The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
First off asshole I will accept gobby as I do stand my ground but I aint no fuckin dog so don't need trained and as for the rest of the pish u spoutin I'd go see a doctor cause sure sounds like u banged ure head real hard and woke up in the wrong fuckin centuary I hate to tell u its 2013 not 1953
shhh dont want my gf reading that she might get ideas and start wanting to rebel lol


Well-Known Member
Evening boys and girl :)
think I'm gonna book another trip to dam for November, gonna go for 4 nights tho this time, 2 days jus don't cut it!
m8 i went for 4 nights in january and spent a fucking fortune, over 250quid on smoke alone, think next time im gonna go for 2 days to try give my wallet a break


Well-Known Member
m8 i went for 4 nights in january and spent a fucking fortune, over 250quid on smoke alone, think next time im gonna go for 2 days to try give my wallet a break
careful gary sounds like a confession that does lol, on smoke alone....the rest was spent on food im sure :weed:


Well-Known Member
m8 i went for 4 nights in january and spent a fucking fortune, over 250quid on smoke alone, think next time im gonna go for 2 days to try give my wallet a break
Yeah I went in January for 2 nights, it fucking flew by tho. And I kno what u mean about spending a shed load. 7 euros a pint! What the fucks that about!


Well-Known Member
cor i feel for garry in some ways, nothing worse than a gobby woman....on the other hand he has himself to blame for not training her well. you have to put your time in with slaves to get the best out of em...also dont let your emotions get in the way, you must remember you are a man and deserve your clothes washed and ironed aswell as dinner ready...and refuse to accept any less and no microwave dinners for christ sake.
this boy was askin me for acid earlier, now he comes out with this shit, are you demented or summit woman as slaves?