Puney, Wavey new growth in veg?


Active Member
I'm just concerned about this tiny, wavy, crumpled little yellowing new growth that is happening all over the plant. Previously in a week leaves would go from a new set developing from node to 2 inch long prong leaves wide as a finger. Now a week gets me those little..... Toothpicks.
Its as though something is preventing them from growing wide and straight long leaves, and nothing has changed in the grow area.
Could constant high humidity (60%) cause this to occur? Or perhaps a combination of root lock, high humidity and regular 10 degree temp swings between 75 and 85?
Everything was dark green and big, long healthy leaves on all plants until recently. I worried for my girls, any constructive advice?
They are 7-8 in tall in 6 in dia pot, im going to transfer them to another pot today.



Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them if anything?

How old?

WHat size pot?

Soil? what brand?

lights? distance from plants?

water source? "hard" or "soft" water?
Looks like nitrogen abundance....

Ph water according to your medium Hydro/Soil... Then flush

This is fairly easy to fix


Well-Known Member
Coco or pro mix? Looks like fast draining not organic potting soil. Id say slow down on watering and let them grow. They look green so id say nutes are good. They seem to have new growth happening so id figure you over watered early and noe their takin it better. Keep it up and maybe you figured out the curve m8.


Active Member
It kinda worked itself out when i transplanted from the 2 gal. containers they were in to 3.8 gal containers.
Its Miracle Grow SHIT soil, and she wasnt on any nutes at the time but currently on FF Grow Big.
Lights 150w hps 2 inches from top. 2+ ft tall at 2nd week of flower, vegged for 5 weeks. I feed them distilled water at an unknown Ph.
Temps 77 lights off 83 lights on. Rh 50-60%.


Active Member
what are you feeding them if anything?

How old?

WHat size pot?

Soil? what brand?

lights? distance from plants?

water source? "hard" or "soft" water?
Half of that info was in the initiall post if you bothered to read it, but look at the post above for further details.