The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

fucking classic lad, ''gumby i fucking love you'' shadwell army av it


Well-Known Member
all big cunts
im quite small, like a terrier, but when i get pissed i get realy pissed, got another name from school when i got pissed off, they called me wilfred when iw as angry because i was literally a different person.


Well-Known Member
was funny otherday went to me twins cos she wants her fence doing...i got there txt me browinlaw...her bloke sed....brow just caught ya missis with a black bloke, fukin cock like a elephant.....he txt me bk no wonder its felt like shagin a fukin kfc bargin bucket lol me sis went mad lol.....


Well-Known Member
im quite small, like a terrier, but when i get pissed i get realy pissed, got another name from school when i got pissed off, they called me wilfred when iw as angry because i was literally a different person.
u may be able to dance aound me but one i got hold of ya ur fucked kode


Well-Known Member
u may be able to dance aound me but one i got hold of ya ur fucked kode
yah prolly, id prolly kick u in the nuts tho, when me n my big brother fight its usually a few punches from me, dnt seem like they do fuck all, then i get bearhugged, u prolly be able to pop me if u done it

or sleeper hold, id deffo have u on that one, can do it to my brother an hes pretty fit, so no doubt that would have ya, but realisticly, ud prolly have me stamped into teh ground