Drug test

alright so i have a drug test coming up in like 2 - 3 weeks i was wondering how i can smoke like a week before and still pass. im 5'7 120lbs i have a super fast metabolism, very healthy and active. i skate (skateboard) almost everyday, im pretty sure i can sweat out the thc in a week? what are some ways to get rid of thc faster. i dont want anything to just cover it up, i want it all out. any ideas? i know like pickle juice, cranberry, etc .


Well-Known Member
just go to jail and get the damn probation over with .............u send more time jumping tho hoops then u do just locked up for a few months ......once u leave that jail it is over no more anything u done the time the books are even

if it is for a job tell them bite me what i do in my off hours is my own personal biz i am not salary u do not own me
if it is your parnets set them down mom dad i smoke a flower get over it .............u drink a bean and i am not bitching at u

as for drug tests it all depends on the method they use hair/ piss/ blood ...........but sooner or later they start testing for the masking agenet like golden seal ......there is only 2 full proof ways to do it one cost u money ...........the other does damage to the body
1 fake dick clean piss system
2 drink enought water u bypass the kindeies and it empies strait in the bladder


Well-Known Member
2 packets of pectin in a Gatorade drink it. No more fluids, you'll fail for trying to flush your system. The first pee after you drink is dirty the second is clean the third is dirty.... pectin is the only proven way. I don't care to pull links from studies. You can do that (edit if you wish too, do not include thc or anything this has come up a few times maybe I'll look around for the articles)but yea 2 packets

Ah I'm to lazy "Dietary Pectin with High Viscosity Lowers Plasma and Liver Cholesterol Concentration and Plasma Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Activity in Hamsters" .....I'm lame and don't know the link, that's the title of 1 article. Basically is stops lipid absorption..... in theory it may work for blood tests as well


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks is easy work, especially at your weight. I passed a drug test for my last job in five and a half days. Drink lots of water and eat alot of organic fruits and veggies (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis, grapefruit, carrots, asparagus, etc.). Spend a lot of time in a sauna, you could probably do 3-4 days per week in a sauna and easily pass. Take an organic whole foods multivitamin every day for insurance. Exercise a decent amount and mix lemon juice (buy an organic lemon, cut in half, squeeze into cup, mix w/ water) every morning. It helps flush your liver and gets it into detox mode, plus it's loaded with vitamins and minerals. Organic milk thistle capsules would help a lot as well.


Well-Known Member
alright so i have a drug test coming up in like 2 - 3 weeks i was wondering how i can smoke like a week before and still pass. im 5'7 120lbs i have a super fast metabolism, very healthy and active. i skate (skateboard) almost everyday, im pretty sure i can sweat out the thc in a week? what are some ways to get rid of thc faster. i dont want anything to just cover it up, i want it all out. any ideas? i know like pickle juice, cranberry, etc .
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. You will likely go to jail. Suck it up, be a man, and take it in the rear like a champ. You should be fine. A sweetbread like you.. mmm mmm, 5'7 120 pounds of sweet white bread ass... they are gunna love you.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. You will likely go to jail. Suck it up, be a man, and take it in the rear like a champ. You should be fine. A sweetbread like you.. mmm mmm, 5'7 120 pounds of sweet white bread ass... they are gunna love you.
That's fucked up!....lol


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. You will likely go to jail. Suck it up, be a man, and take it in the rear like a champ. You should be fine. A sweetbread like you.. mmm mmm, 5'7 120 pounds of sweet white bread ass... they are gunna love you.

