Israel calls Polish ban on ritual slaughter (shechita) ‘totally unacceptable’.


Well-Known Member
there is always a correct choice. its either the one you make or the one you look back on and go shit, i should have done that.
For yourself only. You have danced away. You are so far beyond the subject of the War Cult Islam, I am not following you. No choice I make is incorrect, by definition. I make them carefully and live with the result of what I consider right action for me. I reject regret as non-now.

So, let us retire from the dance floor and you tell us what happy and sad faces and making choices have to do with Warlord. Islam is not a religion, still a war cult in most places. When it comes to your town by force, as it does, choice is limited and punished severely so I have no idea what you are attempting to say.

And just because you and I have a spirit bend, I see that as nothing to do with the War Cults.