First attempt, Closet grow


Well-Known Member
lol your plants will double if not treble in size from veg till end of 12/12 ....
Well, the plants will double or triple in HEIGHT...but he said vertical space wont be an issue so Im thinking he'll be alright. The plants will get somewhat wider, but not even close to 2 or 3 times.

Time will tell though...
interested in seeing how ur ladies are looking... guess ill come check tomorrow....... just another reason to browse the site while at work......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Pics at where im at. IM happy to say they are all fem. phew what a relief 2 were regs kerala x skunk all in all im happy so far there looking healthy and clones have new growth have to clean them up a bit just being lazy take of the dead leaves of clones but all have rooted.013.jpg019.jpg014.jpg015.jpg016.jpg017.jpg018.jpg


Well-Known Member
congrats on the confirmed ladies.... what a relief ey. you seem to have everything under control. wd
Thanks ganga yeh so happy really didnt think the kxs would get so big there the ones on ethier side lemon kush and love potion are sitting in the middle. I will try to get close ups on the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ganga yeh big relief now i will just have to learn how to take these babies all the way home flowering umm do i need to know anything special about it ?any input would be great as far as flowering nutes i have potash is there anything elese to get.thats not expensive. I just hate going into the hydro shop to ask questions about tomato food lol.


Well-Known Member
Thank lilroach I will have a look thanks for the tip on the lemon kush. would love some tips on cloning i have read and watched just not sure what path to take:)
First make sure you know the difference between fan leaves and the branch.

Next cut the branch at the stem at a 45 degree angle. At least three inches is good.

snip off all but the top couple leaves and even those you should trim back a little bit. Check youtube for tutorials.

Dip into rooting hormone and insert into wet rooter plug and into plug tray. Put under humidity dome and mist with water. Mist inside of dome. Taller domes are prefered because taller clones work better.

Mist whenever the humidity gets low inside the dome. 85% is good, and dont soak the plugs with water. They need to be moist, not soaked or theyll never root.

at around day ten start introducing more air flow to them slowly and by day 14 they should be ready.

if you see them wilt its because you forgot to mist them for a while. Theyre not dead, just mist them again and keep going. Take extras and dont be afraid to throw them out. Some will inevitably die and some wont be as good as others.


Well-Known Member
First make sure you know the difference between fan leaves and the branch.

Next cut the branch at the stem at a 45 degree angle. At least three inches is good.

snip off all but the top couple leaves and even those you should trim back a little bit. Check youtube for tutorials.

Dip into rooting hormone and insert into wet rooter plug and into plug tray. Put under humidity dome and mist with water. Mist inside of dome. Taller domes are prefered because taller clones work better.

Mist whenever the humidity gets low inside the dome. 85% is good, and dont soak the plugs with water. They need to be moist, not soaked or theyll never root.

at around day ten start introducing more air flow to them slowly and by day 14 they should be ready.

if you see them wilt its because you forgot to mist them for a while. Theyre not dead, just mist them again and keep going. Take extras and dont be afraid to throw them out. Some will inevitably die and some wont be as good as others.
Cheers thanks for the advise I took 19 clones a while back and all have slow but new growth on all of them so it must of worked.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Just some random pics of how the clones are doing first go at them and there all alive and growing.013.jpg014.jpg015.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I have about 2.5ft vert to go on 1 of my plants before it gets to big for my closet the other ones will be ok I hope the strech stops soon been on 12/12 for 14 days on saterday lets hope they stop in the next week everything is still looking great will post pics next day or so. thanks for looking;-)


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, they look great, excited for you mate. p.s All our American friends must be asleep! :)
Thank some times i think you and 1 other look at my grow and thats it but lots of other peeps get look ins I dont know!!!! maby I should go to ICM just a thought i have learned alot from here. And would hate to go to some other site. I quess I im not felling the love. Im so proud of what i have done and thought this would be the place to share. as its my first...........:cuss:


Well-Known Member
No, don't go :). The problem is when we post at say 6pm, its like 4 am in the Us or something. Problem. I think there is (or should be) an Aussie thread!


Well-Known Member
:hug: Just keep keeping on dude. As long as you're getting views, its being appreciated. I mean, Im a serial lurker, and rarely post in someones grow diary...good or bad. There is probably a lot of people like me


Well-Known Member
:hug: Just keep keeping on dude. As long as you're getting views, its being appreciated. I mean, Im a serial lurker, and rarely post in someones grow diary...good or bad. There is probably a lot of people like me
Thanks ganga yeh im bad at that too I troll a crap load lol was just not felling the love its hard as u know you cant tell no one as this lets me show off my girls on this site.Thanks for the positive vibes.;-)