Have You Ever Gone to the Dentist Medicated and Received Nitrous Oxide?


Well-Known Member
I don't believe so and it'll pry make for a nice ride as well enjoy it! Except what comes after the gas is gonna suck! I HATE GETTING MY TEETH WORKED ON!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't believe so and it'll pry make for a nice ride as well enjoy it! Except what comes after the gas is gonna suck! I HATE GETTING MY TEETH WORKED ON!!!
It's just a cleaning..they have to put me to sleep for anything else..I'm like a dog going to the vet.


Well-Known Member
Is it okay and does being medicated interfere with the nitrous?
i don't think it'll interfere with the nitrous. last time i went to the dentist, (medicated of course) they gave me nitrous but the turned it off when i asked how much it would cost to take the tank home with me.