Attitude Seed Bank Compromized


Well-Known Member
cops are crooked everywhere.everytime you turn on the tv one just killed his wife..ive also been a victim to police corruption.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Jodi DID say that they were changing the shipping methods and packaging. Only country I ever hear of seizures is the USA. Sucks bigtime for you guys.


Well-Known Member
So, you're basically retarded? You really don't understand how currency exchange works? This is how it works on EVERY international shopping site, it's not even rocket science. And yes, in fact, you can make millions doing currency trading, but it's not as easy as you make it sound (otherwise everyone would do it and be rich).

Blame Attitude all you want but in this case you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

If people want to question Attitude, it should be because their payment gateway gets hacked all the time, and weird charges just start showing up on your credit card and you have deal with the bank to get the charges reversed, card canceled, and new card issued.
True. I've had my c-card used in EU for all kinds of crap. The bank covered it though. It's happened twice and I'm pretty sure it was from ordering from the TUde.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
that's because we have a greedy government.afraid their gonna miss out on some goodies.
...Or your government is not greedy enough lol... With us the tax-man runs customs not security forces. Every bloody thing I order from abroad (aside from musical instruments) gets taxed 14 to 15 percent at the point of entry. As long as value is declared it gets taxed and waved on through.

Last 'tude package I had to phone customs after it disappeared off their system. They found it on some slipway or some shit, let me know it was open and they re-packed it for me... PARANOIA. Well... They clearly put their tax bucks above whatever the police think is all I can say. I got such priority service the local guy told me it's the fastest a package had EVER arrived since being scanned as In Transit lol...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
True. I've had my c-card used in EU for all kinds of crap. The bank covered it though. It's happened twice and I'm pretty sure it was from ordering from the TUde.
Now THAT is something I appreciate the heads-up about. Holy balls.


Well-Known Member
mine got hit 3 yrs ago for 3,500..someone booked a flight from Amsterdam to Russia and was bidding on a car ,got the email alert as they were having fun, I like to shit on myself,lol,,all this happened the next day from ordering from rhino seeds. now I use prepaid only or cash,mo.


Well-Known Member
I feel everyone's pain. I've never had a packaged seized by customs from BB or the tude. I would recommend not explaining to every fed, dea, or customs agent( that are keeping 100% track of what goes on in these forums)exactly how they send their stealth shipping and where they are coming thru customs at. Pretty stupid IMO. If your going to do this why don't you just contact customs give them your name, address, and what day you think they should be going thru customs. Unfortunately if there is some guy in Chicago just taking orders(which I doubt) be thankfull that that's all he's doing. Not like they are going to get warrants or anything like that. But if they took the time to send you a famous love letter your name an address would be recorded in their system for having something seized by customs. Unfortunately customs is a federal agency so in their eyes there is no difference between medical states or even cardholders than people in states where it is totally illegal. Just my 2cents.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I feel everyone's pain. I've never had a packaged seized by customs from BB or the tude. I would recommend not explaining to every fed, dea, or customs agent( that are keeping 100% track of what goes on in these forums)exactly how they send their stealth shipping and where they are coming thru customs at. Pretty stupid IMO. If your going to do this why don't you just contact customs give them your name, address, and what day you think they should be going thru customs. Unfortunately if there is some guy in Chicago just taking orders(which I doubt) be thankfull that that's all he's doing. Not like they are going to get warrants or anything like that. But if they took the time to send you a famous love letter your name an address would be recorded in their system for having something seized by customs. Unfortunately customs is a federal agency so in their eyes there is no difference between medical states or even cardholders than people in states where it is totally illegal. Just my 2cents.
I seriously doubt law enforcement needs us to tell them stuff like this. You go and google 'buy marijuana seeds'. Check out the companies doing it that ship to USA. Finding out which ports of entry are used for mail from one town won't be hard for them to do either. Guys, your government is pretty badass about this stuff. Marc Emery ring a bell?

You hear about the few orders getting snagged but how many get through in comparison? It's the old political trick, 'hey we bust this much' regardless that 98 percent of it is coming through.

I wonder what would happen if I asked the 'tude what percentage of their US orders get snagged and have to be re-sent. It really can't be that bad, they never stopped sending there and have been not too concerned about packaging for a long time. They can't be losing much money, think about it.

Matter of fact their change in packaging coincides nicely with SOS opening up again. More motivated by competition and reputation that actual losses I think.


I for one....I have recieved every order I have ever made. Fortunate I guess. I have although, made my last order from or with the Attitude Seed Bank. It is not due to their shipping or anything but their lack of honesty and better discretion. This is all that needs to be said. I have made many orders in the past. There will be no more in the future.


Well-Known Member
...Or your government is not greedy enough lol... With us the tax-man runs customs not security forces. Every bloody thing I order from abroad (aside from musical instruments) gets taxed 14 to 15 percent at the point of entry. As long as value is declared it gets taxed and waved on through.

Last 'tude package I had to phone customs after it disappeared off their system. They found it on some slipway or some shit, let me know it was open and they re-packed it for me... PARANOIA. Well... They clearly put their tax bucks above whatever the police think is all I can say. I got such priority service the local guy told me it's the fastest a package had EVER arrived since being scanned as In Transit lol...
last I looked gas was 3.29 a gallon, there are better benafits here than anywhere else and will deal with wat I have to on seeds.


bud bootlegger
FUCK MAN! you have to be their BEST the cali conn huh?
Tbb they're not all from the tude, but plenty of them are.. and the Cali Cons just happened to be on the top most in the pix, plenty of.other breeders in there..