OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Im sorry lemonking, you are right, i will be more specific in my posts, all i can say is im not here to argue about the rules or the information and ESPECIALLY on this thread, lets keep it all positive k? thanks :) i apologize.

Now. I have made a new thread stating ALL of the rules and guidelines for THIS contest, PLEASE read all of the rules and info if you want to enter...not just some, not a little. READ IT ALL. more info to come guys, thanks :)
no need to apologise! i wasn't looking for an argument at all spesh not with the comp organiser lol, and I apologise if it came across that way!


Active Member
I'm in! And this is going to be a great thread to watch over the next couple months with multiple new grow pics that are similar to our own grow everyday.


we actuallyhave quite a few entries i gonna try to get more but im very happy with the turn out for not telling many people. i have not advertised outside this thread and staff forum. so lets hope :)


Well-Known Member
we actuallyhave quite a few entries i gonna try to get more but im very happy with the turn out for not telling many people. i have not advertised outside this thread and staff forum. so lets hope :)
I've posted the link up in 3 threads that I frequent.......
Just tryin' ta help, since you said advertise.;-)


Well-Known Member
Baka I got my good eye on you my friend.:shock:
Ak,Has asked me to be a judge.....Keep it clean and play fair,Ak is doing alot for you guys!!


Baka I got my good eye on you my friend.:shock:
Ak,Has asked me to be a judge.....Keep it clean and play fair,Ak is doing alot for you guys!!

welcome beech! i think bakatare is a good guy we wont have to worry about him ;) lol

everyone please respect SB420 AND every other judge that is particpating in this contest (any mod and TEKDC911) treat them the same as you would treat me. remember none of us are making anything off of this or getting paid for any of it. I do it to give back to the place the taught me how to live independantly for the rest of my life. nothing more. kindness....and that is what almost every other person making this contest happen is doing it for. we gain nothing from this

have a good day and good luck everyone!
welcome again sb


Well-Known Member
welcome beech! i think bakatare is a good guy we wont have to worry about him ;) lol

everyone please respect SB420 AND every other judge that is particpating in this contest (any mod and TEKDC911) treat them the same as you would treat me. remember none of us are making anything off of this or getting paid for any of it. I do it to give back to the place the taught me how to live independantly for the rest of my life. nothing more. kindness....and that is what almost every other person making this contest happen is doing it for. we gain nothing from this

have a good day and good luck everyone!
welcome again sb
Bro, after you mentioned that all the prizes were coming from your pocket, I don't see any way there would be an issue with respect for you or anybody else running this.
In fact, my respect for you increased.
You must really have a devotion to this forum to come out of pocket to promote a gathering of folks.:clap:


Bro, after you mentioned that all the prizes were coming from your pocket, I don't see any way there would be an issue with respect for you or anybody else running this.
In fact, my respect for you increased.
You must really have a devotion to this forum to come out of pocket to promote a gathering of folks.:clap:

its a little devotion and alot of what i feel is payback.
i could never give as much to this place as it has given to me. its much bigger than that. its not so much the forum as it is the idea of this place the reason it was put here. I keep coming back here because I feel that this place is bigger than me or one person and to be apart of something bigger than myself AND that I feel is for a legit, good cause well i couldnt give enough to that, i am forever indebtted to you and every other legitmate member here.

there arent many things in this life that i feel this way about, therefore i see it as a very sacred and golden thing. thats just my 2 cents and thats not worth much but, its mine.



Well-Known Member
its a little devotion and alot of what i feel is payback.
i could never give as much to this place as it has given to me. its much bigger than that. its not so much the forum as it is the idea of this place the reason it was put here. I keep coming back here because I feel that this place is bigger than me or one person and to be apart of something bigger than myself AND that I feel is for a legit, good cause well i couldnt give enough to that, i am forever indebtted to you and every other legitmate member here.

there arent many things in this life that i feel this way about, therefore i see it as a very sacred and golden thing. thats just my 2 cents and thats not worth much but, its mine.

Cool man.
I know some only come here to derive info.........
One of the things I use forums for is to save time and actually avoid doing research. I feel pretty good about it.
But there are others that come her to learn, share, BS, and just relax or try and help others.
It's nice when a Mod will take time out to spend time, and share with the members, not just be the 'figure that makes us abide by the rules'.
As I mentioned before, this is the first contest I have seen since I started stalking here over a year ago, and I think it's pretty cool.


Cool man.
I know some only come here to derive info.........

But there are others that come her to learn, share, BS, and just relax or try and help others.
It's nice when a Mod will take time out to spend time, and share with the members, not just be the 'figure that makes us abide by the rules'.
As I mentioned before, this is the first contest I have seen since I started stalking here over a year ago, and I think it's pretty cool.

yes. some come just to think they can cheat the system and grow bomb buds in 3 weeks with one paragraph of knowledge on the subject. they quickly find out how wrong they usually are;) as long as this contest goes well there will be more in the future (even if i have to host one or more again) i will make sure of it. i want to keep this site relevant and up to date. by having stickies from 08 doesnt do us much good :(
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