The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
the worst thing bout my mam is when shes moaning, sahe will moan how i dont have a job, how i dont do this that and the next thing, but wont ever give me credit for the shit i do do, like applying for loadsa jobs etc, typical woman fuckin 1 sided story, one of the reasons i need to gtf out of here and do my own thing, but she says ur not just staying here untill you get enough money to move out, WTF completley retarded, but iv given up now i need to gtf


Well-Known Member
i got meself a steak today aint had a decent one in ages was only a 28day mature 500g+ sirloin but fuck im lookin forward to it lol


Well-Known Member
i got meself a steak today aint had a decent one in ages was only a 28day mature 500g+ sirloin but fuck im lookin forward to it lol
i love to beat a steak in with some salt an pepper, along with caramalized onions, u get brown sugar and fry it with the dyced onions, and use it like a sauce over the slow grilled stake, fuckin beautiful


Well-Known Member
moms to love fuked without them lucky tho work when i want got own house kids n what not.....good missis realy even tho i nag bout her lol.....and now i got me fellow grow mate ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what more do i fukin need ay.............oh a bk in 2 lol
the worst thing bout my mam is when shes moaning, sahe will moan how i dont have a job, how i dont do this that and the next thing, but wont ever give me credit for the shit i do do, like applying for loadsa jobs etc, typical woman fuckin 1 sided story, one of the reasons i need to gtf out of here and do my own thing, but she says ur not just staying here untill you get enough money to move out, WTF completley retarded, but iv given up now i need to gtf


Well-Known Member
i got sik to death of eatin steak chickin and fukin rice.....lolif i go out for meal with misis i have a curry lol....
i got meself a steak today aint had a decent one in ages was only a 28day mature 500g+ sirloin but fuck im lookin forward to it lol


Well-Known Member
moms to love fuked without them lucky tho work when i want got own house kids n what not.....good missis realy even tho i nag bout her lol.....and now i got me fellow grow mate ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what more do i fukin need ay.............oh a bk in 2 lol
me and my mam dont get on at all, but i think if i moved out, or if she moved out we would get along way way better than we have been for past 2 years


Well-Known Member
i love to beat a steak in with some salt an pepper, along with caramalized onions, u get brown sugar and fry it with the dyced onions, and use it like a sauce over the slow grilled stake, fuckin beautiful
i like my steak to taste of steak so only salt n pepper, medium pink but no blood with chips/mushrooms n coleslaw n im happy lol


Well-Known Member
Shove some pics of you up arnie :D

was a bird on Jeremy Kyle the other day and the bloke had been away for drug dealing...jezza was about to moan as of he was a street dealer then he came out with I grew a forest worth 5million pounds before he got caught he was making 24k a week or something silly and think jezza knew he was just a kid or idiot. Makes me think though how much is enough?


Well-Known Member
i like my steak to taste of steak so only salt n pepper, medium pink but no blood with chips/mushrooms n coleslaw n im happy lol
nothin better than makin ur owqn chips, i like a medium rare stake, but have been known to like its pinkish sometimes with a lil blood, mushrooms, with caramelized onions ontop or at the side


Well-Known Member
man i was bad on sr today yes got 30g of hash coming to sell on but also opium,crack,oxycontin.clonzepam lol and two free e's from holland as a sample.


Well-Known Member
i think the pic of me fisihing otherday was enuff lol id put pics up but 2 risky lad.....
Shove some pics of you up arnie :D

was a bird on Jeremy Kyle the other day and the bloke had been away for drug dealing...jezza was about to moan as of he was a street dealer then he came out with I grew a forest worth 5million pounds before he got caught he was making 24k a week or something silly and think jezza knew he was just a kid or idiot. Makes me think though how much is enough?


Active Member
Had beef sirloin satay skewers for dinner, the satay was awesome, little spicy kick

Anyway reprobates, night night, time to see if I can get a shag out the missus then snore my head awf

i got meself a steak today aint had a decent one in ages was only a 28day mature 500g+ sirloin but fuck im lookin forward to it lol


Well-Known Member
Had beef sirloin satay skewers for dinner, the satay was awesome, little spicy kick

Anyway reprobates, night night, time to see if I can get a shag out the missus then snore my head awf
u want me to send u some V's maybe then not mr turn over n snore lmao


Well-Known Member
Shove some pics of you up arnie :D

was a bird on Jeremy Kyle the other day and the bloke had been away for drug dealing...jezza was about to moan as of he was a street dealer then he came out with I grew a forest worth 5million pounds before he got caught he was making 24k a week or something silly and think jezza knew he was just a kid or idiot. Makes me think though how much is enough?
id be away in another country living it up with outdoor plants just to do myself, nice little ranch way out with a river nearby for fishing, i dont understand some people who keep upscaling, suppos money is power, and power is addictive, more money = more power. pablo escobar is an example he made so much money spent 2k a month on elastic bands just to hold hish cash together, he was right up there with politicians, and probably had more power/authority over the public than the government.