Is it slows down real bad ?


Well-Known Member
Yo onTime ! listen mate , I got a problem now .. with all this floros I made an a envirmonent like 400 hps, atleast, at 50cm * 1m * 2m height closet .. got 2 ventas thow (in and out) .. but I dont think they would help with all this heat (its like 32 degrees outside) .. the girl begins to burn out .. Im going to put another fan inside witch will push the air up the closet and get it out by the venta ..
PLS .. if you got any ideas .. god bless you .


Well-Known Member
Yh have a fan faces from the other siide of the plant and blowing air tough the plant at the light and have a small hole at the top as heat rises


Well-Known Member
Dude, ur a scrub. Ur plants are Begging for an HID!!!! Fuck CFLS they dont even begine to compaire to HIDs!!! I promise that if u put a 1000 watt hps in ur grown room u will get at the least Double!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok southernoregonorganic Quit your preaching you dumb fuck
cfls are a safe one for thosse who cant use a hps coz of the heat


Well-Known Member
haha nice thread man. and dont let southernoreganorganic say that shit. your no scrub. i grow with cfls cuz i cant afford a hps ballast. got a bulb but no ballast. how is your plant doing by the way? looks green healthy and the white hairs are gonna start building up day by day. its a fuckin koo thing to watch grow day by day. got harvest pics in my thread... check them out. gonna be startiing another thread on an unknown chronic seed.=] hope all goes well with you bro.



Well-Known Member
Dude, ur a scrub. Ur plants are Begging for an HID!!!! Fuck CFLS they dont even begine to compaire to HIDs!!! I promise that if u put a 1000 watt hps in ur grown room u will get at the least Double!!!
Listen HIP god .. I`ve already bought a HP bulb and shit .. wanted to put it badly .. but it will cook her down .. for sure .. it would of save me a lot of problem with those cfls ... But as long as she grows I`m happy .. VERY HAPPY ! :) and I spoke to her yesterday and she`s also happy !
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Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];950981 said:
haha nice thread man. and dont let southernoreganorganic say that shit. your no scrub. i grow with cfls cuz i cant afford a hps ballast. got a bulb but no ballast. how is your plant doing by the way? looks green healthy and the white hairs are gonna start building up day by day. its a fuckin koo thing to watch grow day by day. got harvest pics in my thread... check them out. gonna be startiing another thread on an unknown chronic seed.=] hope all goes well with you bro.

Yo mate .. shes doing great .. didn't have enough time to take care of her yesterday .. working a lot .. and missed her daytime .. :( .. tomorrow I`ll update with photos ..
Last time I`ve checked her there was 1 bud turning red .. ( ?hehe? ) :peace:


Well-Known Member
Listen HIP god .. I`ve already bought a HP bulb and shit .. wanted to put it badly .. but it will cook her down .. for sure .. it would of save me a lot of problem with those cfls ... But as long as she grows I`m happy .. VERY HAPPY ! :) and I spoke to her yesterday and she`s also happy !
haha good one=]

Yo mate .. shes doing great .. didn't have enough time to take care of her yesterday .. working a lot .. and missed her daytime .. :( .. tomorrow I`ll update with photos ..
Last time I`ve checked her there was 1 bud turning red .. ( ?hehe? ) :peace:
well thats kool man. eextra darkness.... cant wait to see an update.=]= and well some of the hairs are aready going amber? thats weird....:evil:
i just harvested. check that shit out in my signature.=]


Well-Known Member
Your buds are lookin tasty man ! update with the taste .. :)
Foget the red bud I was talkin bout .. I was over excited or had flashbacks .. :) its not there anymore .. lol
So .. she had fried for a bit , the floros were too close .. But I pampered her today .. changed the water and added a nice fan at the bottom of the plant .. So I guess tommorow she`ll be better ..
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Well-Known Member
SoMe updates : .. Day 20 .. (for sure !) :)
Her leaves got a few burns and curved down a bit .. The problem was solved with an extra fan .. (I hope .. !) .. and moved the floros aside a little .. :roll:


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Well-Known Member
So Today I got pretty fucked ! I checked the temps and it was almost 40c inside ! .. just took out a few bulbs .. will try to find a small air condioner or somehin .. but pretty lost now ..
got any ideas guys ?


Well-Known Member
well. how does she look? i heard if it gets really cold your leafs will go purple and the buds too. maybe you should keep her like that for alil bit and see if anything happeneds. i would risk it. im not sure about you would tho. it would be sick if you got her purple=]


Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];961677 said:
well. how does she look? i heard if it gets really cold your leafs will go purple and the buds too. maybe you should keep her like that for alil bit and see if anything happeneds. i would risk it. im not sure about you would tho. it would be sick if you got her purple=]

She looks dry man ! .. The summer is hell in here .. I meant 40C man .. its more then 100 F !! .. so I bet she wont get purple .. lol .. yellow maybe ..
I`ll try to keep her breathing these couple of days .. ( going to be even hotter ) .. update you soon .. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I guess now i have to wire up the 1000w HPS .. :)
Yeh bro, you may wanna watch it with that HPS 1000 watt'er. Just today/yesterday ya said that she looked a lil dry. Make sure you add that bulb after you give her water, otherwise she will suck up what little water that is in the pot quickly and die. I have had a situation were I did that very thing. I had her vegg and 2 week flower with CFL's and then threw in the 600 watt HPS and in literally 1 day I cooked her. So if you do add that 1000 watt'er then water her down first. You'll be good. Otherwise she lookin good, what day flower you on?


Well-Known Member
Yeh bro, you may wanna watch it with that HPS 1000 watt'er. Just today/yesterday ya said that she looked a lil dry. Make sure you add that bulb after you give her water, otherwise she will suck up what little water that is in the pot quickly and die. I have had a situation were I did that very thing. I had her vegg and 2 week flower with CFL's and then threw in the 600 watt HPS and in literally 1 day I cooked her. So if you do add that 1000 watt'er then water her down first. You'll be good. Otherwise she lookin good, what day flower you on?
The HPS was a joke on before .. I`ll just try to keep the temps at "normal" level .. no more bulbs for now .. lol
Shes at day 23 .. :peace:
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