Israel calls Polish ban on ritual slaughter (shechita) ‘totally unacceptable’.


Well-Known Member
I think that's a pretty stupid thing to say. ok yeah technically it might not be stolen, but taking something that isn't yours by force is any better?

seriously put yourself in this position do you own a house or some land? what if I come over and put my foot up your ass and kicked you the fuck off your own property.. would that be fair?

yeah but you are flapping your gums and Australians for doing it, while you have admitted to be doing the same. If i had to label a map of the thoughts inside your brain id put Israel in huge letters right in the middle
You miss the point, Cockle-stone. This IS. It exists. Who can say who's land is who's and who stole what?

It is WE who say, with force of arms. That's why my Deed of TRUST is safe, and the only reason.

In the Mid-East, as we have illustrated, for even the smallest minds, large scale warfare has never stopped in the Levant, back, 15K years and before that.

So, you certainly can't try to crawl up our butts and tell us who owns what land. Land is owned by conquest. That's IT>

BTW, just because the Firsters were the first humans on a prime property, so what? They wandered in and stole it. Or the top predators wiped them out. See it! Didn't that land belong to the inhabitants that needed it for survival?

Humans, proceed to pray upon the stolen land and multiply, such assholes are the shinny monkeys; the top predators reduced and wiped out.

So, you think I'm "for" Israel? I am not. Nor am I against.

You don't get it. All about a smeary right-fight when you can't hold your own land or protect someone else's without these national mutual protection agreements.

Without SEATO, for example, you could not even talk through your ass. Without applying for Australian Nation status, you're penal colonists would be hanged, for what they did. Now you are Citizens, just like us. Shot callers.

All, old sins, erased. But, the problems? Still here, right? The Muslim doesn't see the sins erased by elected Democracy. That is the biggest sin of all, trying to do that. Woops.

WAR> Take land. Lose land. War.

And if you want to try anything, try it.

I'm in a force protection agreement called the US. Constitution and the State of CA.

Insured by Smith and Wesson.


Staff member
photos of dead people are inappropriate dont post them. echelon1k1 youre not yourself tonight i suggest go afk, i did it today when i got too fucking pissed off,

stoned cockatoo

New Member
just because the Firsters were the first humans on a prime property, so what? They wandered in and stole it. Or the top predators wiped them out. See it! Didn't that land belong to the inhabitants that needed it for survival? .
If a group of people were the first to settle on a piece of land and they work off that land and build a culture on that land then anyone who later comes by and destroys that is in the wrong in my mind

And if you want to try anything, try it.

I'm in a force protection agreement called the US. Constitution and the State of CA.

Insured by Smith and Wesson.
this was nearly an answer to my original question. so you have a gun, maybe you have a gun for each hand.. but what if a group of say 20 people who also have guns decide they want your home because they like the view, so they go ahead and just take it and you cant do shit about it or hey will kill you. do you think that is fair or right?

and please don't reply something along the lines of, well my claymore mines will take out the first few crossing the perimeter, I will then pick off at least a dozen more from the sniper position on my roof before finishing off any stragglers in close combat with a throwing knife

Land is owned by conquest. That's IT.
I disagree


New Member
You'd be surprised at how happy I am... Taking the piss outta you is just fun, watching you flail and fail is entertaining, especially when you go all super PC, liberal douchebag... Carry on captain derro...


Well-Known Member
and please don't reply something along the lines of, well my claymore mines will take out the first few crossing the perimeter, I will then pick off at least a dozen more from the sniper position on my roof before finishing off any stragglers in close combat with a throwing knife
do you even doer, bro?



Well-Known Member
If a group of people were the first to settle on a piece of land and they work off that land and build a culture on that land then anyone who later comes by and destroys that is in the wrong in my mind

this was nearly an answer to my original question. so you have a gun, maybe you have a gun for each hand.. but what if a group of say 20 people who also have guns decide they want your home because they like the view, so they go ahead and just take it and you cant do shit about it or hey will kill you. do you think that is fair or right?

and please don't reply something along the lines of, well my claymore mines will take out the first few crossing the perimeter, I will then pick off at least a dozen more from the sniper position on my roof before finishing off any stragglers in close combat with a throwing knife

I disagree
You still seem to think I'm a defender of Israel. If Iran wins, I will be saying, see see, I TOLD YOU.

Say, Cackatookoo, We have movies about kids fighting off enemy paratroopers. We ain't kidding. I don't need claymores. We are protected from any 20 guys and more. I'm an armed citizen and part of the force structure agreement. I have Citizen arrest powers and rights to deadly force, you don't have. You have to defeat America in battle to take my land.

Even if you kill me, someone will be hunting you. You can never have my property, no matter what you do.

You want me to say right, wrong, good, bad, but I don't. We are arrogant that way. So, the reason 20 bikers don't invade my neighborhood is the Long Arm of the Law. And I just happen to have a group of armed men that live around me. Most I don't even know. That's the difference.

