to the spam, actually our spam filter catches most of it , more than 90% the ones that DO come on the forums, they are removed almost immediately you do get the odd one during night time between 4-7am when most of us mods are sleeping. we are a big site it happens thats spam,
rude users: if you encounter a rude user please use the report post, its impossible to read every single thread ever created on here though we try our best, but things slip by, if users are not helping us by using the report feature we will never know
alternatively if you encounter a rude user directing their rudeness AT YOU do not respond back, many times its takes two to tango the issue couldve been dropped or resolved but the attacked user feels the need to bite back for what reason on the internet i dont know
Trolls: regarding trolls ignore them, they only stay because people go into their threads and speak their 2 cents, if people didnt they would go awya because they have nothing to say
and lastly , we are volunteers all of us work our asses off for the love of the site, we like to give back and while we understand things can be frustrating, you can stick it out , or you can leave thats your choice
and heres my last take on this users only ever make these threads, generally when the OP has encounter a fight on the board somewhere that is the issue 99% of the time
the Elite rolling society is no longer available no one uses it , sorry guys