

Instead of having a mother plant could I just clone my veg plants before I put them into flowering?


Well-Known Member
Yea you can clone your plant that way just make sure the plant is healthy your gonna take the cut off of


Well-Known Member
I clone off vegging plants. But you can only clone so many times before the genetics start to get messed up.


Well-Known Member
I clone off vegging plants. But you can only clone so many times before the genetics start to get messed up.
Bullshit. I call it when i see it. Genetics messed up? Maybe yours got messed up but its the same damn plant twenty years from now. What happens is some stoner grows the same lame ass plant for a while and says its dead genetics because its not as good as it once was but its his body building a tolerance to it. But please explain to me how it gets messed up.....


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. I call it when i see it. Genetics messed up? Maybe yours got messed up but its the same damn plant twenty years from now. What happens is some stoner grows the same lame ass plant for a while and says its dead genetics because its not as good as it once was but its his body building a tolerance to it. But please explain to me how it gets messed up.....
Good way to end it I agree its not the strain its the grower 9 times outta 10 unless you got some shit seeds to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Many plants other than cannabis can only reasonably be propagated by cuttings (clones). If the theory of degradation was true, it would show up in countless species. No truth to it whatsoever. Maybe there is a deterioration in the mother plant due to environment if it isn't properly cared for, which in turn might cause a clone to have less vigor.


Well-Known Member
I rarely keep mothers. I grow a few extra plants more than I plan on flowering. When it's time to flower, I take the extra plants and clone them, and take a few extra clones to repeat the process. No loss in vigor unless it's grower error. If you see your plant losing vigor, put it out in the sun for a day or two. For some reason this helps, the sun kick starts the plants immune system. But the genetics are always there and stay the same, unless you have like a 20 thousand year old clone that mutated some how haha