that were selected by me and a special member judge TEKDC911
the prizes for the best outdoor and indoor category as well as the best sativa and best indica auto solo cup: A nice pipe chosen by either me or our special friend dankshizzle may be donating some beautiful hand made pipes by him. I will make sure they are beautiful pipes, as time goes i WILL post pics of what the pipes look like and as long as we dont have fights on choosing i will let the winners PICK the pipe they want, i am hoping to have a selection of about 10 or so pipes to choose from, all withing the 20-40 dollar range.

There is one more category after this, this is the 'highest yielding' category, the winner of this category will receive a 25 dollar gift card to their choice of store ( again the same guidelines apply for the overall winner ) The highest yield winner will also win a beautiful pipe out of the same stock for the other category winners. the winner for this category will also be receiving a surprise gift for winning this category as well as the overall winner will. the over-all prize will obviously be better than the highest yield prize, but it will still be a great prize, i promise!



now the voting system, what we are going to do for the indoor, outdoor, indica and sativa categories will be chosen by the JUDGES of the competition, the judges are as follows, PotPimp, sunni, tekdc911, me and 2 other mods, they will be announced by the start of the contest

The highest yielding category will be decided by the person who posts the pic of the plant and the final weighed product on a scale for proof.
The overall auto flower grand prize winner will be decided by EVERYONE, every members, whether they are in the competition or not, has 1 vote. we welcome EVERYONE to vote and hope we get lots of people interested!

the rest of the categories: indoor, outdoor, sativa, indica will be decided by the judges.

i hope this answers some more questions, sunni suggested a great idea last night to start a NEW thread will ALL of the rules and information right on the first page then lock and sticky it that way EVERYONE can read them, when i do get time to do this. I sincerely ask everyone that enters the contest to at least read the rules, but preferably the entire page. thanks guys!


it aint started yet???

can we have a conformation of categories please
hi lemon, it is starting on july 29th, 2013. I am not going to be a nazi on start time, this contest isnt about how fast we can grow a solo cup auto, its how good it will be and yield and other things like that. so if you started one a few days before or a few days after the 29th im not going to penalize you. its OK, i feel everyone should feel relaxed in particpating and not worrying about deadlines and things like that, that would be shitty in my opinion. and counter-productive. also if you look up about 2 posts back of mine i posted all the rules and stuff like that. i will try to look over it and post anything i missed. so lets have fun guys!


.solo cup contest rules:
1. ONLY winners need to provide information to receive their prize. Anyone can enter just leave a message on this thread or PM me personally. i will be confirming with everyone who is entering as we get closer to the contest. info will NOT be kept orfiled.

2. Entries should use a Solo (usually red or blue) cup. they are 16oz cups. I have also decided that people may use a different container AS LONG as it says on the container that it is 16oz. you cannot just use anything and say its 16oz, it must be proven to be 16oz if its not a solo. otherwise we would have know way of knowing, but some people cannot find solo cups easily as others can. any container usually the product information will clearly state how many oz's the can is. hope this helps some people

3. You may poke holes in the bottom of your cup but NO other modificationwill be allowed. ONLY HOLES. (do not remove the entire bottom)

4. You may use WHATEVER medium you like. dirt, coco, perlite...whatever youwant it does not matter as long as it doesnt modify the cup in any way. i have been getting the question about hydro alot. Yes, you may grow it hydro, i do not care, as long as the roots are contained within the cup. go for it! be creative

5. seeds or cuttings can be used in this contest, it does not matter, wewill all start roughly the same week. After that start within 3 weeks we willswitch to flower. ( 2-3 week veg time) i understand some people dont clone or cant cloen autos, but im leaving this rule in case someone has no other way of entering besides taking a clone, it IS ok for them to do this. hope it helps someone.

6. 1 solo cup per plant...The roots must be contained within the cup( I.e. No letting rootsgrow from cup to another medium of any sort). Any medium or methods are allowed. every contestant may have 2 entries. so if they want to enter in the outdoor category and the indoor category that would be OK. you can start multiple cups i dont care but by august 4th or so you must choose ONLY 2 to enter and mark them accordingly clearly so we can see.

7. Be creative!

8. Total Flower time will be decided by strain of course. So there will be no end date.

9. You must update on the contest thread at least once every 2 weeks, and there has to be at least a few pictures so members can vote, i would prefer one at seedling stage, one somewhere halfway and then the plant at the end of its lifecycle, you can have as many pics as you’d like and we encourage, however not everyone has access to these sort of things so it will not be a strict requirement, but a picture or two WILL be necessary. I have decided as long as we can a decent post update once every 2 weeks and a pic or two for the seedling, veg, mid way and final stage that is all is required. but remember, the more pics you have and info you include will be us as judges and members who vote on you more info to make a better educated decision on your entry. if you dotn include any info about your entry and no good pictures, how would someone vote for you? you could have the most beautiful plant in the world but without pictures how can we see? so dont be scared to post post post! but please make sure its relevant info and pictures! thanks!

10. You may start a few cups if youd like and then when we switch to floweryou must choose only one, the one that will be in the contest, but we will give veg time to decide which one you want to use (if you choose to have more than 1. But one is also just fine)

11. There will be several judges, they will decide the winner of the category contests. There will also be a overall best contest that will be voted upon by all other members. Every member has 1 vote. Whether they are in the contest or not, doensnt matter.

**I just want to make a final remark about privacy. Some people may have issues with giving some totally anon person their address and stuff like that, I understand this. But, since we are giving away prizes to the winners we will NEED somewhere to send the prizes. All of the info will only be seen by my eyes personally and will be destroyed PERSONALLY, BY ME after the contest and prizes have been sent, I respect your privacy just as much as i respect my own, and I am a very private person, I want any who enters to know I take privacy VERY seriously and would NEVER let any info like that fall into the wrong hands, that is a personal promise and guarentee from ME. No one will see your personal info under ANY circumstances, this is one things im very strict with. So please dont let that stop you from entering and having fun. I hope it doesnt, but i dont blame you if it changes your mind. Privacy is a big concern for everyone.
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