All I have to do, is pin them, with fire and maneuver, until my neighbors get the drift. Then we fix em, hold em, and by then SWAT will show up with helicopters.

It is an integrated threat management solution that is our Right. It is quite long standing, but unlike the Swiss, the Militia is optional at this time. But, we are all Minute Men and proud of it, except the whiners we protect.

We stole the land that was stolen and protect it for ourselves just like your daddy's dad's dad.

I wouldn't be starting something. It is serious and goes deep. Nukes. Gases. Space Weapons.

Insured by Mossberg.


New Member
You still seem to think I'm a defender of Israel. If Iran wins, I will be saying, see see, I TOLD YOU.

Say, Cackatookoo, We have movies about kids fighting off enemy paratroopers. We ain't kidding. I don't need claymores. We are protected from any 20 guys and more. I'm an armed citizen and part of the force structure agreement. I have Citizen arrest powers and rights to deadly force, you don't have. You have to defeat America in battle to take my land.

Even if you kill me, someone will be hunting you. You can never have my property, no matter what you do.

You want me to say right, wrong, good, bad, but I don't. We are arrogant that way. So,the reason 20 bikers don't invade my neighborhood is the Long Arm of the Law. And I just happen to have a group of armed men that live around me. Most I don't even know. That's the difference.

All I have to do, is pin them, with fire and maneuver, until my neighbors get the drift. Then we fix em, hold em, and by then SWAT will show up with helicopters.

It is an integrated threat management solution that is our Right. It is quite long standing, but unlike the Swiss, the Militia is optional at this time. But, we are all Minute Men and proud of it, except the whiners we protect.

We stole the land that was stolen and protect it for ourselves just like your daddy's dad's dad.

I wouldn't be starting something. It is serious and goes deep. Nukes. Gases. Space Weapons.

Insured by Mossberg.
I've never known a SWAT team to backup civilians in a SNAFU ;-) unfortunately I wouldn't trust the cops to rock up, shoot the right people.... Oh and we have rights to deadly force, maybe not enshrined in a constitution, but someone breaks into my house to do me or my family harm and they're going to have a problem... The main issues would be disposal and i'm no walter white...


Well-Known Member
I've never known a SWAT team to backup civilians in a SNAFU ;-) unfortunately I wouldn't trust the cops to rock up, shoot the right people.... Oh and we have rights to deadly force, maybe not enshrined in a constitution, but someone breaks into my house to do me or my family harm and they're going to have a problem... The main issues would be disposal and i'm no walter white...
We make the noise they get involved. Can't stop them. Unlawful. That is the Law. Probably won't shoot the wrong people.

IAC, everyone has the right to make the problem disappear. :) What problem?


Active Member
kid atleast bucks married you will die alone. hopefully sooner then later!
Not sure who this was directed at but did you see "her" hands? Sometimes I wonder if buck was cross dressing when the photo was taken. Married to his hand maybe?

You'd be surprised at how happy I am... Taking the piss outta you is just fun, watching you flail and fail is entertaining, especially when you go all super PC, liberal douchebag... Carry on captain derro...
His relentless crying brings a smile to my face as well. Gets me all warm and fuzzy inside. Especially seeing as how his life is a toss up between a website , a book and nbc .

You still seem to think I'm a defender of Israel. If Iran wins, I will be saying, see see, I TOLD YOU.

You want me to say right, wrong, good, bad, but I don't. We are arrogant that way. So, the reason 20 bikers don't invade my neighborhood is the Long Arm of the Law. And I just happen to have a group of armed men that live around me. Most I don't even know. That's the difference.

It is an integrated threat management solution that is our Right. It is quite long standing, but unlike the Swiss, the Militia is optional at this time.
I highly doubt any Americans have to worry about bikers invading their neighborhoods.... If anything they keep the other gangs in check but,
Yes most people don't realize that the israelis coming into their neighborhoods from israel were trained in the israelie army pumped full of zionism.

So when your strong enough are you gonna shoot at the sight of antisemitism ? or are you gonna wait until society has been dumb down some more?


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt any Americans have to worry about bikers invading their neighborhoods.... If anything they keep the other gangs in check but,
Yes most people don't realize that the israelis coming into their neighborhoods from israel were trained in the israelie army pumped full of zionism.

So when your strong enough are you gonna shoot at the sight of antisemitism ? or are you gonna wait until society has been dumb down some more?
It doesn't matter, you too, I can re-disregard.

I cannot stop anyone from temporarily occupying my property, except in a shoot out. And they can run me off, as I practice discretionary valor.

But, they will never have it. The USA will have their asses, I will spit at their trial, if I lived.

So, if the Jews wanted my property, I could not stop them, if i was a stateless mutt Arab. I am not.

"Hie thee home, fragment." W. S. Romeo and Juliette.