need knowledge fast

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Well-Known Member
This is really thew only quote i see that is possibly intended not to help. When you're paying $50 and up for seeds with good genetics you think trail and error makes sense? Or do you think studying up on the endeavor your about to undertake makes sense? You will still have plenty of trail and error even with knowing what you're doing.
Yeah next 50$ you spend you'll be damn sure to do it right. In addition I'd put money on the fact that its a bagseed. I don't know about you but hands on was always the way to go for me. And again I did not say trial and error was the only method of learning, I also said that I have done numerous amounts of research and reading. I also said that I agreed with you on your previous statement. With that said your statement makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
How does that correct me? It proves my point. Plan before you plant, as in research and plan things out, then you plant. Again something easy to comprehend yet you a continue to act like a moron. How does your foot taste considering you just stuck it in your mouth? Consider your self a child and realize you need to grow up.


Well-Known Member
How does that correct me? It proves my point. Plan before you plant, as in research and plan things out, then you plant. Again something easy to comprehend yet you a continue to act like a moron. How does your foot taste considering you just stuck it in your mouth? Consider your self a child and realize you need to grow up.
You do realize that your brand of bullshitting doesn't work in forums where people can scroll back and see what was said right? But I'm the moron:roll:


Well-Known Member
Lmao..... Grow the fuck up! If your capable of reading then take another look at what I wrote. You quoted me saying plan before you plant in addition to that I specifically said I didnt wan't to fight with your childish ass. So do as you said scroll back through the forum and take a look again... How does your foot taste?


Well-Known Member
The first five post said "read before seed", in effect ,and your retarded ass chimed in with "I dissagree completely" what does that mean dipshit? I'll tell you what it means,it means you disagree with reading about it before you sprout. then you said "plan before you plant" which means what? "oh i think ill put um over there" ?then you said "Trial and error is THE BEST way to learn" so, its check and mate here, douche bag.


Well-Known Member
somebody shoot this thread.lets all go back to the computer and burn.we are all family here lets keep it tight. loveeeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
Yeah about the fact that he should not jump into growing you fucking cock jockey. Right after I said I disagree I said I agree with the fact that he should PLAN BEFORE HE PLANTS. Which later I explained meant doing some research. Obviously your incapable of comprehending this. Again YOU look like a moron. What you are trying to argue is pointless and your wrong. Your basically trying to tell me what I meant. I don't give a fuck how it appeared to your arrogant self. Who the fuck are you to tell me what I meant? Especially when its clearly fucking typed.... Stupid people I swear


Well-Known Member
I would like to apologize for the name calling. If you actually read my posts you will see my intentions where only good until you jumped at me. If you'd like to man up maybe we can put this behind us ans stop acting childish. Whata ya say?


Well-Known Member
damn,,for something that was over on page 2 it sure is taking a while to draw to a close...oh well better put on some more popcorn and get a soda..and have a pipe.

sits back watching with interest...;-D


Well-Known Member
I would like to apologize for the name calling. If you actually read my posts you will see my intentions where only good until you jumped at me. If you'd like to man up maybe we can put this behind us ans stop acting childish. Whata ya say?
Sure, we can put it behind us, whenever you're done embarrassing yourself:hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm not the one trying to keep this argument going nor where any of my statements false. With that said I feel very comfortable in my position and I promise you that does not include embarrassment for me in anyway. ;)

Peace hater


Well-Known Member
I'm not the one trying to keep this argument going nor where any of my statements false. With that said I feel very comfortable in my position and I promise you that does not include embarrassment for me in anyway. ;)

Peace hater
you initiated arguments with two posters in this thread you can call me a hater but you're a hmmmmmm (someone who adds no value to a thread and tries to argue alot and spews derogatory nonsense ) Ah a troll, that's it.


Well-Known Member
you initiated arguments with two posters in this thread you can call me a hater but you're a hmmmmmm (someone who adds no value to a thread and tries to argue alot and spews derogatory nonsense ) Ah a troll, that's it.

That's funny because I believe YOU started with me when you TRIED to belittle me in your first pointless comment when you referred to me as having no knowledge to begin with and a few other smart ass remarks... I replied with a polite response and you continued to reply with your POINTLESS (FOR THE FUCKING RECORD) remarks... Second I only said what I did to shame because of the way he "helped" when he did not even mention the GROW FAQ. Again why treat some one like shit when your trying to get them to learn from you. Then this sparked your prissy little temper. Finally I tried numerous times to end your childish argument that was clearly going no where as you are obviously wrong. You quote me numerous times only proving my points and making yourself look like a moron. I tried to change the subject numerous time by giving the thread starter advice and opinions. I also tried explaining to your overly small brain that this is CHILDISH and POINTLESS! Yet STILL you continue to reply with smart ass remarks (half of which make no sense) that only dig yourself deeper and deeper making yourself look stupid and proving everything I have stated to be true. Just stfu kid. You are getting NO where.
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Well-Known Member
That's funny because I believe YOU started with me when you TRIED to belittle me in your first pointless comment when you referred to me as having no knowledge to begin with and a few other smart ass remarks... I replied with a polite response and you continued to reply with your POINTLESS (FOR THE FUCKING RECORD) remarks... Second I only said what I did to shame because of the way he "helped" when he did not even mention the GROW FAQ. Again why treat some one like shit when your trying to get them to learn from you. Then this sparked your prissy little temper. Finally I tried numerous times to end your childish argument that was clearly going no where as you are obviously wrong. You quote me numerous times only proving my points and making yourself look like a moron. I tried to change the subject numerous time by giving the thread starter advice and opinions. I also tried explaining to your overly small brain that this is CHILDISH and POINTLESS! Yet STILL you continue to reply with smart ass remarks (half of which make no sense) that only dig yourself deeper and deeper making yourself look stupid and proving everything I have stated to be true. Just stfu kid. You are getting NO where.
you know you remind me of that old joke
the worst part about being in the special Olympics is
Even if you win you're still retarded
so i'll let you win because apparently YOU at least believe what your saying, what a tool hahaha


Well-Known Member
anybody here gonna help this guy or are you ladies gonna keep waving your egos all day? WTF is wrong with all of you? in the time you have bickered you could have supplied the guy with some useful info. you all SUCK!!!!!

hahhahahahahhahahaaha, ....................................... seriously though.


Well-Known Member
anybody here gonna help this guy or are you ladies gonna keep waving your egos all day? WTF is wrong with all of you? in the time you have bickered you could have supplied the guy with some useful info. you all SUCK!!!!!

hahhahahahahhahahaaha, ....................................... seriously though.
in the time you spent being our mommy you could have supplied him from your vast wealth of knowledge too:hump:


Active Member
Alright so here is the deal, read before seed is generally a good idea but considering you already germed the babies you don't really have many options. I too like yourself tried growing before reading, and somehow ended up with a marijuana plant growing out of a pot i used as an ashtray no joke. The plant died and i started reading. The most important thing i learned from my little ashtray plant was to read and ask for help, but not dumb help as people respond to posts as frosty and notorious have. What you should really do is find a spot that gets as much sunlight as possible during the day and especially during the morning. You will also want to read up on soil mixtures as i believe you are growing outdoors, but using pots? next start a grow journal, get as many people to help as possible, post many pictures, and be specific. You seem quite behind but luckily there is some good in this world and im sure if you gave a more specific question you couldn't find an answer to, people would be more than willing to help. Anyway good luck with the grow, you only have your first grow once so enjoy it, but don't enjoy your plant to death as many do!
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