The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Put wet tissue in the bottom half of the bottle, put the clone in, then I put a bit of tape across the top of the bit of bottle ur clones in so if u tip it upside down it won't fall out, bit more damp tissue tape the bottle together and ur good to go. I usually put a few bottles in a box or something


Well-Known Member
that shud do the job m8, just remember post it last post of the day so its in the mail as short a time as possible
I've known them to survive 4 or so days in the package. I don't bother packing around the leaves, if you've got the jiffy packed in the bottom half of the bottle then it won't move anyway


Well-Known Member
u want a small bottle and you need to pack it in tight with tissue, then i dont always do it but if the envolope has alot of space left after you put the bottles in pack that space out with newspaper to stop em moving about in the envolope.


Well-Known Member
Cheers lads right what I'm gonna do is cut the bottle in half put a little coco in the bottom put the clone in ram it with damp tissue all around the jiffy cello tape it all secure so it don't budge . Then cello tape the rest of the bottle on and bobs ya uncle Yeh?

Oh and I'll do it 2morra night OK mate


Well-Known Member
actually best clones i received was from jimmygreenfingers who ice scared off beggin for clones lmao they wasnt in bottles.


Well-Known Member
Cheers lads right what I'm gonna do is cut the bottle in half put a little coco in the bottom put the clone in ram it with damp tissue all around the jiffy cello tape it all secure so it don't budge . Then cello tape the rest of the bottle on and bobs ya uncle Yeh?
and send special delivery its 6quid yes but the best way to send clones


Well-Known Member
actually best clones i received was from jimmygreenfingers who ice scared off beggin for clones lmao they wasnt in bottles.
shutup prik! he fucked of for other reasons, he offered and then vanished? anwyays na he used them 4 pint ilk bottles and shoved the plant in the bottom taped backtogther and whoola

anwyays if i remeber rite it was YOU who scared him off CUNT!


Well-Known Member
i can unencrypted pgp messages easy now, fuck fuck fuck should have brought that label printer last wk but thought why bother with no stock......

now i got a shitload of some of the best gear you will smoke but carnt list it without a label printer.


Well-Known Member
shutup prik! he fucked of for other reasons, he offered and then vanished? anwyays na he used them 4 pint ilk bottles and shoved the plant in the bottom taped backtogther and whoola

anwyays if i remeber rite it was YOU who scared him off CUNT!

i rang you today on ya home number bout 3oclock didnt answer ya wanker........