Don't listen to that, county is not like that. Prison on the other hand, if its a max (which you would not be out right now if you were going there) that COULD happen. In normal state pen's don't worry. Just eat everything you can, try to work out and get some size on ya. The key to being avoided is keeping a low profile, don't gamble with canteen, owe anyone anything, and only converse with people that look as though they dont belong in prison, and seem normal. You'll be able to spot aggressors quickly by studying how people talk, and body language. Stay away from them, you'll be fine... If we are even talking about possible incarceration, which I don't think we even are? lol


Well-Known Member
Oh and if your afraid of being in gen pop (which i dont know why but some are) you can find rules to break, that do not get you more time, that they will send you to the box (adseg) for. But mind you, TIME IS LIKE A STAND STILL when you have no one to talk to. When i first went to county I had lots of road rash from an accident, so i had to go to medical (which is a 2 man cell around here on 23/1) I went without a room mate for a total of 3 days and was about to loose my mind! I was having fits of laughing at myself, and talking to myself, and my thoughts were manifesting into some sort of psychosis. It scared the shit out of me.


Well-Known Member
Find a small bottle/container you are comfortable with and have someone who can piss clean fill your bottle. If you smoke on a regular basis you are not going to get rid of thc in a week, no way.


Well-Known Member
If you do go that route. Like fake and real pee it has to bee the right temp, though I've failed to many times with fake pee so I no longer recommend that


Well-Known Member
Figured as much 5'7 120 lbs that likes to skate lol... if you wanna be certain get fake pee next best is pectin. Labs and such know if its synthetic most home tests don't though an inconclusive result is possible but highly unlikely if at the appropriate temp.. pectin is also very reliable my dad currently gets drug tested monthly as his probation mandates I also used it to get my current job...


Active Member
THC metabolites have a 7 day half life. That means that if you stop smoking, in 3 weeks you will have 25% of the THC metabolites that are detectable in your piss right now. A week is not long enough to detox but it can be done in 3 weeks if you drink a lot of water on the day of your test. THC is stored in fat cells so it is possible to starve yourself & do vigourous activities for the first week and eat a high fat diet during the last 2 weeks, all the while abstainibg from toxins. To avoid diluting your piss you can take a creatine supplement which is how the lab determines dilution: creatine levels...some supplements can throw a positive for steroids so read the label carefully to see what's in it.
I have never used pectin or fake/someone else's piss and probly beat a dozen or so of piss tests. There are masking agents available at you local head shop that do work to beat a piss test if it is an EMIT test but if they use a GC/MS or hair follicle test you are fucked. Best thing to do is abstain for as long as possible and drink water on the morning of your test. Never give your first piss of the day. Drink 2 liters of water, piss 2-3 times & then go take the test...good luck


Active Member
just go to jail and get the damn probation over with .............u send more time jumping tho hoops then u do just locked up for a few months ......once u leave that jail it is over no more anything u done the time the books are even

if it is for a job tell them bite me what i do in my off hours is my own personal biz i am not salary u do not own me
if it is your parnets set them down mom dad i smoke a flower get over it .............u drink a bean and i am not bitching at u

as for drug tests it all depends on the method they use hair/ piss/ blood ...........but sooner or later they start testing for the masking agenet like golden seal ......there is only 2 full proof ways to do it one cost u money ...........the other does damage to the body
1 fake dick clean piss system
2 drink enought water u bypass the kindeies and it empies strait in the bladder
Drinking water wont help him at all. and if he gets probation that months of xtra drug tests.

THC is stored in the fat cells soo stop smoking and hope for the best. Unless you buy fake pee or get a clean buddy to pee for you. Good Luck brother.
Drinking water wont help him at all. and if he gets probation that months of xtra drug tests.

THC is stored in the fat cells soo stop smoking and hope for the best. Unless you buy fake pee or get a clean buddy to pee for you. Good Luck brother.
this is an at home drug test, no probation lol


Well-Known Member
Drinking water wont help him at all. and if he gets probation that months of xtra drug tests.

THC is stored in the fat cells soo stop smoking and hope for the best. Unless you buy fake pee or get a clean buddy to pee for you. Good Luck brother.
it is a old trick u drink so much water it shuts the kindeys down for a short time and the water bypasses the kindey so the junk in the blood and body is not flushed out with it

i should know i used it for awhile in my teen years
gallon of cranberry ........then almost 2 gallons of water ...................check with a medical doctor they will tell u it happends but it is really bad for body........your basically inducing kindey failure for a short time


Well-Known Member