

New Member
So i was thinking about just grabbing a typical pool filter. Wondering what everybody else here recommends for filters.. after this recent algae problem i just had i am defintaly in the market for a good filter.
Not so much that i think itll solve the algae i just need to keep the nozzles clean.


New Member
I guess i should rephrase this .. is it a bad idea? do you guys use a filter between the pump and the manifold or should i be okay as long as i keep the water temp right/light out in the res and change the water once a week?


New Member
To be honest im not even sure ill need it now that ive been really thinking about it. I really starting to wonder how much res water im auctially going to go through doing a 1 sec - 2 sec on with .50 micron nozzles. with the heat of the light it might even evaporate before it gets back to the resevoir. Hopefully someone else reads this that knows?

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
+1 for the DM Fit filters if you're using 1/4"
They do work good for HPA and come in multiple different mesh
If you run drain to waste... i wouldn't bother

Cheers Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
beneficial bacteria i thought that was only soil grows? no bacteria in my coco/perlite well dnt think so lol..


Well-Known Member
+1 for the DM Fit filters if you're using 1/4"
They do work good for HPA and come in multiple different mesh
If you run drain to waste... i wouldn't bother

Cheers Jimmy.
it comes in 3/8 and 1/2 inch as well. but you must buy a seperate 200mesh filter for the 1/2 inch assembley

oh and its 60micron not 75micron